Doc name: PyCell Studio Tutorial 4.2 Doc rev: 7 Software rev: 4.2 Doc date: Dec 8, 2007 Introduction
This tutorial explains the basics of the Ciranova PyCell Studio product, and how it can be used to develop parameterized cell layout generators. The first section of this tutorial introduces Ciranova and the technology which Ciranova has developed for building parameterized cell generators. The next section of this tutorial describes the Integrated Development Environment which Ciranova has built using the Wing IDE environment used for developing and debugging Python programs. This IDE has been customized by Ciranova to work with Python-based parameterized cells.
Ciranova, PyCell, PyCell Studio, PCell Xtreme, Ciranova Helix, Pyros and Pyros LE are trademarks of Ciranova, Inc. PyCell Studio Tutorial p. ii Introduction Ciranova™ provides a Python Application Programming Interface (API) that is used to create Python Parameterized Cells (PyCells) at any level of complexity that operate in the Open Access environment.
The PyCell Studio™ is a group of tools, built around the Ciranova API that can be used to form a complete PyCell™ development environment.
The groups of tools contained in the PyCell Studio are:
Pyros™ – An Open Access layout viewer that has ...