Educational patterning of preparation for living in a marital family ; Rengimo(si) gyvenimui santuokinėje šeimoje edukolginis modeliavimas







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01 janvier 2008

Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Social Sciences, Educology (07 S)
KAUNAS, 2008
Dissertation was prepared in the period 2004  2008 at Vytautas Magnus University Scientific supervisor: Prof. dr. (HP) Laima Sajien Magnus University, Social Sciences  (Vytautas Educology 07 S) Dissertation is defended in the Board of Educology Science constituted at Vytautas Magnus University: Chairman:Prof.habil.dr. Kęstutis Pukelis (Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences  Educology 07 S) Members: 1. Prof. habil..dr. Ona Tijnlien (Klaipda University , Social Sciences  Educology 07 S) 2. Doc.dr. Irena emaitaityt (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences  Educology 07 S) 3. Prof. dr. (HP) Andrius Narbekovas (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities Sciences, theology - 02 H) 4. Doc. dr. Eugenijus Danilevič(Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences ius Educology 07 S) Opponents: 1. Prof.habil.dr. Audron Juodaityt (iauli Social Sciences  Educology University, 07S) 2. Prof.habil.dr. Juozas Vytautas Uzdila (Vilniaus Pedagogical University, Social Sciences  Educology 07 S S) Dissertation is to be defended in an open sitting of the Board of Educology Science in Faculty of Social Sciences at 2 p.m. on the 5thDecember 2008. Adress: K. Donelaičio g. 52  422, LT  44244, Kaunas, Lithuania ph.: (8 37) 327821, fax (8 37) 327823 Dissertation summary was sent out 4thof November 2008. Dissertation can be reviewed in the library of Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian M.Mavydas library.
Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Socialiniai mokslai, edukologija (07 S)
KAUNAS, 2008
Disertacija rengta 2004 - 2008 metais Vytauto Didiojo universitete Mokslinis vadovas: prof. dr. (HP) Laima Sajien (Vytauto Didiojo universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, edukologija  07 S Disertacija ginama Vytauto Didiojo universiteto Edukologijos mokslo krypties taryboje: Pirmininkas:prof.habil.dr. Kęstutis Pukelis (Vytauto Didiojo universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, edukologija  07 S) Nariai: 1. Prof. habil..dr. Ona Tijnlien (Klaipdos universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, edukologija  07 S) 2. Doc.dr. Irena emaitaityt(Mykolo Riomerio universitetas, edukologija  07 S) 3. Prof. dr. (HP) Andrius Narbekovas (Vytauto Didiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, teologija  02 H) 4. Doc. dr. Eugenijus Danilevičius (Vytauto Didiojo universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, edukologija  07 S) Oponentai: 1. Prof.habil.dr. Audron Juodaityt (iauli universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, edukologija  07 S) 2. Prof.habil.dr. Juozas Vytautas Uzdila (Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, edukologija  07 S) Disertacija bus ginama atvirame daktaro disertacijos gynimo tarybos posdyje Vytauto Didiojo universiteto Socialinimokslfakultete 2008m. gruodio 5 d. 14 val. Adresas: K. Donelaičio g. 52 - 422, LT  44244, Kaunas, Lietuva Tel.: (8 37) 327821, faksas (8 37) 327823 Disertacijos santrauka isiuntinta 2008 m. lapkričio 4 d. Disertacijągalima perirti Vytauto Didiojo universiteto ir M.Mavydo Nacionalinje bibliotekose
Substantiation of the problem The problematic of the chosen research is defined by the attitude that there is no unified system of preparing for the marriage, as the functions of this process are divided between the two institutions of society: State and Church; and taking into account that the Church is set apart from the state and the communication is kept only in the way of internal agreement, there comes a question concerning the quality of preparation of the young people for life in the marital family. The activity of preparing for the marriage and support for the marital life still cannot be named as a system. The programs of Education and training in the aspect of marital life in the schools of general education are just being started to be implemented. The premarital preparation programmes are run by the catholic Church institutions only, nevertheless, their