European foreign policy towards the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1993 [Elektronische Ressource] : an analysis of european foreign policy tools / von Meghan Marie Davis









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European Foreign Policy towards the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1993. An Analysis of European Foreign Policy Tools Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades doctor philosophiae (Dr. phil.) vorgelegt dem Rat der Fakultät für Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena von Meghan Marie Davis, M.Pol. geboren am 18. März 1980 in Jamestown, Nord-Dakota/ USA Gutachter 1. Professor Dr. Helmut Hubel, Jena 2. PD Dr. Markus Kaim, Berlin __________________________________________________ Tag des Kolloquiums: 5. Februar 2009 __________ To Grandpa John and Grandma Nat, to Mom and Dad, and to Christian for giving me the opportunity to be an eternal student Many thanks are also accorded to Professor Dr. Hubel and PD Dr. Kaim for their support throughout my university studies in Jena as well as their words of encouragement over the years and patience in the completion of this study. __________ Table of Contents i List of Abbreviations iv List of Figures and Tables vii I. Introduction 1 II. „European‟ Foreign Policy 15 1. Conceptualizing „European‟ Foreign Policy 16 1.1 „European‟ Foreign Policy 17 1.2. The „European‟ Foreign Policy System 21 1.2.1 Community Foreign Policy 23 1.2.2 Union Foreign Policy 27 1.2.3 Member State Foreign Policy 32 2.
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01 janvier 2009

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European Foreign Policy
towards the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1993.
An Analysis of European Foreign Policy Tools


zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades

doctor philosophiae (Dr. phil.)

vorgelegt dem Rat der Fakultät für Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften
der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
von Meghan Marie Davis, M.Pol.
geboren am 18. März 1980 in Jamestown, Nord-Dakota/ USA

1. Professor Dr. Helmut Hubel, Jena
2. PD Dr. Markus Kaim, Berlin

Tag des Kolloquiums: 5. Februar 2009


To Grandpa John and Grandma Nat,
to Mom and Dad,
and to Christian
for giving me the opportunity to be an eternal student

Many thanks are also accorded to Professor Dr. Hubel and PD Dr. Kaim
for their support throughout my university studies in Jena
as well as their words of encouragement over the years
and patience in the completion of this study.

__________ Table of Contents i
List of Abbreviations iv
List of Figures and Tables vii

I. Introduction 1

II. „European‟ Foreign Policy 15
1. Conceptualizing „European‟ Foreign Policy 16
1.1 „European‟ Foreign Policy 17
1.2. The „European‟ Foreign Policy System 21
1.2.1 Community Foreign Policy 23
1.2.2 Union Foreign Policy 27
1.2.3 Member State Foreign Policy 32
2. Analyzing „European‟ Foreign Policy 37
2.1 Theoretical Approaches to Analyzing „European‟ Foreign Policy 37
2.2 European Foreign-Policy-Making 43
2.2.1 Supranational Features of European Foreign Policy-Making 45
2.2.2 Intergovernmental Features
of European Foreign Policy-Making 54
2.3 The Nature of European Foreign Policy-Making 60
3. European Foreign Policy Tools 65
3.1 Community Foreign Policy Tools 66
3.1.1 Agreements with Third Countries 67
3.1.2 The Offer of EU Membership 70
3.1.3 Financial Assistance and Humanitarian Aid 73
3.1.4 Promoting Regional Cooperation 77
3.1.5 Electoral Support 79
3.2 Union Foreign Policy Tools 81
3.2.1 CFSP Instruments 82
3.2.2 Declarations and Demarches 84
3.2.3 Political Dialogue 85
3.2.4 Sanctions 87
3.2.5 Sending Special Representatives 89
3.2.6 ESDP Missions 92
Table of Contents ii

III. The Context of European Engagement in the Arab-Israeli Conflict 96
1. The Evolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 96
2. The Role of External Actors in the Arab-Israeli Conflict 103
3. The Limitations to European Engagement 108
2.1 The Israeli Position towards the EU 109
2.2 The Arab/ Palestinian Position towards the EU 112
2.3 The U.S. Position towards EU Engagement 113

