Cafe Analysis Tutorial








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Cafe Analysis Tutorial
Gavin Hesketh
Northeastern University
thManchester Workshop, 25  August 2006.
Wiki Page:
­ What you should know already
­ What I'm going to cover
­ Data Analysis
­ Monte Carlo Analysis
­ Other stuff
1 What you should know already
This is not a general introduction to cafe!
For that, see:
­ Reiner's tutorial in Vancouver (linked from the  CSG web page)
­ Slava's talk on caf_utils (also linked from the CSG page)
So, you should already know roughly:
­ what cafe is
­ cafe structure (processors)
­ setting up a config file
This tutorial goes through a basic  physics analysis using cafe.
2 Aim
A working example of a physics analysis:
­ The standard cafe tools:
­ data quality
­ standard object selection
­ applying weights to Monte  Carlo
­ Developing a processor to do your own analysis.
There is generally more than one way to do all of this!
­ this is a  combination of the  standard tools and my analysis
­ consider it a  working example, not the definitive  guide
­ there  are other analysis examples out there (top_cafe, wzmuxsec).
There is a tutorial wiki page (under  the  CAF section)
3­ repository for additional knowledge / tips. Format
All the code is in a cvs package:
­ manchester_cafe_tutorial
Go to the  tutorial wiki page to find the latest version, and how to set it up.
­ D0 wiki ­> CAF ­> Manchester Cafe  Tutorial
­ ...
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Cafe Analysis Tutoria
Gavin Northeastern University Manchester Workshop, 25thAugust 2006.
Wiki Page:
What you should know already -- What I'm going to cover  Data Analysis -- Monte Carlo Analysis  - Other stuff
This is not a general introduction to cafe! For that, see: - Reiner's tutorial in Vancouver (linked from the CSG web page) - Slava's talk on caf_utils (also linked from the CSG page)
So, you should already know roughly: - what cafe is - cafe structure (processors) - setting up a config file
This tutorial goes through a basic physics analysis using cafe.
A working example of a physics analysis: - The standard cafe tools: data quality -- standard object selection - applying weights to Monte Carlo - Developing a processor to do your own analysis.
There is generally more than one way to do all of this! - this is a combination of the standard tools and my analysis - consider it a working example, not the definitive guide - there are other analysis examples out there (top_cafe, wzmuxsec).
There is a tutorial wiki page (under the CAF section) - repository for additional knowledge / tips.
amroFtnd an,ioo  tow htal eht srev tse-> Ciki > MaAF -tiu es t0Dw .p - tGoiki page to find oht eutotirlaw CafeTutonchesterirla/v/ Tu Cafsternche:s//thptla -otir
All the code is in a cvs package: _ _ - manchester cafe tutorial
These slides are intended as a reference - you'll probably learn most by playing with the code and configs! - for example, try: - run the analysis as it is - changing some cuts - add some plots to the example processor - run the analysis with another trigger.
Rest of this tutorial
- setting up a working directory - how to find data and MC - a basic cafe analysis: Inclusive Z->mumu cross section - data quality selection duplicate event removal -- trigger selection (data) - physics object selection - some further selection & analysis - applying reco scale factors (MC) - applying trigger efficiencies (MC) - other MC tools - submitting jobs - getting the luminosity other things out there -
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To simplify this, I've made two setup scripts: - on the tutorial wiki page (under CAF) - these were up to date at the time of writing!
 v03util04 a-00-a5ddrb0-ac_fkp g-0042-v0g pkdd8ame gkpdd stuc_di4 addpkg  cafe pfa_eas m1p-8rb0-g pktcjer or8-p1b-8101-r   1dda aaddeswt000d0..8_p18rialtuto0cd c  gkpdda 17-rb-18 peetrb_tmg pk0.n0weer I1p.880p D0RunIsetu.81p0.80rotu_lai8..0 t00-tl 18 ptu_ffe_f-10v sliad1 -009mi ekgdp f4v_dfeilimp-er addnarymuidpkg pddac gkt_faggir ver-002084-dpadgke ffu_itslv 10-11-00 addpkg cadd1a-0012-v0q _d-20v litu_qd gkpdq_dpkg 1add01-00- 4-6502v00fe sl ti1-v0f_ca_umcgkpdfac 0-20da 7ight v00_pdfrewepdgkc fa0--030daignf*.s/nfco .igefactut_airooc/ln -s manchester_puc fat_oosl- lt=yEDARSHetesakgmopxeHTAP_KNIL trSRT_in/$IR:$SUBDC_NOAVETs/bhETTXTRS$IRP_P tr=HTA000-poex val-000_eutotirtsrec_fag manche-03addpk40-00v ocerfac_z wkgdpad011--000ffv die_j tepdgk00ad-00- v02_eff
setup_on h (.csh) ce.s (.csh)
Run once
setup caf_tools -t
eve ni ns wen yrllheD=yNK_SHAREuR_SRTDIUBbish$Sn/ropxIL tP$:ReHTASRT_TH=$t PAxporXE/TOCTNTA_ERPVI pIIun0R Dupet se00.80.81
hTe TutorialP ackage
manchester cafe tutorial _ _
Contains: - these slides! (doc/tutorial.pdf & .odp) - example config files (config and config/common directories)  example processor (src/Ana.cpp & _ _tutoria a.hpp) - an manchester cafe l/An - example job submission commands (doc j _ .sh) / ob sub - some skimmed data & mc (skim/) - only~100 events each - example for the lumi calculation (doc/lumi.txt & runrange.list)
Note on setup_once: - this will (quickly) become obsolete as cafe evolves.
Ho wot od anA anylsis
Common tools developed to make analysis as simple as possible - but I'm afraid you'll have to do some work yourself...  - configuring the common tools - writing your final analysis processor
Approach I take: - different trigger versions, detector performance... - easiest way to handle this is to split your data set - develop config files for each trigger / period example is structured in a way to minimise duplication. -
Reminder.. these are my methods, not THE method...
How to find Data and MC
From the CSG web page:
Pass 2 and Pass 3 data – we need both! For data, we'll use two SAM definitions: CSG_ _ highpt_ ASS3_p17.09.03 CAF 2MU P CSG_CAF_2MUhighpt_PASS2_p17.09.01
For MC: We'll use p17.09.06 production MC, request ID 33670. Make sure you use MCv3! Corresponding SAM definition: _ _ CSG CAF MCv3-33670
A Basic Cafe Analysis Part 1: Data
For testing, I've skimmed some data and MC. - stored in the tutorial package.
We will start with a basic config file, and build up from there. - The setup_once script links the config files to your area - If not, they are in manchester cafe tutorial/configs _ _
Start with tutorial_one.config - runs the Stat processor – keeps track of global weights. - run range selection - data quality selection - trigger selection muon selection -Run with: cafe tutorial_ fig one.con
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