BENCHMARK STUDIES & REPORTS IN ADULT LITERACY(Summaries by Betsy Feist for Spangenberg Learning Resources, 12/00 – Rev. 2/05/01)1. The Adult Performance Level Study: Final Report, University of Texas (Austin), August 1977—funding by the Office of Education of the former Department of Health, Education, & Welfare.This study sought to identify the competencies necessary for success in today’s society and to developtools for assessing those competencies in adults. The competencies were determined through a review ofthe literature, a survey of state and federal agencies, regional conferences, and interviews with“undereducated and underemployed adults.” This research resulted in a taxonomy of adult needscategorized into the following “general knowledge” areas: (1) consumer economics, (2) occupational oroccupationally related knowledge, (3) community resources, (4) health, and (5) government and the law.The knowledge base was then studied to determine the skills needed to achieve functional competence.The report delineated the following characteristics of functional competency: it has a specific societalcontext; involves “the application a set of skills to a set of general knowledge areas”; and correlates withsuccess in the adult life. The relevant skills areas are communications, computation, and problemsolving.The general knowledge areas and skills identified were used to specify competencies and developperformance indicators for those competencies. These in ...