Benchmark Correlations - 02-03








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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

THE ZOOBenchmarks & YouHow to reach theOregon statebenchmarks withzoo resourcesSeptember 2002Produced by theEducation DivisionOregon Zoo4001 SW Canyon RoadPortland, OR 97221This educational material may be copiedby teachers for instructional use only.© Oregon Zoo a department of Metro,Portland, ORSeptember 2002Metro Publication # 2002.10956.ZOO.ePrinted in the United States of AmericaAll rights reserved, including the right toreproduce this publication or portionsthereof in any form whatsoever asindicated in the text.Oregon State Benchmarks English E-1 Mathematics M-1 Science S-1 Social Studies SS-1 Career & Life Roles C-1 OVERVIEW of PROGRAMS The Oregon Zoo offers many educational programs specifically designed for students and teachers. Many of these correlate directly or are easily adapted to the Oregon Benchmarks. A brief description of each program is listed below. Specific correlations with the Oregon Benchmarks are detailed in the following pages. For the latest information on our education programs visit CURRICULA These multi-disciplinary curriculum packets provide content resources and activities for an educational field trip to the Zoo. Materials include field trip preparatory activities, activities to be completed at the Zoo during the field trip, and activities to complete back in the classroom using the ...
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THE ZOO Benchmarks & You
How to reach the Oregon state benchmarks with zoo resources
September 2002
Produced by the Education Division Oregon Zoo 4001 SW Canyon Road Portland, OR 97221
This educational material may be copied by teachers for instructional use only.
© Oregon Zoo a department of Metro, Portland, OR
September 2002 Metro Publication # 2002.10956.ZOO.e
Printed in the United States of America
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this publication or portions thereof in any form whatsoever as indicated in the text.
Oregon State Benchmarks
English                E-1
Mathematics        M-1
Science  S-1                   
Social Studies      SS-1
Career & Life Roles C-1 
 The Oregon Zoo offers many educational programs specifically designed for students and teachers. Many of these correlate directly or are easily adapted to the Oregon Benchmarks. A brief description of each program is listed below. Specific correlations with the Oregon Benchmarks are detailed in the following pages. For the latest information on our education programs visitnooz.oroww.wrogeg  CURRICULA  These multi-disciplinary curriculum packets provide content resources and activities for an educational field trip to the Zoo. Materials include field trip preparatory activities, activities to be completed at the Zoo during the field trip, and activities to complete back in the classroom using the information gathered on the Zoo visit. All may be downloaded from the Zoo web site.  K-2 AT THE ZOO (lower e lementary) Developed by teachers for teachers. This curriculum helps students build basic skills, such as sorting, observation and asking questions. Students will also learn about life cycles, habitats and the zoo community.  STELLER COVE (lower elementary) A multi-disciplinary curriculum with activities in science, social studies, geography, and math focusing on the Zoo’s Ste ller Cove exhibit and the marine environment of the Pacific Northwest coast. This packet is best suited for elementary school students, but may be adapted for middle school classes.  AMAZON FLOODED FOREST (upper elementary) Discover how annual floods a ffects the animals and people of the Amazon basin. Discover how the annual rising water affect the habitat of animals, how the y move, where they eat - even learn about the fruit eating fish. People’s lives also change with the seasons - imagine going to school in a dugout canoe.  THREATENED & ENDANGERED SPECIES (upper elementary/middle school) Using Asian elephants as examples, this curriculum focuses on issues leading to the rising numbers of endangered species worldwide. Using skills from across the curriculum, students will learn about the interconnectedness of ecosystems, changing habitats, and how human activities are affecting wildlife. This packet is designed for upper elementary and middle school, but is easily adapted to high school.  ZOOSCOPE (all grades) ZooScope is a curriculum that involves students in inquiry based learning. Students are encouraged to develop their inquiry skills through the observation of animals. Students can gather behavioral data, mathematically manipulate numbers, analyze their findings and draw conclusions about Zoo animals or those in your classroom or school yard. Suggestions for incorporating ZooScope activities across the curriculum include activities for writing, speaking, math and science.
