Benchmark Appli cations Todor S tefanov and E d Deprettere Leiden Embedded Rese arch Cen ter, Leid en Ins titute of Advanced Computer S cience Le iden U niversity, The Nethe rlands Agenda Intr oduction to the c urrent benchmar k su ite Brief re porting on the experiences w ith the benchmark appl ications Iuliana Bacivarov ( 10 m in) Todor Stef anov ( 10 min) Bastian Ristau (10 min) Discussion Todor Stefanov – Map2M PSoC workshop 29.06.2009 2Benchmark Suite Common se t of benchmark applications is mi ssing in the MP SoC community The issue was d iscussed at the M ap2 MPS oC wor king meeting on November 27-28, 200 8 in Dusseldor f Man y application s are available BUT They are in sequential form The M PSoC community ne eds parallel application specifications Decision made at the meet ing To in itiate th e cre ation o f an application benchmark s uit for MPS oC To c reate a com mon re pository where interested parties can u pload a pplications f or t he ben chmark suite To m ake the be nchmark su ite available on Int ernet Todor Stefanov – Map2M PSoC workshop 29.06.2009 3Current C ontent of B enchmark S uite The benc hmark s uit i s ava ilable o n Internet at ist- embedded.or g/art ist/Benchm ml It cons ists of 8 appli cations contr ibuted by 3 universities U Leiden (Todor S tefanov) Motio n JPEG encoder JPEG 2000 encoder Sobel TU Ei ndhoven (Marc Geilen) MP3 H.263 en coder H.263 ...
Benchmark Applications Todor Stefanov and Ed DeprettereLeiden Embedded Research Center, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer ScienceLeiden University, The Netherlands
AgendaIntroduction to the current benchmark suite Brief reporting on the experiences with the benchmark applicationsIuliana Bacivarov (10 min)Todor Stefanov (10 min)Bastian Ristau (10 min)DiscussionoTodrtSfenavo–aM2pPMoSCowkrhspo92.60.02902
Benchmark SuiteCommon set of benchmark applications is missing in the MPSoC communityThe issue was discussed at the Map2MPSoC working meeting on November 27-28, 2008 in DusseldorfMany applications are available BUTThey are in sequential form The MPSoC community needs parallel application specificationsDecision made at the meetingTo initiate the creation of an application benchmark suit for CoSPMTo create a common repository where interested parties can upload applications for the benchmark suiteTo make the benchmark suite available on InternetoTodrtSfenavo–aM2pPMoSCowkrhspo92.60.02903
Current Content of Benchmark SuiteThe benchmark suit is available on Internet at consists of 8 applications contributed by 3 universitiesU Leiden (Todor Stefanov)Motion JPEG encoderJSPobEeGl2000encoderTU Eindhoven (Marc Geilen)3PMHH..226633edneccooddeerrETH Zurich (Iuliana Bacivarov)MMJPPEEGG-2ddeeccooddeerroTodrtSfenavo–aM2pPMoSCowkrhspo92.60.02904
seYseYseYseYseYseYeYsCCFeatures of the applicationsoSlebJPEG 2000 encoderApplicationMotion JPEG encoderformatCfullyfunc.formatYesC++forYAPIXML for DaedalusC++ YAPIXML for DaedalusC++ YAPIXML for DaedalusXML for SDF3XML for SDF3XML for SDF3XML and C for DOLXML and C for DOLSequentialSpecParallelSpecLicensefullyfunc.MoCYesKPNCPLYesKPNCPLYesKPNCPLYesKPNCPLYesKPNCPLYesKPNCPLNoSDFGPLNoSDFGPLNoSDFGPLYesKPNETHZYesKPNETHZCCCCC3PMH.263 encoderH.263 decoderMPEG 2 decoderMJPEG decoder…lanoitcnufylluferascepslellarapllatoNstamrofLMXtnereffidnierascepslellarapllA)CoM(noitatupmocfosledomwolf-atadnwonkllewesuscepslellarapllAsnoitacilppa)wolf-atad(gnimaertserasnoitacilppallA:snoitavresboemoS59002.60.92pohskrowCoSPM2paM–vonafetSrodoT
boSleApplications contributed by U Leiden Sobel (edge detection) only task-level parallelism JPEG2000 (encoder) mainly task-level parallelism Motion JPEG (encoder) task-level and data-level parallelismoTodrtSfenavo–aM2pPMoSCowkrsMGEPJohp92.60.0290JPEG20006
CMEMMPmCCn…PICCmMCMCPmCC1…PICC1MEMMCMany alternative platform instances can be constructed fast and easily by instantiating different type/number of components and setting their parameters. Programmable processors Hardware IP Cores Memory Components: Program, Data (on-chip and external) Memory (MEM) Communication Memory (CM) Point-to-point network Crossbar switch Shared bus with Round-Robin, Fixed Priority, or TDMA arbitration Communication Components:MP-SoC platform considered Processing Components:79002.60.92pohskrowCoSPM2paM–vonafetSrodoTezinorhcnysdnatcennocotwohselurdenifedllew+stnenopmocfoyrarbilmroftalPstnenopmocnoitacinummocdna,yromem,gnissecorpneewtebecafretni–)CC(rellortnoCnoitacinummoC
Parallel Spec in XML Daedalus format Daedalus design framework is available at http://daedalus.liacs.nlNetwork Topology Specification in XMLoTodrtSfenavo–aM2pPMoSCowkrhsND_0OP1ED_0po92.60.02901_DEIPI1P2ND_1OPO1P2ED_2IP1ND_29
Parallel Spec in XML Daedalus format Process Control Code Specification in XML (1) 019002.60.92pohskrowCoSPM2paM–vonafetSrodoTi*1j*0i2##0*N#0*M-20,-1*i#0*j#0*N#1*M#00,0*i#1*j#0*N#0*M-2100j0N0Mc-o2nst100001-20sig1n1i1-1002£i£M,£i£M,-20,2£j£N,-i#M0,j-210j-210j-210CONTROLDAER_DE1IP2OP1ND_0OP1ED_0IP1ND_1OP2ED_2IP1ND_2EXECUTE9 Transformer( in_0, out_0);10 if( -j+N-1 >= 0 ) 11 write( OP1, out_0 );ETIRW12 if( j-N == 0 ) {13 write( OP2, out_0 );14 }// for j15}// main1 // process ND_12void main( ) {3 for( int i=2; i<=M; i++ ) 4 for( int j=2; j<=N; j++ ) {5 if( j-2 == 0 ) 6 read( IP1, in_0 ); 7 if( j-3 >= 0 ) 8 read( IP2, in_0 );
Parallel Spec in XML Daedalus format Process Control Code Specification in XML (2)oTodrtSfenavo–aM2pPMoSCowkrhsosig1n1i1-100p92.60.0290j001N000M010co--n2021s1t