COMMENTTHE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO 149 | NOVEMBER 2003Principal’s Forumt the beginning of eachDesmond Tutu academic year the Prin-Acipal of King’s holds aforum for staff where he talksabout issues affecting the Col-lege such as the strategic plan,to join King’s plans for the estate, andresearch priorities. The forum, to be presentedby Professor Barry Ife, will beAfrican apartheid system, and his by the School of Humanities andesmond Tutu, one of South held at various campuses, andmany years of experience are one by the School of Social Sci-Africa's most famous sons and there is the opportunity to askreflected in this special post. ence & Public Policy. He will alsoDwinner of the Nobel Prize for questions of senior manage-An alumnus of King’s (BD, teach on the AKC programme,Peace, is joining King’s as a Visiting ment.AKC, MTh), he will take up the the theme of which is ‘Forgive-Professor in the spring term. This year the forum dates arepost of Visiting Professor in Post- ness and Reconciliation in multi-For the first time the former as follows:Conflict Societies. cultural societies’.Archbishop of Cape Town willDuring his eight weeks at He will preach at the Beginning Tuesday 11 Novemberhold a post at a UK university. King’s he will be contributing to of Term Service in the College 13.00 – 14.00, Room 20CA,A priest first and foremost, theCollege life, including giving four Chapel at the Strand campus on Main Building, Strand campusMost Revd ...