PROGRAMS AT THE ZOO  FIELD TRIPS (all grades) Over 1,300 animals arranged in habitat exhibits tell a wide variety of animal ecology and conservation stories. Exhibit signs and displays are useful teaching tools and curriculum packets are available to enhance the educational quality of a field trip to the Zoo. The Zoo is the perfect location to teach science, math, art, social studies and more.  Discounts are available to schools who make reservations at least two weeks before they plan to visit. Teachers making reservations receive an advance pass to the Zoo so they may prepare lessons.  OVERNIGHTS (all grades) ZooSnooze is a fun, educational overnight experience for your class. Spend the night and get treated to live animal presentations, behind the scenes tours and a nighttime guided safari of the Zoo. Students explore a series of discovery stations and knowledgeable staff and volunteers lead nocturnal tours. Dinner and breakfast are included in the $40 per person fee.  ZOOTEENS (high school) This is a summer volunteer opportunity for students who may be interested in careers at the Zoo or just enjoy animals and people. During summer break, ZooTeens explore the many skills required to operate the Zoo, includ-ing caring for animals, keeping the grounds, educating the public and tending to visitors needs.  CAREER DAY (high school) Twice a year the Zoo offers a day of career exploration for high school juniors and seniors. Students talk with staff members from a vari- ety of departments and discover the some of the many jobs necessary to operate the Zoo. Students interested in Career Day should con-tact the School to Work Coordinator in their building  INTERNSHIPS (high school) An individual student may intern at the Zoo for one semester or an entire year. Students work alongside Zoo staff on the daily activities and projects that it takes to keep the Zoo running. Internships are available in Education, Public Relations/Marketing, Guest Services and Animal Management areas. All internships work to meet the Career & Life Roles Benchmarks. Other benchmarks vary with specific placement.  SCHOOL TO WORK (high school) Groups of students or entire classes work as a group on Zoo projects. Teachers and staff work together to plan the project, implement the plan and evaluate the results. All School to Work opportunities work to meet the Career & Life Roles Benchmarks. Other bench-marks vary with specific project.  
PROGRAMS AT YOUR SCHOOL  BIRDS OF PREY ASSEMBLY (all grades) The Birds of Prey assembly is a unique learning opportunity that provides an up close look at several magnificent birds of prey. Besides learning about their behavioral and biological traits, students will discover how human activity and environmental factors are linked to habitat destruction or preservation. The show will reinforce the positive actions we can take to help protect birds of prey and other wildlife species.  BIRD OF PREY CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS (all grades) Students get a more intimate encounter with the birds from our assembly program. Choose from one of our topics: What make a bird a bird (lower elementary), Birds and Where they Live (elementary/middle) or Endangered Species (middle/high) or help us reinforce one of your lessons.  LIVE ANIMAL PRESENTATIONS (elementary) These program are very flexible. Insects or touchable animals from our collection visit students in your classroom. These presentations are easily adapted to support a variety of lessons and corresponding benchmarks. (When you book your program, let us know what you are studying.)   RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS INSECT ZOO KITS (lower elementary) ach Insect kit contains several mounted specimens, magnifying glasses, pictures and activity ideas for elementary students. Several topics are available includingArachnids(spiders),Insects,Butterflies,Colors and Shapes,BeetlesandSocial Insects.  
ITCASE FOR SURVIVAL (middle school) This newly revised curriculum focuses on how humans and animals share the environment, and how human choices affect animals. This suitcase is filled with confiscated wildlife trade goods, which provide hands-on study of international wildlife trade issues and how human choices affect the environment. A curriculum packet and scripted slide show are i ncluded. The kit is free to use following a required training workshop.  For more information or to schedule an activity call 503-220-2781
Common Curriculum Content Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 CIM/CAM Goal Standard Grade 5 GradeGrade 3 Grade 8 10 Recognize, Recognize, Read accurately by using Determine meanings of Determine meanings of Determine meanings of pronounce, and pronounce and phonics, language words using contextual words using contextual words using contextual know the meaning know the meaning structure, word meaning and structural clues, and structural clues, and structural clues, of words in text. of words in text by and visual clues. illustrations and other illustrations and other illustrations and other using phonics,AAAAAAAAAAAAAA strategies. strategies. readingreading strategies. reading language Read orally with naturalAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA structure, phrasing, expressivezThreatened &zThreatened & interpretation, flow andEndangered Species Endangered Species contextual clues and visual clues. pace.Curriculum Curriculum AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Determine meanings ofzAmazon Curriculum words using contextual clues and illustrations. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA zAmazon Curriculum
Use a variety of Locate information Locate information using Locate information and ocate information and Locate information and L reading strategies and clarify illustrations, tables of clarify meaning by using clarify meaning by using clarify meaning by using to increase meaning by contents, glossaries, illustrations, tables of tables of contents, tables of contents, comprehension skimming, indexes, headings, contents, glossaries, glossaries, indexes, glossaries, indexes, and learning. scanning, close graphs, charts, indexes, headings, headings, graphs, headings, graphs, reading, and other diagrams, and/or tables. graphs, charts, charts, diagrams, and/or charts, diagrams, tables strategies.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA other reference and tables.diagrams, and/or tables. zAmazon CurriculumAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAsources zThreatened &zThreatened & Endangered Species Endangered Species Curriculum Curriculum AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAzAmazon Curriculum
