PQB D 37 S ISO 14 001 internal audit D 37ISO 14 001 internal audit Goal1 Scope2 Normative references3 Definitions4 Principles5 Auditp rogramme5.1 General5.2 Objectives5.3 Responsibilities5.4 Implementation5.5 Records5.6 Audit programme review6 Audit realization6.1 General6.2 Initiating6.2.1 Objectives, scope and criteria6.2.2 Situations and feasibility6.2.3 First contact6.3 Document review6.4 Preparing the audit6.5 Audit realization6.5.1 Opening6.5.2 Audit evidence6.5.3 Audit conclusions6.6 Audit report7 Auditor competences7.1 General7.2 Personal attributes7.3 Knowledge and skills7.4 Training7.5 Auditor evaluationAnnexesGoal of the modu:l eTo realize an internal audit according to ISO 19 011 so as to be able to:• verify the conformity to practices and effectiveness of the processes• determine the effectiveness of the ISO 14 001 environmental management system • help improve the ISO 14 001 environmental management system www.pqb.fr 1 3/ PQB D 37 S ISO 14 001 internal audit 1 ScopeThe worda udit comes from latin "audire" = to listen.Audit: systematic and ...