EUSD Elementary Twelve-week Benchmark Assessments Trimester 1- Assessments to be completed by November 8-12, some are at 9 weeks-quarter Collegial Conversations-Week #13, November 15-19 Trimester 2- Assessments to be completed by February 14-18, or earlier Collegial Conversations-Week #25, February 28-March 4 Trimester 3- Assessments to be completed by May 30-June 3, or earlier Collegial Conversations-Week #37, June 6-10 * Denotes student answer sheets can be scanned into EDUSOFT, Trimester 1. (Additional assessments at Grades 2-5 will be added eventually.) **Denotes teacher record sheets can be scanned into EDUSOFT, Trimester 1. (ELD Benchmarks for Grades 2-8 only. Grades K and 1 will submit to Language Acquisition Dept.) ■ Denotes intention to be scanned into EDUSOFT by the beginning of next year Kinder Language Arts & Math Multiple Measures ELD Benchmark Assessments On-demand Writing Test st1 Grade HM and HM+ Emerging Literacy Survey HM and HM+ Leveled Reading Passages HM Summative Assessments, after Themes 3,5 (includes Summative Writing) HM+ Summative Assessments, after Themes 3,5 (includes Summative Writing) Lectura- Formulario para la Lectoecritura Emergente Lectura- Inventario Informal de Lectura Lectura- Pruebas de Recapitulacion, after Themes 3,5 (Includes Escritura ...