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Thèse de doctorat nouveau régime - cotutelle
Binationales Promotionsverfahren
Diversifying crop rotations with temporary grasslands:
potentials for weed management and farmland biodiversity
Thèse pour obtenir le grade de docteur de l’Université de Bourgogne (uB), Dijon, France
École doctorale : Environnement – Santé – STIC (E2S)
Spécialité : Agro-écologie, Biologie des Populations
Équipe : UMR 1210 Biologie et Gestion des Adventices
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), 17 rue Sully, F-21000 Dijon, France
Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Agrarwissenschaften (Dr. agr.)
der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Deutschland
Fachbereich 09 Agrarwissenschaften, Ökotrophologie und Umweltmanagement
Institut für Landschaftsökologie und Ressourcenmanagement
Professur für Landschaftsökologie und Landschaftsplanung
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32, D-35392 Gießen, Deutschland
Presentée par : Vorgelegt von:
Helmut MEISS
Directeur de thèse (France) : Betreuer (Frankreich):
Prof. Dr. Jacques CANEILL
Co-directeur de thèse (France) : Ko-Betreuer (Frankreich):
Directeur de thèse (Allemagne) : Betreuer (Deutschland):
Prof. Dr. Rainer WALDHARDT
Date de soutenance : Tag der Disputation:
5 juillet 2010 5. Juli 2010
Jury : Prüfungskommission:
Dr. François BRETAGNOLLE Prof. Université de Bourgogne Président Vorsitz
Dr. Philippe DEBAEKE DR INRA Toulouse Rapporteur Gutachter
Dr. Bernd HONERMEIER Prof. Universität Gießen Rapporteur Gutachter
Dr. Vincent BRETAGNOLLE DR CNRS Chizé Examinateur Beisitzer
Dr. Bärbel GEROWITT Prof. Universität Rostock Examinatrice Beisitzerin
Dr. Nicolas MUNIER-JOLAIN IR INRA Dijon Encadrant Betreuer
Dr. Rainer WALDHARDT Prof. Universität Gießen Encadrant Betreuer
iologie. estion
Dugué, Dominique Meunier, Emilie Cadet,
I would like to thank the numerous people who
Hugues Busset, Alain Fleury, Gilles Louviot,
kindly helped me in realizing this PhD thesis. In
Delphine Ramillion and Sébastien for conducting
particular, I am deeply indebted:
and helping with the field and greenhouse
experiments; - to my supervisors Nicolas Munier-Jolain,
Rainer Waldhardt, and Jacques Caneill. Thank
Christiane Dupaty, Séverine Siblot, Claudine
you for your collaboration and confidence and
Chotel, Sandrine Geslain and Nathalie
during the whole project, the fertile discussions
Grandgirard for administration and network
on research questions, methods and results, the support to the “BNI”;
correction of the articles and the final thesis and
for finding compromises between the French and Xavier Reboud, Beryl Laitung, Sandrine Petit,
the German systems…, Fabrice Dessaint, Bruno Chauvel, Jacques
Gasquez, François Bretagnolle, Marie-Hélène
- to the members of the examination board,
Bernicot, Henri Darmency, and Christian Gauvrit
Philippe Debaeke, Rainer Waldhardt, and Bernd
for interesting discussions and helpful advice in
Honermeier for your reports on the thesis;
various areas;
Francois Bretagnolle, Bärbel Gerowitt, and
Vincent Bretagnolle for participating in the PhD Charles Schneider for programming the routine
defence (and the rehearsals for the video- of the plant image analysis software; and Arnaud
transmission system!), Coffin for running (and constructing) the plant
‘conveyor system’;
- and to the participants of the ‘comité de
pilotage de thèse’, Safia Médiène, Gilles Audrey Alignier, Frederic Henriot, Rémy
Lemaire, Xavier Reboud and Nathalie Colbach Bonnot, Lise Le Lagadec, and Cyril Naulin for
for your advice. being patient with their co-supervisor ;-) ;
Boris Fumanal, Antoine Gardarin, Yann Tricault,
Yongbo Liu, Delphine Mézière and others for
My thesis would not have been possible without
successively sharing the office, watering the
such good helpers in field and greenhouse plants and answering my numerous questions…;
work, as well as the people who always kindly
and many other PhD students and post-docs
answered my questions, assisted me in scientific
including Guillaume Fried, Aline Boursault,
reasoning, data analysis, writing, and
Richard Gunton, Bertrand Jacquemin, Valentine
