Combustion modification by non-thermal plasma [Elektronische Ressource] / von Ali Bourig









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Combustion Modification by Non-Thermal Plasma Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doktoringenieur (Dr.-Ing.) von M. Sc. Ali BOURIG geb. am 18. April 1982 in Iknioune (Marokko) genehmigt durch die Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Promotionskommission: Prof. Christophe Laux (Vorsitz) Prof. Dominique Thévenin (Gutachter) Prof. Jean-Pierre Martin (Gutachter) Prof. Uwe Riedel (Gutachter) eingereicht am: 6. April 2009 Promotionskolloquium am: 16. Juli 2009 1 UNIVERSITÉ D’ORLÉANS OTTO-VON-GUERICKE-UNIVERSITÄT MAGDEBURG Institut de Combustion Aérothermique Réactivité & Environnement (ICARE) CNRS, Orléans, France Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik und Strömungstechnik (LSS) Magdeburg, Germany A Thesis submitted to the Faculties of Verfahrens und Systemtechnik (Magdeburg) and Science and Technology (Orléans) by Ali BOURIG For the degree of Doctor-Engineer Defence: 16 July 2009 Discipline / Speciality: Energy and Process COMBUSTION MODIFICATION BY NON-THERMAL PLASMA THESIS directed by : [M. Jean-Pierre MARTIN] [Research director, ICARE, CNRS] [M. Dominique THEVENIN] [Professor, LSS, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg] EXAMINATORS : [M. Christophe LAUX] [Professor, EM2C, Ecole Centrale Paris] [M.
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Publié le

01 janvier 2009



Poids de l'ouvrage

4 Mo

Combustion Modification by Non-Thermal Plasma


zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades

von M. Sc. Ali BOURIG

geb. am 18. April 1982 in Iknioune (Marokko)

genehmigt durch die
Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik der
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.

Prof. Christophe Laux (Vorsitz)
Prof. Dominique Thévenin (Gutachter)
Prof. Jean-Pierre Martin (Gutachter)
Prof. Uwe Riedel (Gutachter)

eingereicht am: 6. April 2009

Promotionskolloquium am: 16. Juli 2009


Institut de Combustion Aérothermique Réactivité & Environnement (ICARE)
CNRS, Orléans, France
Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik und Strömungstechnik (LSS)
Magdeburg, Germany

A Thesis submitted to the Faculties
Verfahrens und Systemtechnik (Magdeburg) and Science and Technology (Orléans)


For the degree of Doctor-Engineer

Defence: 16 July 2009

Discipline / Speciality: Energy and Process


THESIS directed by :

[M. Jean-Pierre MARTIN] [Research director, ICARE, CNRS]
[M. Dominique THEVENIN] [Professor, LSS, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg]


[M. Christophe LAUX] [Professor, EM2C, Ecole Centrale Paris]
[M. Uwe RIEDEL] [Professor, Stuttgart University]


[M. Christophe LAUX] [Professor, EM2C, Ecole Centrale Paris] Jury president
[M. Jean-Pierre MARTIN] [Research director, ICARE, CNRS]
[M. Dominique THEVENIN] [Professor, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg]
[M. Uwe RIEDEL] [Professor, Stuttgart University]

This work was carried out at the Otto-von-Guericke University,
Faculty of Process and Systems Engineering, and at ICARE from the
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) with support of
the Region Centre and Land Sachsen-Anhalt and of the European
Union, under INTAS project n°: 03-51-4736.

Ali Bourig.
The University of Orléans, the University of Magdeburg, 2009
Supervisors : Jean-Pierre Martin and Dominique Thévenin


