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Graduate School of Sciences Institut Francilien des Sciences Appliquées
Electroanalytical Research Laboratory at Laboratoire Géomatériaux et
Chemistry Department Environnement
To obtain the degree of Doctor
of the "University of Paris-Est"- France and "Anadolu University"- Turkey
Speciality: Environmental Science and Techniques
March 19th, 2010
Supervisors: Prof. Mehmet A. OTURAN (Université Paris-Est)
Prof. Yücel SAHIN (Anadolu University)
Prof. Figen KADIRGAN Istanbul Technical University Reviewers:
Prof. Otavio GIL Université de Caen Basse Normandie
Prof Kadir PEKMEZ Hacettepe University Examinators:
Dr. Nihal OTURAN Université Paris-Est
tel-00601213, version 1 - 17 Jun 2011Acknowledgement
This thesis has been carried out at the Electroanalytical Research Laboratory of
Chemistry Department and Laboratoire Géomatériaux et Environnement in the frame of
convention for the joint supervision of thesis between Anadolu University and University of
First of all, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the laboratory directors, Prof. Dr.
Mehmet A. OTURAN and Prof. Dr. Yücel AHĐN for giving me the chance to conduct the
I would like to acknowledge my sincere gratitude to my supervisors, Prof. Dr. Mehmet
A. OTURAN and Prof. Dr Yücel AHĐN for their endless support, innovative guidance and
continuous encouragement throughout this work.
I want to express my gratitude to reviewers of this thesis, Prof. Dr. Figen KADIRGAN
(Istanbul Technical university) and Prof. Dr. Otavio GIL (Université de Caen Basse
Normandie) for accepting to read and evaluate my work and for providing valuable
suggestions and comments.
I wish to thank my dissertation committee, Prof. Dr. Mehmet A. OTURAN, Prof. Dr.
Yücel AHĐN, Prof. Dr. Figen KADIRGAN, Prof. Dr. Otavio GIL, Prof. Dr. Kadir
PEKMEZ (Hacettepe university-Ankara) and Dr. Nihal OTURAN for their valuable
comments and suggestions on this work.
I gratefully acknowledge financial support of Anadolu University Research Found
(Project No: 061022).
A very special thanks to Prof. Dr. Mehmet A. OTURAN, Dr. Nihal OTURAN and
their family for their hosptality during my studies in France.
I would like to thank to Prof. Dr A. Sava KOPARAL (Anadolu University-Eskisehir)
for his support, suggestions and comments.
I thank to Anadolu University Plant, Drug and Scientific Researches Center and Erol
ENER for performing the LC-MS analysis.
I also would like to thank to my colleaques of the Chemistry Department, especially to
Levent ÖZCAN for their assistance, their support and friendship.
I express my gratitude to The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
(TUBITAK) Scientific Human Resources Development (BAYG) for the fellowship.
tel-00601213, version 1 - 17 Jun 2011 Finally, I would like to dedicate the thesis to my wife Ayça Atılır ÖZCAN and my son
Hasan Berk ÖZCAN and all my family for their guidance, support, love and enthusiasm.
Without these things this thesis could not have been possible.
tel-00601213, version 1 - 17 Jun 2011ABSTRACT
In this thesis, a detailed investigation has been carried out on the use of electro-Fenton
technique for the oxidation of the some persistent organic pollutants for the sake of water
•remediation. This technique produces OH radicals electrocatalytically and uses them to
oxidize the organic pollutants.
The overall study can be divided into three parts. In the first part, the removal of
selected synthetic dyes and pesticides from water was investigated by using carbon felt (CF)
cathode. The oxidation kinetics of the synthetic dyes (Acid Orange 7 and Basic Blue 3) and
pesticides (picloram, propham, azinphos-methyl and clopyralid) were determined.
