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N° d’ordre : 103
présentée en vue
d’obtenir le grade de
Spécialité : Génie Electrique
Titre de la thèse:
Commande et Supervision Energétique d’un Générateur Hybride Actif Eolien
incluant du Stockage sous forme d’Hydrogène et des Super-Condensateurs
pour l’Intégration dans le Système Electrique d’un Micro Réseau
Soutenue le 30 Juin 2009 devant le jury d’examen :
Président Geneviève DAUPHIN-TANGUY, professeur, Ecole Centrale de Lille, LAGIS
Rapporteur Bernard DAVAT, Professeur, ENSEM de Nancy, GREEN
Daniel HISSEL, Professeur, Université de Franche-Comté, FEMTO-FCLAB Rapporteur
Membre Yongdong LI, Professeur, Université de Tsinghua, Beijing, Chine
Stéphane LECOEUCHE, Professeur, Ecole des Mines de Douai
Membre Gille NOTTON, Maître de Conférences (HDR), Université de Corse, LSPE Frédéric COLAS Docteur-Ingénieur de recherche, ENSAM ParisTech, L2EP
Directeur de thèse Bruno FRANCOIS, Maître de Conférences (HDR) Ecole Centrale de Lille, L2EP
Thèse préparée dans le Laboratoire L2EP à l’Ecole Centrale de Lille
Ecole Doctorale SPI 072
tel-00474041, version 2 - 16 Mar 2011
tel-00474041, version 2 - 16 Mar 2011
Control and Energy Management of a Hybrid Active Wind Generator
including Energy Storage System with Super-capacitors and
Hydrogen technologies for Microgrid Application
Ph.D dissertation
Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique et d’Electronique de Puissance de Lille (L2EP)
thJune 30 2009
tel-00474041, version 2 - 16 Mar 2011
tel-00474041, version 2 - 16 Mar 2011Preface
tel-00474041, version 2 - 16 Mar 2011Preface
tel-00474041, version 2 - 16 Mar 2011Preface
The PhD work, which is presented in this thesis, has been done at the “Laboratoire
d'Electrotechnique et d'Electronique de Puissance de Lille” (L2EP), from September 2006 to
July 2009. This work has been carried out as a part of a research project “ANR–
SUPERENER”, at Ecole Centrale de Lille with the support of the French National Research
Agency (ANR) and the China Scholarship Council (CSC).
This dissertation is not only a result of my own dedication and perseverance, but is largely a
credit to the patient and helpful people that I have worked with and to the supporting and
understanding people that I have lived with over these past three years. I would like to take
this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to this work.
My sincere thanks go to my supervisor, Dr. Bruno FRANCOIS, for his confidence in me
throughout this project and for his valuable guidance during the study.
I would like to thank members of the jury, Prof. Bernard DAVAT, Prof. Daniel HISSEL, Prof.
Yongdong LI, Prof. Geneviève DAUPHIN-TANGUY, Prof. Stéphane LECOEUCHE, Gille
NOTTON and Frédéric COLAS, for their valuable discussions and insightful comments
during the writing of the manuscript.
I am equally indebted to Prof. Stephane LECOEUCHE and his colleagues (Mohamed el hadi
LEBBAL, Didier JUGE-HUBERT and Gabriel HOUSSAYE) in the Department of
Informatics and Control Systems of the Ecole des Mines de Douai for their generous
cooperation and helpful discussion when I worked on the electrolyzer system in their
laboratory. Working with them during that period has been a very enriching experience.
I am also very grateful to Prof. Alain BOUSCAYROL and his colleagues (Anne-Laure
ALLEGRE, CHEN Keyu, Walter LHOMME and Christian DEMIAN) in the control team of
the L2EP for their constructive suggestions and continuous help during my work on the fuel
cell system in their laboratory.
Many thanks go also to Xavier CIMETIERE, Simon THOMY, Christophe RYMEK and
Hicham FAKHAM for their enormous help on implementation of the experimental test bench.
I would like also to thank my colleagues in the Grid Network Team (Omar BOUHALI, LI
Peng, LU Di, PENG Ling, Gauthier DELILLE, ZHANG He, Amir AHMIDI) and my
colleagues in the L2EP (TRAN Tuan Vu, Arnaud VIDET, Jean LEBESNERAIS, Fouzia
MOUSSOUNI, David MARIN, Francois GRUSON, Souleymane BERTHE, Xavier
MARGUERON, Guillaume PARENT) for their infinite friendship and encouraging supports.
Finally, I am infinitely grateful to all my friends and my families for their moral support, to
my parents for their continuous encouragement, and especially to my wife LU Yao for being
supportive and understanding during these three years, which are also the most difficult
period for her study.
tel-00474041, version 2 - 16 Mar 2011Preface
Explore everything around you,
penetrate to the furthest limits of human knowledge,
and always you will come up with something inexplicable in the end.
It is called life.
Albert Schweitzer
tel-00474041, version 2 - 16 Mar 2011Contents
Preface ................................................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgements............................................................................................................................ iii
Contents.................................................................................................................................................. v
Nomenclature of Symbols.................................................................................................................. xiii
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter I Context and Methodologies ............................................................................................... 6
I.1 Renewable energy sources and distributed generation .................................................................. 6
I.1.1 Renewable energy sources ..................................................................................................... 6
I.1.2 Distributed generation ............................................................................................................ 8
I.1.3 Smart grid............................................................................................................................... 9
I.1.4 Microgrid.............................................................................................................................. 10
I.1.5 Hybrid power system............................................................................................................ 12
I.2 Hydrogen as alternative energy carrier to electricity................................................................... 12
I.2.1 Hydrogen market.................................................................................................................. 12
I.2.2 Hydrogen-electric economy ................................................................................................. 13
I.2.3 Hydrogen as storage for electricity....................................................................................... 14
I.3 Integration of renewable energy based generators into a microgrid............................................ 15
I.3.1 General framework of the microgrid operation.................................................................... 15
I.3.2 Problems of renewable energy sources ................................................................................ 15
I.3.3 Concept of active generator.................................................................................................. 16
I.4 Presentation of the studied active generator ................................................................................ 17
I.4.1 Technologies of wind generators ......................................................................................... 17
I.4.2 Classification of energy storage systems.............................................................................. 19
1.4.3 Long-term storage system through hydrogen technologies................................................. 20
1.4.4 Fast-dynamic storage unit by super-capacitors 20
I.4.5 Structure of the studied hybrid power system ...................................................................... 21
I.5 Objectives and methodologies of the PhD thesis......................................................................... 22
I.5.1 Objectives............................................................................................................................. 22
I.5.2 Tools..................................................................................................................................... 22
I.5.3 Methods........