A Tutorial on Mathematical Modeling








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the very game
A Tutorial on Mathematical Modeling
Michael P. McLaughlin
www.geocities.com/~mikemclaughlin © Dr. Michael P. McLaughlin
This tutorial is distributed free of charge and may neither be sold nor repackaged for sale in
whole or in part.
Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
“OK, I’ve got some data. Now what?”
It is the quintessence of science, engineering, and numerous other disciplines to make
quantitative observations, record them, and then try to make some sense out of the resulting
dataset. Quite often, the latter is an easy task, due either to practiced familiarity with the
domain or to the fact that the goals of the exercise are undemanding. However, when working
at the frontiers of knowledge, this is not the case. Here, one encounters unknown territory,
with maps that are sometimes poorly defined and always incomplete.
The question posed above is nontrivial; the path from observation to understanding is, in
general, long and arduous. There are techniques to facilitate the journey but these are seldom
taught to those who need them most. My own observations, over the past twenty years, have
disclosed that, if a functional relationship is nonlinear, or a probability distribution something
other than Gaussian, Exponential, or Uniform, then analysts (those who are not statisticians)
are usually unable to cope. As a result, approximations are made and reports delivered
containing conclusions that are ...
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Éthe very gameÉÓ Ò
A Tutorial on Mathematical Modeling
Michael P. McLaughlin www.geocities.com/~mikemclaughlin
© Dr. Michael P. McLaughlin  1993-1999
This tutorial is distributed free of charge and may neither be sold nor repackaged for sale in whole or in part.
Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
“OK, I’ve got some data. Now what?”
It is the quintessence of science, engineering, and numerous other disciplines to make quantitative observations, record them, and then try to make some sense out of the resulting dataset. Quite often, the latter is an easy task, due either to practiced familiarity with the domain or to the fact that the goals of the exercise are undemanding. However, when working at the frontiers of knowledge, this is not the case. Here, one encounters unknown territory, with maps that are sometimes poorly defined and always incomplete.
The question posed above is nontrivial; the path from observation to understanding is, in general, long and arduous. There are techniques to facilitate the journey but these are seldom taught to those who need them most. My own observations, over the past twenty years, have disclosed that, if a functional relationship is nonlinear, or a probability distribution something other than Gaussian, Exponential, or Uniform, then analysts (those who are not statisticians) are usually unable to cope. As a result, approximations are made and reports delivered containing conclusions that are inaccurate and/or misleading.
With scientific papers, there are always peers who are ready and willing to second-guess any published analysis. Unfortunately, there are as well many less mature disciplines which lack the checks and balances that science has developed over the centuries and which frequently address areas of public concern. These concerns lead, inevitably, to public decisions and warrant the best that mathematics and statistics have to offer, indeed, the best that analysts can provide. Since Nature is seldom linear or Gaussian, such analyses often fail to live up to expectations.
The present tutorial is intended to provide an introduction to the correct analysis of data. It addresses, in an elementary way, those ideas that are important to the effort of distinguishing information from error. This distinction, unhappily not always acknowledged, constitutes the central theme of the material described herein.
Both deterministic modeling (univariate regression) as well as the (stochastic) modeling of random variables are considered, with emphasis on the latter since it usually gets short shrift in standard textbooks. No attempt is made to cover every topic of relevance. Instead, attention is focussed on elucidating and illustrating core concepts as they apply to empirical data. I am a scientist, not a statistician, and these are my priorities.
This tutorial is taken from the documentation included with the Macintosh software package Regress+which is copyrighted freeware, downloadable at
Michael P. McLaughlin McLean, VA October, 1999
For deeds do die, however nobly done, And thoughts of men do as themselves decay, But wise words taught in numbers for to run, Recorded by the Muses, live for ay.