Mineralization kinetics of the related organic pollutants in aqueous medium was followed by
total organic carbon and chemical oxygen demand analysis. The overall mineralization was
obtained in all cases. Identification and quantification of the oxidation by-products of the
given synthetic dyes and pesticides were performed by high performance liquid
chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometry and ion chromatography. These systematic analysis showed that the initial
organic pollutants were converted into three intermediate forms; organic intermediates, short-
chain aliphatic carboxylic acids and inorganic ions. Based on the intermediates identified, a
plausible mineralization pathway was proposed for each dye and pesticide.
In the second part of the study, the H O production ability of carbon sponge (CS) as a 2 2
novel cathode material for the electro-Fenton technique was investigated for the first time in
the literature. The obtained results indicated that CS has a H O production ability three times 2 2
higher than the classical cathode CF.
In the third and last part, the efficiency of boron doped diamond (BDD) as an anode in
the electro-Fenton technique was investigated. Firstly, the oxidation and mineralization ability
of BDD was tested for herbicide propham in anodic oxidation conditions. Then, the
combination of CS and BDD electrode in the electro-Fenton technique was examined. The
obtained results indicated that this combination allowed the most efficient results throughout
the thesis. Moreover, the use of BDD anode in the electro-Fenton technique had considerable
effect on the oxidation and mineralization of organics and especially carboxylic acids such as
oxalic and oxamic acids which were highly resistant to mineralization in the case of Pt anode.
tel-00601213, version 1 - 17 Jun 2011RESUME ETENDU
L'eau est d'une importance fondamentale pour la vie sur la Terre. L'ensemble du
mécanisme du métabolisme est étroitement lié aux caractéristiques spécifiques de l'eau.
D'autre part, la partie de l'eau douce (eaux souterraines, lacs et rivières, glaciers polaires et en
hauteur) pouvant être utilisée par l'Homme ne constitue que 2,66% de la ressource en eau
mondiale de l'eau. De plus, ces ressources en eau douce, en particulier les eau de surface sont
particulièrement exposées à la pollution d'origine de diverses activités humaines. Par
conséquent, afin de protéger les ressources naturelles en eau, il est nécessaire de traiter
efficacement les eaux usées avant leur injection dans le réseau hydrographique naturel.
Les méthodes traditionnelles physico-chimiques de traitement de l'eau usée telles que
l'adsorption sur charbon actif et la filtration sur membranes, n'éliminent pas les polluants mais
ne les transferent que d'une phase à l'autre conduisant à la formation des concentrats liquides
qui doivent être traités ultérieurement. L'oxydation par ozone et par hypochlorite sont des
méthodes efficaces pour la désinfection de l'eau, mais restent inefficaces dans le cas des
effluents provenant des activités industrielles ou agricoles. D'autre part, ces méthodes ne sont
pas souhaitables en raison du coût élevé d'équipements et d'exploitation et de génération de la
pollution secondaire résultant de la concentration de chlore résiduel.
Les progrès récents dans le traitement des polluants organiques persistants (POP) dans les
eaux usées a conduit au développement des procédés d'oxydation avancée (POA). Ces
procédés comprennent des techniques chimiques, photochimiques et électrochimiques pour
destruction in situ des polluants organiques. Ces procédés utilisent le radical hydroxyle, OH,
une espèce très oxydante, compme l'oxydant principal. Ces radicaux réagissent avec les
polluants organiques pour conduire à leur dégradation complète par divers modes de réaction
•tels que l'abstraction d'atome d'hydrogène (déshydrogénation) l'addition électrophile des OH
sur systèmes π (hydroxylation) ou échange électronique (redox).
Les méthodes électrochimiques pour la production de radicaux hydroxyles sont également
appelées procédés électrochimiques d'oxydation avancée. Ces procédés offrent de nombreux
avantages tels qu'un faible coût d'exploitation et un degré de minéralisation élevé de polluants
organiques par rapport à d'autres procédés chimiques ou photochimiques. L'oxydation
anodique, en particulier avec anode de diamant dopé au bore, BDD (pour boron doped
tel-00601213, version 1 - 17 Jun 2011diamond), et l'électro-Fenton sont des procédés électrochimiques d'oxydation avancée
couramment utilis