accessibility is rather limited as well. The analysis of possibilities of preparation for the creation of the family becomes important in the aspect that the young people have to consider the future family responsibly; they have to know the law aspects of creating a marriage, the social and individual moments of living in the family. The couples preparing to acquire the Marriage Sacrament in the Church have to gain theological knowledge as well. The present family situation in Lithuania shows, that due to the insufficiently mature attitude towards the marriage and insufficient preparation for the marriage and living in the family, the young people are not capable to realise the aims of marital and family life, to perform the functions assigned by marriage and family institutions properly. In this context the main problem of this dissertation research comes up like:a contradiction between the needs of preparing for the life in the marital family and the possibilities for satisfying those needs. Degree of problem research. The general view towards the ethical problematic of marriage and family, traditional and modern attitudes are described by Z. Bajorunas (1997),M.Gaigaliene (2000, 2001), K. Miskinis (1993, 2003). The problematic of developing the personality in the christian family was researched by E.Danilevicius (2006). A. Narbekovas (2007) emphasises the value of a human, as a bodily sexual human being, that has to be aimed to the direction of giving oneself as a present to another person. A. Maslauskaite (2004) describes the thematic of love and marriage together with the influence of the eternal factors on the
attitudes of love expression.V. Stankuniene, A. Jonkaryte, S. Mikulioniene, A.A. Mitrikas, A.Maslauskaite (2003) surveyed and evaluated the economical factors of marriage and family. The attitude of the academical youth towards the spiritual and moral family mission is given by O.Tijuneliene (2007). A.Juodaityt(2003) defined the socialisation aspects of persons education and development within the family. The teachers role in educating and forming the responsible young peoples behaviour was indicated by K. Pukelis (1998, 2007). The significant contribution into the sphere of family research was made by B.Obelenienes (2007) research on the education of responsible sexual behaviour, which recommends the importance of preparation for the life in the family. One of the most significant researches related to the problematic of preparing for marriage and family, is given by V.J.Uzdila (1993, 2001a, 2001b). The newest research of this scholar  is the evaluation of family study discipline at school (Uzdila, 2008), what shows the development of marriage and family study field. The investigation of the dissertation research problematic is based on the foreign scientists theories on peculiarities of marriage and family life. The polish researchers works are to indicate. F. Adamski (2002) gives the cultural anthropological conception of the marriage and family. According to the M.Ziemska (1979) theory, one can investigate the problematic of the preparation for the marriage content. Z.Tyszka (1982, 1995) gives the cycles of the marital family life. G. Pyżlak (2007) summarises the process of the preparation for the marriage. A. Sarmiento (2002) presents the guidelines of marriage preparation in the Catholic Church level. A. Dzięga (2005) introduces the recommendations for a religious education in family. The problematic named by the other worlds scientists is important as well, related to preparation for living in a married family. Based on M.Brumlik (1983), Ch. Callo (1978), B. S. Frey (1981), H. Gardner (1991) K. A. Schneewind (1999) attitudes, the theoretical background of preparation model for the marriage was formed. H.-J Schulze, T. Hartmann, J. Künzler, (1989), A. Tausch, R Tausch,. (1991), K. Scala (2001), P.B. Hill, J. Kopp (2006) theories help to distinguish and describe the functions of marital family and the elements of their factors. The educational model of preparation for living in the marital family is created according to the functionalistic (Parsons, 1968, 1976 (1945); Cudak, 1998, Witkowski,