—E. Spenser [1591]
“…the very game
Hfes moricedesiniw eh htr repice pestering peopl rbauo tht eotnwenshd Didean wotmaceb ye  ?dam ek sostoct th thahgobn ieilevsr desrreh na kuc dc giindrthwimaa sw fi eg alizreoned thenot pois ehs daH  .)diasy he tsor (oh tc aiwaw seh rm toISin, et Y?  spite of such proofs, his filial devotion did not go unrewarded and, with the aid of a good lawyer plus the support of his friend and patron Rudolph II, Emperor of the Romans, King of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, &c., Archduke of Austria, &c., the old woman made her final exit with less flamboyance than some of His Holy Imperial Majesty’s subjects might have wished. However, this is not about the mother but the son—and Mars. Johannes Kepler is remembered, to this day, for his insight and his vision. Even more than his contemporary, Galileo, he is honored not just for what he saw but because he invented a new way of looking.
In astronomy, as in most disciplines, how you look determines what you see and, here, Kepler had a novel approach. He began with data whereas all of his predecessors had begun with circles. The Aristotelian/Ptolemaic syllogism decreed that perfect motion was circular. Heavenly bodies were perfect. Therefore, they moved in circles, however many it took to save appearances.
It took a lot. When, more than a quarter of a century before Kepler, Nicolaus Copernicus finally laid down his compass, he had, quite rightly, placed the Sun in the center of the remaining seven known bodies but he had also increased the number of celestial circles to a record forty-eight!
Kepler commenced his intellectual journey along the same path. Indeed, in those days, it was the only path. After many false starts, however, he realized that a collection of circles just would not work. It was the wrong model; the data demanded something else. Kepler bowed to Nature and, without apology, substituted ellipses for circles. He was the first scientist to subjugate theory to observation in a way that we would recognize and applaud.
Of course, Kepler was in a unique position. Thanks to Tycho Brahe, he had the best data in the world and he was duly impressed. Still, he could have voted the party line and added yet more circles. Sooner or later, he would have accumulated enough parameters to satisfy every significant figure of every measurement. But it was wrong and it was the wrongness of it that impressed Kepler most of all. Although he drew his inspiration from the ancient Pythagoreans and the religious fervor of his own time, his words leave little doubt of his sincerity:
“…Now, as God the maker played, he taught the game to Nature whom he created in his image: taught her the very game which he played himself…
Kepler searched through the data and found the game. He learned the rules and showed that, if you played well enough, sometimes even emperors take notice. Today, our motivation is different but the game goes on. We begin, of course, with data.
There are two kinds of data: measurements and opinions. This discussion will focus exclusively on the former. In fact, although there are useful exceptions in many disciplines, here we shall discuss only quantitative measurements. Adopting this mild constraint provides two enormous advantages. The first is the advantage of being able to speak very precisely, yielding minimal concessions to the vagaries of language. The second is the opportunity to utilize the power of mathematics and, especially, of statistics.
Statistics, albeit a discipline in its own right, is primarily an ever-improving cumulation of mathematical tools for extracting information from data. It is information, not data, that leads ultimately to understanding. Whenever you make measurements, perform experiments, or simply observe the Universe in action, you are collecting data. However, real data always leave something to be desired. There is an open interval of quality stretching from worthless to perfect and, somewhere in between, will be your numbers, your data. Information, on the other hand, is not permitted the luxury of imperfection. It is necessarily correct, by definition. Data are dirty; information is golden.
To examine data, therefore, is to sift the silt of a riverbed in search of gold. Of course, there might not be any gold but, if there is, it will take some knowledge and considerable skill to find it and separate it from everything else. Not only must you know what gold looks like, but you also have to know what sorts of things masquerade as gold. Whatever the task, you will need to know the properties of what you seek and what you wish to avoid, the chemistry of gold and not-gold. It is through these properties one can be separated from the other.
An example of real data is shown in Table 1 and Figure 1.1 This dataset consists of values for the duration of daytime (sunrise to sunset) at Boston, Massachusetts over three years. The first day of each month has been tabulated along with the longest and shortest days occurring during this period. Daytime has been rounded off to the nearest minute.
What can be said about data such as these? It can be safely assumed that they are correct to the precision indicated. In fact, Kepler’s data, for analogous measurements, were much more precise. It is also clear that, at this location, the length of the day varies quite a bit during the year. This is not what one would observe near the Equator but Boston is a long way from tropical climes. Figure 1 discloses that daytime is almost perfectly repetitive from year to year, being long in the (Northern hemisphere) Summer and short in the Winter.