IV. European Policy towards the Arab-Israeli Conflict 116
1. „European‟ Policy towards the Arab-Israeli Conflict before 1970 116
1.1 French Middle East Policy 117
1.2 British Middle East Policy 119
1.3 German Middle East Policy 120
2. The Development of a Common Middle East Policy within the EPC 123
2.1 The First Attempt: The Schumann Document of 1971 124
2.2 The First Official Common Declaration: Yom Kippur
and the Oil Crisis of 1973 126
2.3 The Euro-Arab Dialogue 130
2.4 The Venice Declaration of June 1980 132
2.5 The Disappearance of a Common European Policy 135
2.6 Upheavals in the Middle East and Europe 139
2.7 Europe and the Madrid Peace Process 140
3. European Policy towards the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1993 144
3.1 The EU and the Peace Process 146
3.2 Breakdown in the Peace Process: EU Member States „Go It Alone‟ 153
3.3 Crisis in the Middle East: An Increasing Political Role for the EU? 161
3.4 A Window of Opportunity in the Peace Process
and a New Role for the EU? 174
3.5 Member State Policy towards the Arab-Israeli Conflict 177
3.5.1 French Policy 178
3.5.2 British Policy 181
3.5.3 German Policy 185
Table of Contents iii
V. European Foreign Policy Tools and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1993 189
1. Community Foreign Policy Tools 189
1.1 Agreements/ Contractual Relations with the Conflicting Parties 190
1.2 The Offer of EU Membership 198
1.3 Financial Assistance and Humanitarian Aid 204
1.3.1 Assistance from 1994-2000 205
1.3.2 Assistance in the Wake of the Intifada 214
1.3.3 Assistance after the Hamas Victory of 2006 220
1.4 Promoting Regional Cooperation 224
1.4.1 Regional Economic Development Working Group 224
1.4.2 The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership 228
1.5 Electoral Support 234
2. Union Foreign Policy Tools 239
2.1 CFSP Agreements with the Conflicting Parties 239
2.2 Declaratory Policy 242
2.3 Political Dialogue 245
2.4 Sanctions 250
2.5 The Special Representative 252
2.6 ESDP Missions 257

VI. Conclusion 263

VII. Works Cited 273
1. Primary Sources 273
2. Secondary Sources 290

VIII. Appendix 313
1. CFSP Joint Actions on the Middle East Peace Process, 1993-2007 313
2. CFSP Common Positions on the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1993-2007 315
3. CFSP Declarations on the Arab-Israeli-Conflict, 1993-2007 316
4. Demarches to the Parties of the Arab-Israeli-Conflict, 1998-2007 321
List of Abbreviations
ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific countries of the Lomé/Cotonou system
ACRS Working Group on Arms Control and Regional Security
AHLC Ad Hoc Liaison Committee for the coordination of international assis-
tance to the Palestinians
AIDCO EuropeAid Cooperation Office
ALA Asia and Latin America
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations
CCP Common Commercial Policy
CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CIVCOM Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management
COREPER Committee of Permanent Representatives
COREU Correspondance Européenne
CSCE Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe
DCI Development Cooperation Instrument
DG Directorate-General
DG DEV DG Development
DG E Directorate-General E of the General Secretariat of the Council
DG ELARG DG Enlargement
DG RELEX DG External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy
DOP Declaration of Principles
EAD Euro-Arab Dialogue
EC European Community
ECHO European Community Humanitarian Office
ECJ European Court of Justice
ECOFIN Economic and Financial Affairs
ECSC European Coal and Steel Community
ECU European Currency Unit
EDC European Defense Community
EDF European Development Fund
EEC European Economic Community
EIB European Investment Bank
EIDHR European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights v
EMP Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
ENP European Neighborhood Policy
ENPI European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument
EP European Parliament
EPC European Political Cooperation
ESDP European Security and Defense Policy
ESS European Security Strategy
EU European Union
EU EOM European Union Election Observation Mission
EUMC European Union Military Committee
EUMM European Union Monitoring Mission
EUMS European Union Military Staff
Euratom European Atomic Energy Community
EUSR European Union Special Representative
GAC General Affairs Council
GAERC General Affairs and External Relations Council
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
GSP Generalized System of Trade Preferences
IEA International Energy Agency
IfS Instrument for Stability
IGC Intergovernmental Conference
IIA Interinstitutional Agreement
IMF International Monetary Fund
INSC Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation
JHA Justice and Home Affairs
MEDA Mesures d‟Accompagnement
Mercosur Common Market South America
MFO Multinational Force and Observers
MU Mediterranean Union
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NGO non-governmental organization
OECD Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
OLAF European Anti-Fraud Office
OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe vi
PA Palestinian Authority
PCA Partnership and Cooperation Agreement
PCP Palestinian Civil Police
PLC Palestinian Legislative Council
PLO Palestinian Liberation Organization
PPEWU Policy Planning and Early Warning Unit
PSC Political and Security Committee
QMV qualified majority voting
REDWG Regional Economic Development Working Group
RRF Rapid Reaction Force
RRM Rapid Reaction Mechanism
SAA Stabilization and Association Agreement
SCR Common Service for External Relations
SEA Single European Act
SG/HR Secretary General/High Representative for the CFSP
TCA Trade and Cooperation Agreement
TEC Treaty establishing the European Community
TEU Treaty establishing the European Union
TEU-A Treaty establishing the European Union in Amsterdam
TEU-M Treaty establishing the European Union in Maastricht

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