2001, Nowak-Dziemianowicz, 2006, Becker, 1990) and interactive (Mead, 1968; Goffman, 1972; Habermas; 1972; Mollenhauer, 1972; M.Brumlik, 1983) theoretical paradigms.The scientific novelty of the researchis characterised by the identified individual and socialneeds the preparation for the marriage life; ofparametersof content; the functions structure of the marital family, that is the basis for distinguishing the abilities, needed for realisation of family functions, and thefields of cognitionhelping to gain these abilities;possibilities, allowing to realise the content of preparation for the life in a marital family and theeducational modelof preparation for living in a married family, created on their basis and reasoned empirically. Theoretical importance of the researchrelated to the new researches perspective ofis preparation for the marriage and living in a family. Referring to the based educational model of preparation for living in a married family, the new fields of researches were revealed: the argumentation and creation of the content for marriage preparation, training of family educators and family-studies specialists, creation of qualification development programs, analysis of activity of the institutions, able to participate in the process of preparation for marriage. Practical importance of the studyis related to the realisation of the formulated and substantiated educational model of preparation for living in a married family, and the improvement of the quality of this process. It would help implementing the strategic objectives of the State and the Church in the marriage preparation area: to arrange and improve the content of preparation for marriage, create the educators training and qualification development programs, analyse and evaluate the possibilities of institutions implementing the preparation for marriage and family. Object of the research preparation for living in a marital family. The aim of the research to reason the educational model of preparation for living in a marital family theoretically and empirically. The tasks of the research: 1. To define the main dimensions of marriage and family on basis of the theoretical research. 2. identify the functions of the marital family.To
3. the concept of preparation for living in a married family, its needsTo establish and possibilities for fulfilling them. 4. of creating the model of preparation for living in aIn order to reason the logics married family, to do the parameters of empirical checking of this model. 5. of preparation for living in a married family.To formulate the model The defended hypothesis: 1. The main defined dimensions of marriage and family allow identifying the marital family functions, for performing of which the educational preparation would be designed. 2. The named marital family dimensions and the activity fields analysis of the institutions, performing preparation for the marriage, allows to set the possibilities and problematic of preparation for living in a married family. 3. The revealed concept, needs and possibilities of preparation for living in a married family, makes the assumption to distinguish the parameters of educational preparation for living in a married family and to present the logics of designing the preparation for living in a married family. 4. of preparation for living in a married family makes theThe designed model assumptions to set the qualification requirements for the specialists. Methods of generalising the data and the research Method of deductionis used for going from the explanation and argumentation of structural functionalism perspective about the distinguishing of essential marriage aims and functions, to the concrete preparation for creating a family and defining the needs and possibilities of living in a family. Method of analysiswas used for identifying the dimensions of marriage and family, to distinguish and describe the functions and expression of a marital family, to define the types of abilities, needed for implementation of family functions. The inquiry researchwas used in order to set the engaged couples attitude towards the functions of marital family and the preparation for realising them, attitude towards preparation for creating a family and the actualization of needs and possibilities for living in a family. The patterning method was used for theoretical and empirical reasoning of creation of an educational model of preparation for living in a married family.