E- 1
The Zoo, The Benchmarks and You
Common Curriculum Content Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 CIM/CAM Goal StandardGrade 3 5 Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade Demonstrate literal Demonstrate literal Retell, summarize or Identify a sequence of Identify a sequence of Identify sequence of comprehension of comprehension of identify a sequence of events, main ideas, events, main ideas, events, main ideas, a variety of printed a variety of printed events, main ideas, facts facts, supporting details facts, supporting details facts, supporting details, materials. materials. and opinions in literary and opinions in literary, and opinions in literary, and opinions in literary, AAAAAAAAAAA informativeand informative informative and practical informative, and practical and practical Increase work selections. selections. selections. selections. knowledgeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA throuzSteller CovezThreatened &zThreatened &zZooTeens gh systematicvocabulary Endangered SpeciesCurriculum Endangered Species development.AAAAAAAAAAAAAACurriculum Curriculum zAmazon Curriculum
Demonstrate Demonstrate Identify cause and effect Identify relationships, Examine relationships, Analyze relationships, inferential inferential relationships and make images, patterns, or images, patterns, or images, patterns, or comprehension of comprehension of simple predictions. symbols and draw symbols to draw symbols to draw a variety of printed a variety of printedAAAAAAAAAAAAAAconclusions about their conclusions about their conclusions about their materials. materials.zSteller Covemeanings in printed in printed meanings in printed meanings Curriculummaterial. material. material. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA zAmazon CurriculumzSteller CovezThreatened &zZooTeens Curriculum Endangered SpeciesAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACurriculumzField Trip zThreatened &AAAAAAAAAAAAAAEndangered SpecieszField Trip Curriculum AAAAAAAAAAAAAA zAmazon Curriculum AAAAAAAAAAAAAAzField Trip
E- 2
The Zoo, The Benchmarks and You
Common Curriculum Content Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 CIM/CAM Goal Standard 10 GradeGrade 3 Grade 5 Grade 8 Demonstrate Demonstrate Analyze and evaluate Analyze and evaluate Analyze and evaluate Analyze and evaluate evaluative evaluative information and form information and form whether a conclusion is whether an argument, comprehension of comprehension of conclusions. conclusions. validated by the action, or policy is a variety of printed a variety of printedAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA validated by theevidence in a selection. materials. materials.zSteller CovezSteller CoveAAAAAAAAAAAAAAevidence in a selection. Curriculum CurriculumzThreatened & AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAEndangered Species zAmazon CurriculumzThreatened & Curriculum AAAAAAAAAAAAAAEndangered Species zField Trip Curriculum AAAAAAAAAAAAAAzAmazon Curriculum AAAAAAAAAAAAAAzField Trip
Connect reading Draw connections selections to other and explain texts, experiences, relationships issues and events between reading Read for selections and enjoyment and other texts, information. experiences, issues and events.
E- 3
Extend and deepen Extend and deepen Extend and deepen comprehension by comprehension by comprehension by relating text to other relating text to other relating text to other texts, experiences texts, experiences texts, experiences issues and events. issues and events. issues and events. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA zThreatened &zThreatened & Endangered Species Endangered Species Curriculum Curriculum AAAAAAAAAAAAAAzmazon Curriculum
The Zoo, The Benchmarks and You
Common Curriculum Content Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 CIM/CAM Goal StandardGrade 3 Grade 5 Grade 8 Grade 10 Communicate Communicate Convey main ideas with Convey clear main ideas Convey clear, focused Convey clear, focused knowledge of the knowledge of the some detail. and supporting details in main ideas supported by main ideas supported by topic, including topic, includingAAAAAAAAAAAAAA accurate and examples in detailsways appropriate to and relevant relevant examples, relevant examples,zSteller Cove details appropriate to in ways waystopic, audience and facts, anecdotes, facts, anecdotesCurriculum to topic,purpose. topic, audience and appropriate and details and details.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and purpose.purpose. audience appropriate tozAmazon CurriculumzSteller CoveAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA topic, audienceCurriculumzThreatened &zZooTeens and purpose.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAEndangered Species zThreatened & Curriculum Endangered Species Curriculum AAAAAAAAAAAAAAzAmazon Curriculum
Structure Structure Structure writing by Structure writing by Structure writing in a Structure writing in a information in information in developing a beginning, developing a beginning, sequence by developing clear sequence by clear sequence, clear sequence, middle, and end middle, and end with a beginning, middle, and developing a beginning, making making supported by some clear sequencing of end and by making middle, and end and by connections and connections and transitions. ideas and transitions. transitions among ideas making transitions transitions among transitions amongAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA amongand paragraphs. ideas, ideas, sentences, ideas, paragraphs,zSteller CovezSteller CoveAAAAAAAAAAAAAAparagraphs, and and paragraphs. and sentences.Curriculum CurriculumzSteller Covesentences. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAACurriculumAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Express ideas inzAmazon CurriculumzThreatened &AAAAAAAAAAAAAAzZooScope an engaging andAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEndangered SpecieszThreatened & carpepdribleriawtaeytozZooScope Curriculum Endangered Species opAAAAAAAAAAAAAACurriculum audience andzAmazon CurriculumAAAAAAAAAAAAAA purpose.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAzZooScope zZooScope
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The Zoo, The Benchmarks and You
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