Demi-linear duality









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As is well known, there exist non-locally convex spaces with trivial dual and therefore the usual duality theory is invalid for this kind of spaces. In this article, for a topological vector space X , we study the family of continuous demi-linear functionals on X , which is called the demi-linear dual space of X . To be more precise, the spaces with non-trivial demi-linear dual (for which the usual dual may be trivial) are discussed and then many results on the usual duality theory are extended for the demi-linear duality. Especially, a version of Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem for the demi-linear dual is established.
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01 janvier 2011

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Li et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2011, 2011:128
RESEARCH Open Access
Demi-linear duality
1* 1 2Ronglu Li , Aihong Chen and Shuhui Zhong
* Correspondence: rongluli@yahoo. Abstract
1Department of Mathematics, As is well known, there exist non-locally convex spaces with trivial dual and therefore
Harbin Institute of Technology, the usual duality theory is invalid for this kind of spaces. In this article, for a 150001, P.R. China
topological vector space X, we study the family of continuous demi-linear functionalsFull list of author information is
available at the end of the article on X, which is called the demi-linear dual space of X. To be more precise, the spaces
with non-trivial demi-linear dual (for which the usual dual may be trivial) are
discussed and then many results on the usual duality theory are extended for the
demi-linear duality. Especially, a version of Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem for the demi-
linear dual is established.
Keywords: demi-linear, duality, equicontinuous, Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem
1 Introduction
Let ∈ { , } and X be a locally convex space over with the dual X’.Thereisa
beautifuldualitytheoryforthepair(X, X’) (see [[1], Chapter 8]). However, it is possi-
pble that X’ = {0} even for some Fréchet spaces such as L (0, 1) for 0 <p < 1. Then the
usual duality theory would be useless and hence every reasonable extension of X’ will
be interesting.
L (X,Y)Recently, , the family of demi-linear mappings between topological vectorγ,U
spaces X and Y is firstly introduced in [2].L (X,Y) is a meaningful extension of theγ,U
family of linear operators. The authors have established the equicontinuity theorem,
the uniform boundedness principle and the Banach-Steinhaus closure theorem for the
L (X,Y)extension . Especially, for demi-linear functionals on the spaces of test func-γ,U
tions, Ronglu Li et al have established a theory which is a natural generalization of the
usual theory of distributions in their unpublished paper “Li, R, Chung, J, Kim, D:
Demi-distributions, submitted”.
Let X,Y be topological vector spaces over the scalar field andN(X) the family of
neighborhoods of 0Î X. Let

C(0) = γ ∈ : limγ(t)= γ(0) = 0,| γ(t) |≥| t | if | t |≤ 1 .
Definition 1.1 [2, Definition 2.1] A mapping f: X® Y is said to be demi-linear if f(0)
=0 and there exists g Î C(0) and U ∈N(X) such that every x Î X, u ÎUand
t ∈ {t ∈ :| t |≤ 1} yield for which |r - 1| ≤ | g (t) |, |s| ≤ | g (t)| and f(x+tu)r,s ∈
= rf(x)+ sf(u).
© 2011 Li et al; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Li et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2011, 2011:128 Page 2 of 15
L (X,Y)We denote by the family of demi-linear mappings related to g Î C(0)γ,U
and U ∈N(X),andbyK (X,Y) the subfamily of L (X,Y) satisfying the follow-γ,U γ,U
ing property: if x Î X, u Î U and |t| ≤ 1, then f(x+tu)= rf(x)+ sf(u) for some s with |
s| ≤ | g (t)|. Let