Process and methodology of the research 1. In the basis of theoretical research, the main dimensions of marriage and family defined, allow to identify the structure of the marital family functions, and makes the background for designing an educational model of preparation for living in a married family. Marriagewill and decision by a man and a woman, is an institution created in a free regulated and affected by society norms and rules, helping to guarantee the continuation of marital relations and durability.Social character of the marriage:creation of internal and external relations, and guaranteeing of the person and society welfare.Social and individual characteristics of marriage functioning:legal regulation (public legalization of relations, taking the responsibility, constituting the material and spiritual conditions in the family). Familythe principle of naturalness and stability:  a social institution, standing on accepting the relation between a man, woman and their children or other close people, arising from internal needs, what concentrates the family into a close unit.The institutional social character of the marital family: a biological and social system, covering psychological, social and legal aspects - the society assigns the roles and functions to the family, still the family itself creates and controls specific relations and functions as well. Characteristics of the marital family, as a group of society and community:the unique character of a family, as of the only social group, which is based on the biological and natural factors and in which the main essence is in love and consanguinity relations; the only group, which is based on the background of love, and the legal aspects go between exceptionally for consolidating the communal relations. Functions of a marital familyare identified according to the aims, on the fulfilment of which the family organises their life and tasks, which are dedicated for satisfying its members or societys needs. Thefunctional structure elementsmake the basis of the structure of family functions: the institutional forms of creating and managing the family; the cycles of marital-family life. Referring to the marital family, as a social institution and stability af the group, changeability and influence of family life, the functional fields are distinguished, what makes the structure of family functions:
 personality(procreation: sexual  intimacy, fatherhood/motherhood; spiritual-moral: sensual-recreational, religious-moral);  institutional(economical, care, socialisation: stratification, integration, education). This way of identifying the family functions allows defining the abilities: intellectual, social  communicational, personal, activeness and alteration that are needed for the proper realisation of family functions. Intellectual abilities abilities to creatively organise family life and solve the problems by using objective knowledge and skills. The expression of these abilities in the family life can be described in certain knowledge, related to the family functions and the methodical usage of this knowledge. Social-communicational abilitiesthe abilities to organise activity, by are communicating and cooperating with other family and community members, looking for solutions, planning activities, raising new aims together, etc. Personal abilities are the abilities to self sufficiently reflexively organise own activity, i.e. to evaluate, set the productivity of the activity, value, the development of motives and virtual attitudes individually; development of abilities, motives, quality, and the learning from personal activity. Activeness and alteration abilities are the abilities to actively and comprehensively organise personal, group are community activity; ability to raise and adjust aims, ideas, plans according to the personal and environmental needs. 2. The revealed concept of preparation for life in the marital family, demands and the possibilities for satisfying them allows to distinguish the parameters of preparation for life in the marital family and to present the logics of the educational model of preparation for life in the marital family, which is based on a structural functionalism and systematic thinking paradigms. The preparation for living in a marital family is a process aimed to preparing to do the ascribed and arrogated functions, by giving and gaining knowledge about these functions and which is oriented towards the perception of living in a small group, creation of a family living environment in which the family members are being developed and educated. It can be realised: by imparting knowledge connected to
marital family problematic and by teaching communicational skills and therapy. The preparation has to be like help, it should be differentiated, consistent, useful and oriented towards the practical implementation. Needs of preparation for living in a marital family the wishes, influenced by internal personal attitudes and experience, also by the external environment, in order to reveal the marital family aims, to set the abilities for living together, gain knowledge about marriage and form the virtual attitudes, for improving the quality of living of the future family. Taking into consideration the needs of couples, preparing for the marriage, the internal (related to socialisation process) and external (related to environmental requirements) needs for preparation for marriage can be distinguished, and the following fields of needs can be defined: education of youth in the aspects of marital life, education of engaged couples, preparation for performing the family functions. Possibilities of preparation for the life in a marital family  is a complex of suggestions, that are supplied by governmental and nongovernmental institutions (formal and nonformal education and consulting) and that are regulated in the State and the Catholic Church documents. It is to emphasize, that preparation for living in a marital family in the state level is still insufficient, as the performance is assigned to schools of general education only, and still the preparation of programs, training of specialists and development of qualification is not regulated. The process is sufficiently explicated in the level of the Catholic Church, nevertheless it is still fragmental, as the accessibility is not guaranteed (the courses are organised in 7 cities only), the programs do not cover all the needs of people preparing for the marriage, they are not sufficiently oriented in the realisation of marital family functions. 3. In order to reason the educational model logics of preparation for living in the marital family the empirical checking of the distinguished parameters was made. It allowed to distinguish and to reason the components of preparing for living in a marital family, which makes the background of the educational model. As the methodological background of dissertational research the pedagogical and sociological theory, structural  functionalistic and interactive theoretical paradigms were chosen as reasoning the marriage and family concepts. Based on structural functionalism and interactionism theories the empirical argumentation of the
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