A thesis is seldom the work of a single person in isolation, particularly in a European context; it is the
result of a research activity involving a bunch of people. I am pleased now to acknowledge those who
have, in various ways, contributed.
First of all, I express my sincere thanks to my supervising professors, Dominique Thévenin and Jean-
Pierre Martin, for their guidance and support and for permitting me to perform this work in their
laboratories. This work is the result of their constant inspiration and positive encouragements, for
giving me the opportunity to develop this experience abroad and challenging me every day to make
me a better scientist. I want to thank the ICARE institute and the Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik
and Strömungstechnik for giving me permission to begin this thesis in the first instance.
I wish to express my profound gratitude to my co-advisers, Viviana Lago and Katharina Zähringer, for
their support, patience and guidance all along my thesis. The freedom of work and the constant
encouragements they gave me while I began plasma physics and optical diagnostics studies were
really important.
I take the opportunity to thank once again Katja and Dominique. They put a roof over my head when I
arrived in Magdeburg and I felt at home ever since.
Although doing a Ph D is somehow a lonely process you need many people to collaborate with, whose
skills allow the project to mature. I wish to thank our project partners from Heat and Mass Transfer
Institute in Minsk: Prof. Academician Sergey Zhdanok, Fiodar Pliavaka, Sergey Gorbatov, and Sergey
Shushkov. I am also grateful to my friend Kiryl Pliavaka, Ph.D student and INTAS young fellow
scientist. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of them, for continuing support and
collaboration, as well as for their help particularly in setting up and operating the pulsed power
Thanks to the people of the CIAM, Moscow in name of Pr. Starik, people of the MSU in name of Pr.
Shatalov, people of IFPHT, Kiev in name of Dr. Naumov and Dr. Zizak from the CNR, Milano. I am
also grateful to Dr. Motoshi Goto from the National Institute for Fusion Science in Japan for sending
me the collisional Radiative numerical code for Helium and Pr. Andrew Orr-Erring from Bristol
®University for providing me the PGOPHER code.
Furthermore, I would like to thank the members of my reading committee, Pr. Christophe Laux and Pr.
Uwe Riedel for taking the time to assess my manuscript. Your advices for some final corrections are
greatly appreciated.

At last but not least, I wish to thank those who funded this work: The Region Centre (France) and the
Sachsen-Anhalt Land (Germany). This research is also supported by a grant from the French-German
University. Also, the present work is linked to the European INTAS project titled “Kinetics and
Mechanism of Ignition/Combustion Initiated by Electronically Excited Singlet Oxygen” (INTAS Ref.
No: 03-51-4736). This program is an international association for promotion of co-operation with
scientists from the new independent states of the former Soviet Union.
I also wish to thank the many people who helped me and the time spent and discussions from science
to philosophy. Thanks to the technical persons from Orleans and Magdeburg for their constant help
and collaboration. Thanks to Emerson, Rachid, Alper, Gabor, Tobias, Andreas, Thomas, Raman,
Santosh, Mohammed and Hemdan for their exceptional friendship. My best regards are sent to my
Hiwis :”the 3 Martins” for their investment in my experimental Ph.D work.
thFinally, the 5 of January 2008 was an important date of my life; I thank Jean-Pierre, Marie-France,
Viviana and Philippe for their presence for my wedding.

So this is the time for a last and personal word. During those 3 years in Orléans and Magdeburg I
shared a lot of nice moments with a lot of people. Throughout these years I have met a lot of people
outside and inside the work sphere that contributed to make this adventure possible and enjoyable.
Finally, the purpose of this page is to say thank you to all of you!


This dissertation is dedicated to my wife for her help and encouragement, and to my father, mother,
brothers and sisters for their encouragement and extensive support.

“La recherche scientifique est un sport individuel que l'on est obligé de pratiquer en équipe”.

Roger Rimet
Before this study

The actual collaboration was initiated more than 15 years ago during the first exchanges, in the
framework of international conferences, between Dr. Jean-Pierre Martin and Prof. Academician
Serguei Zhdanok. It was indeed shaped during stay of Serguei Zhdanok in 1993 in the team of Jean
Pierre Martin, on a SPI CNRS red position.
Several stays of young researchers strengthened the collaboration between 1993 and 1995 (P.
Porshnev and L. Porshneva performed several stays of 3 months, on subventions of the SPI and DRI
of the CNRS). They intensified as part of two INTAS projects, among which one was still active for
my Ph.D project.
Combustion efficiency plays a critical role in energy production and environmental pollution.
The development of any efficient combustion methodology demands detailed experimental studies,
relevant theoretical modelling and numerical simulations in order to achieve a comprehensive
understanding of the underlying fundamentals of the combustion process. Several research groups
work on the effect of an electric field on the flame behaviour. The main ideas are the possibility to
apply electric fields for stabilization of the flames, reducing soot formation,

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