Péllissier, Benjamin Borgy, Solène Bellanger,
Stéphane Cordeau, Mélanie Le Guilloux, In Dijon, I would like to thank the whole ‘weed
Dominique Jacquin, Cécile Petit, Clément science research’ group (UMR BGA) as well as
Tschudy, Muhammed Anés, Yacine Merabtine, the people from INRA-Epoisses, in particular
who helped me in a way or another. Florence Strbik, Denis Lapostolle, Pascal Farcy,
Philippe Chamois, Laurent Falcetto, François
ii In Chizé, I am indebted to all the people who I would like to thank Richard Gunton and
contributed to the large-scale weed surveys at another reviewer for improving the English
the CNRS-Chizé study site, including Damien spelling, grammar and style, and several
Charbonnier, Luc Bianchi, Laurent Grelet, anonymous reviewers and journal editors for
Anne-Caroline Denis, Safia Médiène, suggesting improvements to and ways to shorten
Dominique Le Floch, Florence Strbik, Emilie the articles. Undoubtedly I have forgotten a lot of
Cadet, Bruno Chauvel, Fabrice Dessaint and people who contributed in one way or another or
many others; I am also indebted to the numerous acted in the background making this PhD project
people who contributed to land-use monitoring possible.
and have maintained the database since 1995,
including Vincent Bretagnolle, Alban Thomas,
Rodolphe Bernard, Pablo Inchausti, Isabelle I would also like to thank several agencies and
Badenhausser, David Pinaud, Sylvie Houte, institutions that helped to finance this research
many other former short-term employees, including the French ANR projects ‘ECOGER-
master, and PhD students, and also more recent Chizé’ and ‘SYSTERRA-ADVHERB’, the UMR
ones including Adrien, Vincent, Boen, Olivier, BGA (INRA), AgroSup Dijon (Appel d’Offre
Steve, Alex, Frédéric, Thibault, Thomas, and Interne), the European ENDURE Network
Audrey; and to all the farmers that we met on ‘Diversifying crop protection’.
their fields…
In Gießen, I would like to thank Lutz Eckstein,
During these last few years I have been Tobias Donath, Birgit Reger, Ralf Schmiele,
supported by many friends and family members. Sandra Burmeier, Linda Jung, Arben Mehmeti
À Dijon, j’ai passé des moments excellents, en and Miriam Bienau for some interesting
particulier avec les ‘louploups’ et des musiciens. discussions and statistical advices; Prof. Otte,
Leider konnte ich meine Familie und Freunde in Ms Ackermann, Mr Trebitz, and Mr Frenger for
Deutschland nicht so oft sehen, wie ich es mir finding bureaucratic solutions for the bi-national
gewünscht hätte. Trotzdem haben sie mir von cotutelle project and the organisation of the
Ferne aus sehr geholfen, meine Arbeit zu video-conference for the defence; Gefion for
vollenden, besonders meine lieben Eltern Ruth hosting me in Gießen, Kathleen and David for
und Lothar, und mein Bruderherz Stefan, und accommodation half-way in Strasbourg, and
meine Oma, die es geschafft hat, wenige Tage Sören, Maja and Berny for that in Freiburg;
vor Abgabe der Arbeit 100 Jahre alt zu werden!
In Prague, Pavel Saska and Stanka Koprdová
Last but not least, I would like to thank Ann-gave some helpful advice for the seed predation
Katrin (Nadjenka) who put up with my strange studies.
research interests and backed and encouraged me
throughout this period.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................... II
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ IV
ABSTRACTS (ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN) .......................................................... XI
CONTEXT AND FUNDING ............................................................................................ XVII
THESIS ORGANISATION ................................................................................................ XIX
A GENERAL INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1
B OVERWIEW OF THE MATERIALS & METHODS ................................................. 38
C RESULTS (ARTICLES & MANUSCRIPTS) ............................................................... 47
D GENERAL DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 152
E CITED REFERECES .................................................................................................... 183