Essay style ; Esė stilius







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VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITYINSTITUTE OF THE LITHUANIAN LANGUAGEDaiva PAGOJIENESSAY STYLESUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION HUMANITIES, PHILOLOGY (04 H) Kaunas, 2009 ?The dissertation was prepared at Klaip da University in 2001–2009. The right to grant doctor‘s degree was accorded to Vytautas Magnus University and the Institute of the Lithuanian Language on 15 July, 2003 according to the decree No. 926 by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Research supervisor:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Albinas Drukteinis Klaip da University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H Research consultant:Prof. Habil. Dr. R ta Marcinkevi ienVytautas Magnus University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H Defence committee:Chair:Prof. Dr. Irena Buckley anities, Philology – 04 H Members:Prof. Dr. Audron BitinienVilnius Pedagogical University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H Prof. Habil. Dr. Aloyzas Gudavi iusŠiauliai University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H Prof. Dr. Danguol Mikul nienVytautas Magnus University, HumProf. Habil. Dr. Kazimieras Župerka Opponents:Prof. Habil. Dr. Regina KoženiauskienVilnius University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H Prof. Dr. Giedr?? epaitienŠiauliai University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H An open meeting of the defence committee will take place on 29 May, 2009at 1 p.m. in M. Gimbutien lecture room at the Faculty of Humanities,Vytautas Magnus University.Address: Donelai io str. 58, LT– 44246, Kaunas, Lithuania.
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Publié le