(γ,U)X = f ∈L (X, ): f iscontinuous ,γ,U
(g, U)which is called the demi-linear dual space of X. Obviously, X’ ⊂ X .
In this article, first we discuss the spaces with non-trivial demi-linear dual, of which
the usual dual may be trivial. Second we obtain a list of conclusions on the demi-linear
(g, U) (g, U)
dual pair (X, X ). Especially, the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem for the pair (X, X )
is established. We will see that many results in the usual duality theory of (X, X’) can
(g, U)
be extended to (X, X ).
L (X,Y)Before we start, some existing conclusions about are given as follows. Inγ,U
general,L (X,Y) is a large extension of L(X, Y). For instance, if ||·||: X® [0, +∞)isγ,U
a norm, then · ∈ L (X, ) for every gÎ C(0). Moreover, we have the followingγ,X
Proposition 1.2 ([2, Theorem 2.1]) Let X be a non-trivial normed space, C>1, δ>0
and U ={u Î X:||u|| ≤ δ}, g(t)= Ct for . If Y is non-trivial, i.e.,Y ≠{0},thenthet ∈
L (X,Y)family of nonlinear mappings in is uncountable, and every non-zero linearγ,U
L (X,Y)operator T : X® Y produces uncountably many of nonlinear mappings in .γ,U
XDefinition 1.3Afamily Г ⊂ Y is said to be equicontinuous at x Î X if for every
W ∈N(Y), there exists V ∈N(X) such that f(x + V) ⊂ f(x)+Wforallf Î Г,and Г
is equicontinuous on X or, simply, equicontinuous if Г is equicontinuous at each xÎ X.
As usual, Г ⊂ Y is said to be pointwise bounded on X if {f(x): f Î Г}isboundedat
each x Î X,and f : X ® Y is said to be bounded if f(B) is bounded for every bounded
B ⊂ X.
The following results are substantial improvements of the equicontinuity theorem
and the uniform boundedness principle in linear analysis.
⊂L (X,Y)Theorem 1.4 ([2, Theorem 3.1]) If X is of second category and is aγ,U
pointwise bounded family of continuous demi-linear mappings, then Г is equicontinuous
on X.
Theorem 1.5 ([2, Theorem 3.3]) If x is of second category and ⊂L (X,Y) is aγ,U
pointwise bounded family of continuous demi-linear mappings, then Г is uniformly
bounded on each bounded subset of X, i.e.,{f(x): f Î Г, x Î B} is bounded for each B ⊂ X.
If, in addition, X is metrizable, then the continuity of fÎ Г can be replaced by bound-
edness of fÎ Г.
2 Spaces with non-trivial demi-linear dual
f ∈L (X, )Lemma 2.1 Let . For each xÎ X, uÎ U and |t| ≤ 1, we haveγ,U
| f(tu) |≤| γ(t) || f(u) |; (1)
| f(x+tu) −f(x) |≤| γ(t) | (| f(x) | + | f(u) |). (2)Li et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2011, 2011:128 Page 3 of 15
f ∈L (X, )Proof. Since , for each xÎ X, uÎ U and |t| ≤ 1, we have f(x + tu)= rfγ,U
(x)+ sf(u) where |r-1| ≤ |g(t)| and |s| ≤ |g(t)|. Then
| f(x+tu) −f(x) |=| (r −1)f(x)+sf(u) |≤| r −1 || f(x) | + | s || f(u) |≤| γ(t) | (| f(x) | + | f(u) |),
which implies (2). Then (1) holds by letting x = 0 in (2).
Theorem 2.2 Let X be a topological vector space and f : X ® [0, +∞)afunction
(∗) f(0) = 0,f(−x)= f(x) and f(x+y) ≤ f(x)+f(y) whenever x,y ∈ X.
U ∈N(X)Then, for every g Î C(0) and , the following (I), (II), and (III) are equiva-
f ∈L (X, )(I) γ,U ;
(II) f(tu) ≤ |g(t)|f(u) whenever uÎ U and |t| ≤ 1;
f ∈K (X, )(III) .γ,U
Proof. (I)⇒ (II). By Lemma 2.1.
(II)⇒ (III). Let xÎ X, uÎ U and |t| ≤ 1. Then
f(x)−| γ(t) | f(u) ≤ f(x) −f(tu) ≤ f(x+tu) ≤ f(x)+f(tu) ≤ f(x)+ | γ(t) | f(u).
Define : [-|g(t)|, |g(t)|]®ℝ by (a)= f(x)+ af(u). Then is continuous and
ϕ(−| γ(t) |)= f(x)−| γ(t) | f(u) ≤ f(x+tu) ≤ f(x)+ | γ(t) | f(u)= ϕ(| γ(t) |).
So there is sÎ[-|g(t)|, |g(t)|] such that f(x + tu)= g(s)= f(x)+ sf(u).
K (X, ) ⊂L (X, )(III)⇒ (I). .γ,U γ,U
In the following Theorem 2.2, we want to know whether a paranorm on a topologi-
cal vector space X is inK (X, ) for some g and U. However, the following exampleγ,U
shows that this is invalid.
Example 2.3 Let ω be the space of all sequences with the paranorm||·||:
∞ 1 | x |j
x = ,∀x=(x ) ∈ ω.jj2 1+ | x |j
· ∈/L (ω, )Then, for every g Î C(0) and U ={u=(u): ||u|| < ε}, we have γ,U .ε j
· ∈/L (ω, )Otherwise, there exists gÎ C(0) and ε>0 such that and henceγ,U
1 1
u ≤| γ( ) | u ,for all u ∈ U and n ∈ε
n n
(N)1by Theorem 2.2. Pick N Î N with <ε. Let , ∀n Î N.N u =(0,··· ,0, n,0,···)2 n
1 n 1Then implies u Î U for each NÎN. It follows from u = < <εn N N n ε2 1+n 2
11 u 1 1 1 n 11+n 1nn| γ( ) |≥ =( )/( )= > ,∀n ∈ ,
N Nn u 2 1+1 2 1+n 2 n 2n
1that as n® ∞, which contradicts gÎ C(0).γ( ) 0nLi et al. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2011, 2011:128 Page 4 of 15
Note that the space ω in Example 2.3 has a Schauder basis. The following corollary
shows that the set of nonlinear demi-linear continuous functionals on a Hausdorff
topological vector space with a Schauder basis has an uncountable cardinality.
Corollary 2.4 Let X be a Hausdorff topological vector space with a Schauder basis.
Then for every gÎ C(0) and U ∈N(X), the demi-linear dual

(γ,U) is uncountable.X = f ∈L (X,R): f is continuousγ,U
Proof. Let {b } be a Schauder basis of X.Thereisafamily P of non-zero paranormsk
on X such that the vector topology on X is just sP, i.e., x ® x in X if and only if ||xa a
- x||® 0 for each ||·||Î P ([[1], p.55]).
∞ ∞Pick ||·|| Î P.Then s b =0 for some s b ∈ X and hencek k k kk=1 k=1
s b =0 for some k ÎN. For non-zero , define f : X® [0, +∞)byk k 0 c ∈ c0 0

f ( r b )=| cr | s b .c k k k k k0 0 0
Obviously, f is continuous and satisfies the condition (*) in Theorem 2.2. Let g Î Cc

(0), r b ∈ X and |t| ≤ 1. Thenk kk=1
∞ ∞ ∞
f (t r b )=| ctr | s b =| t || cr | s b =| t | f ( r b ) ≤| γ(t) | f ( r b )c k k k k k k k k c k k c k k0 0 0 0 0 0
k=1 k=1

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