Audit and Review Social Work Department March 2004 I. Program Highlights/Initiatives A. Overview the current curriculum, including options available within the program (e.g., discussion of the different emphases). The Department of Social Work is a professional education and training program for bachelor’s level generalist social workers. The Council on Social Work Education has detailed guidelines for curriculum in their accreditation standards. The required sequence includes Introduction to Social Welfare; Human Behavior and the Social Environment; Social Work Practice classes which include micro, mezzo and macro content on working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities; Social Welfare Policy and Social Work Research. In this review period, the Department has developed a minor, Human Services Foundations, which includes several social work elective classes, as well as classes from psychology, women’s studies, safety studies, English, math, and communicative disorders. This allows students to take a minor closely related to the Social Work major and is clearly popular with 91 students enrolled (1/30/04). However, students may take any minor approved by the College of Letters and Sciences to broaden their experience. B. List any special recognition that the program has received during the review period. In February 2002, the Commission on Accreditation reviewed our application for reaffirmation. They ...