01 janvier 2009

Nombre de lectures


Kaunas, 2009
?The dissertation was prepared at Klaip da University in 2001–2009.
The right to grant doctor‘s degree was accorded to Vytautas Magnus University and the
Institute of the Lithuanian Language on 15 July, 2003 according to the decree No. 926
by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Research supervisor:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Albinas Drukteinis
Klaip da University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H
Research consultant:
Prof. Habil. Dr. R ta Marcinkevi ien
Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H
Defence committee:
Prof. Dr. Irena Buckley anities, Philology – 04 H
Prof. Dr. Audron Bitinien
Vilnius Pedagogical University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H
Prof. Habil. Dr. Aloyzas Gudavi ius
Šiauliai University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H
Prof. Dr. Danguol Mikul nien
Vytautas Magnus University, Hum
Prof. Habil. Dr. Kazimieras Župerka
Prof. Habil. Dr. Regina Koženiauskien
Vilnius University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H
Prof. Dr. Giedr?? epaitien
Šiauliai University, Humanities, Philology – 04 H
An open meeting of the defence committee will take place on 29 May, 2009
at 1 p.m. in M. Gimbutien lecture room at the Faculty of Humanities,
Vytautas Magnus University.
Address: Donelai io str. 58, LT– 44246, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Phone: + 370 7 323599, fax: +370 7 203858
The summary of the doctoral dissertation was sent out on 20 April, 2005.
Those interested may acquaint themselves with the doctoral dissertation in the
M. Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania in Vilnius, the Library of the Institute of
the Lithuanian Language as well as in Vytautas Magnus University Library in Kaunas.
Daiva Pagojien
Daktaro disertacijos santrauka
Humanitariniai mokslai, filologija (04 H)
Kaunas, 2009
???Disertacija rengta 2001–2009 metais Klaip dos universitete
Disertacija ginama eksternu
Doktorant ros teis suteikta Vytauto Didžiojo universitetui kartu su Lietuvi kalbos
institutu 2003 met liepos 15 d. Lietuvos Respublikos vyriausyb s nutarimu Nr. 926
Mokslinis vadovas
doc. dr. Albinas Drukteinis
Klaip dos universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, filologija – 04 H
Mokslinis konsultantas
prof. habil. dr R ta Marcinkevi ien
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, filologija – 04 H
Disertacijos gynimo taryba
prof. dr. Irena Buckley
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, filologija – 04 H
prof. habil. dr. Audron Bitinien
Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, filologija – 04 H
prof. habil. dr. Aloyzas Gudavi ius
Šiauli universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, filologija – 04 H
prof. habil. dr. Danguol Mikul nien
Lietuvi kalbos institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, filologija – 04 H
prof. habil. dr. Kazimieras Župerka
Šiauli universitetas, hum
prof. habil. dr. Regina Koženiauskien
Vilniaus universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, filologija – 04 H
prof. dr. Giedr?? epaitien
Šiauli universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, filologija – 04 H
Disertacija bus ginama viešame Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto ir Lietuvi kalbos
instituto Filologijos mokslo krypties pos dyje 2009 m. geguž s 29 d. 13 val. Vytauto
Didžiojo universiteto Humanitarini moksl fakulteto M. Gimbutiens vardo
Adresas: Donelai io g. 58, LT – 44246, Kaunas, Lietuva.
Tel. + 370 7 323599, faksas: + 370 7 203858
Disertacijos santrauka išsi sta 2009 m. balandžio 20 d.
Disertacij galima perži r ti Nacionalin je M. Mažvydo, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto,
Lietuvi kalbos instituto bibliotekose.
Object of the research. The dissertation makes a study of styles of essays
created in 1990–2004. The choice of the period is not coincidental: the essay style was
not popular in Lithuania up to 1990, but after the restoration of independence it
eventually flourished. The prosperity of this variety of texts frequently named as a
separate genre is evidenced by the Ieva Simonaityt Prize received by R. Rastauskas in
2006 as well as the Award introduced by the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and
Folklore for the best book of the year 2005 “Kitas pasaulis”, which is comprised of
essay texts.
Purpose and tasks of the research. The purpose of the paper is to analyse the
peculiarities of use of the essay as a type of texts in the Lithuanian language, i. e. to
determine the functional stylistic features of this variety of texts. To achieve this
purpose the following tasks have been raised:
1. To analyse the functional stylistic segmentation of essay texts as well as
connections with other functional styles, sub-styles and their genres.
2. To do a functional-stylistic research of Lithuanian assays written in 1990–2004
and to determine the stylistic factors that have the greatest influence on essay texts.
3. To describe the usage of linguistic expression of essay texts composed in
different fields, i. e. macro-composition and micro-composition.
Review of the research. Methodical principles. This variety of texts is
differently qualified in the works of foreign linguists, where the functional-stylistic
interdependence of essays is evaluated. Some researchers believe that the essay is an
independent functional style. The founder of this opinion is the Czech linguist
B. Havránek (Gavranek 1967); currently this approach has been supported by the
majority of the Slovak language stylists (see Slan ová 1983; Mistrík 1985, 490), the
Czech stylist M. Jelínek (M. Jelínek 2000, 725); meanwhile, other researchers ascribe
the essay to a scientific style genre. The connection between the essay and the scientific
style was revealed by the Slovak linguist and stylist Fr. Miko (Miko, see A. Jedli ka
1973, 170). By its nature, i.e. by means of objective reality reflection, this genre is
related to the scientific style and thus is believed to represent the genre of this style in
the Czech language (A. Jedli ka 1973; echová, et. al. 1997, 162). Still other linguists
?????attribute the essay to a publicistic style genre. The attribution of the essayism (or
journalistic essays) to the publicistic style belongs to the English stylist I. Galperin
(Galperin, see Jedli ka 1973, 168). This position is based on the tradition of this genre
developed in the English language; therefore, it was still continued in the stylistics of
the English and German languages up to the end of the XX century (Galperin 1971,
302; Brandes 1990, 157).
In Lithuania a more exhaustive study of essay texts was presented in the doctoral
thesis by B. Janulevi i t (1993) “Lietuvi eseistikos raidos bruožai (1904–1940)”. In
fact, this research belongs to the field of journalism rather than linguistics; therefore, the
branch of the genre, which contains more of literary composition rather than publicistic
traits, is left aside. Among the Lithuanian linguists, A. Bitinien (2007, 93–95) analysed
the essay as one of the monologue genres of the analytical sub-style of the publicistic
style, and R. Marcinkevi ien (2007, 116–117; 2008, 155–157) took the view of the
essay as one of the creative entertainment press genres.
The dissertation “Essay Style” focuses on 29 essay collections. The methods of
synchronic linguistic analysis of style have been employed. The most important among
them is the analytical-descriptive method; the typological method was used to classify
the essay texts, stylistic peculiarities and their expressive means; the comparative
method was applied to compare the peculiarities of the essay style and their expression
in Lithuanian and other languages. Episodically the interview method with the writers
was used. From the experimental methods the substitutional and transformative methods
were applied. And finally, the results received by applying the aforementioned methods
have been synthesized. The statistical method has been disposed as the style
actualization cannot be analysed using computerized statistics. This method is not
reliable enough.
Statements to defend:
1. Based on the field of application, content and prevailing functions, the essays
composed in Lithuania in 1990–2004 may be classified into publicistic, literary and
scientific style essays.
2. The micro- and macro-composition of an essay even in the scientific field is
considerably influenced by the subjective factor, i.e. the author, who determines the
individuality of the expressive means composition and selection.
????????3. The micro- and macro-composition of essays of all functional styles has only
technical correspondence – these types of texts are distinguished by the functions of text
composition and the usage of linguistic means.
4. Essay texts are considered to represent the genre of the open structure capable of
modifying under the influence of different functional styles and forming compounds of
synthetic nature with other genres.

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