Such qualitative remarks, however, are scarcely sufficient. Any dataset as rich as this one deserves to be further quantified in some way and, moreover, will have to be if the goal is to gain some sort of genuine understanding. With scientific data, proof of understanding implies the capability to make accurate predictions. Qualitative conclusions are, therefore, inadequate.
Quantitative understanding starts with a set of well-definedmetrics. There are several such metrics that may be used to summarize/characterize any set of N numbers, yi, such as these daytime values. The most common is theserauqs-fo-musl-tato, TSS, defined in Equation 1.
                                                1see fileExas:Dampleni.emity [FAM95]
Table 1. Daytime—Boston, Massachusetts (1995-1997)
Daytime (min.)
545 595 669 758 839 901 915 912 867 784 700 616 555 540 544 595 671 760 840 902 915 912 865 782 698 614 554 540 545 597 671 760 839 902 915 912 865 783 699 615 554 540 545
1 32 60 91 121 152 172 182 213 244 274 305 335 356 366 397 426 457 487 518 538 548 579 610 640 671 701 721 732 763 791 822 852 883 903 913 944 975 1005 1036 1066 1086 1097
1 Jan 1995
21 Jun 1995
22 Dec 1995 1 Jan 1996
21 Jun 1996
21 Dec 1996 1 Jan 1997
21 Jun 1997
21 Dec 1997 1 Jan 1998
500 0
600 Day
Figure 1. Raw Daytime Data
To las- to-muqs-ferausºTSS =i =S1Nyi± y2
where y is the average value of y.
1 .
TSS is a positive number summarizing how much the y-values vary about their average (mean that each x (day) is paired with a unique y (daytime) is completely ignored. fact). The By discounting this important relationship, even a very large dataset may be characterized by a single number, i.e., by astatistic TSS attributable to each point. The average amount of (Equation 2) is known as thevarianceof the variable, y. the square-root of the variance Lastly, is thestandard deviation, another important statistic.
1N ºVar Va  = yriance of y Ni =S1yi± y2
2 .
In Figure 1, the y-values come from a continuum but the x-values do not. More often, x is a continuous variable, sampled at points chosen by the observer. For this reason, it is called theindependent variable. Thedependent variable, y, describes measurements made at chosen values of x and is almost always inaccurate to some degree. Since the x-values are selected in advance by the observer, they are most often assumed to be known exactly. Obviously, this cannot be true if x is a real number but, usually, uncertainties in x are negligible compared to uncertainties in y. When this is not true, some very subtle complications arise.
Table 2 lists data from a recent astrophysics experiment, with measurement uncertainties explicitly recorded.2 These data come from observations, made in 1996-1997, of comet Hale-Bopp as it approached the Sun [RAU97]. Here, the independent variable is the distance of the comet from the Sun. The unit is AU, the average distance (approximately) of the Earth from the Sun. The dependent variable is the rate of production of cyanide, CN, a decomposition product of hydrogen cyanide, HCN, with units of molecules per second divided by 1025. Thus, even when Hale-Bopp was well beyond the orbit of Jupiter (5.2 AU), it was producing cyanide at a rate of (6±3) x 1025molecules per second, that is, nearly 2.6 kg/s. Table 2. Rate of Production of CN in Comet Hale-Bopp
Rate (molecules per second)/1025
130 190 90 60 20 11 6
Distance from Sun (AU)
2.9 3.1 3.3 4.0 4.6 5.0 6.8
Uncertainty in Rate (molecules per second)/1025
40 70 20 20 10 6 3
In this example, the uncertainties in the measurements (Table 2, column 3) are a significant fraction of the observations themselves. Establishing the value of the uncertainty for each data point and assessing the net effect of uncertainties are crucial steps in any analysis. Had Kepler’s data been as poor as the data available to Copernicus, his name would be known only to historians.
The data of Table 2 are presented graphically in Figure 2. For each point, the length of the error barindicates the uncertainty3 These uncertainties vary considerably and with somein y. regularity. Here, as often happens with observations made by electronic instruments which measure a physical quantity proportional to the target variable, the uncertainty in an observation tends to increase with the magnitude of the observed value.
Qualitatively, these data suggest the hypothesis that the comet produced more and more CN as it got closer to the Sun. This would make sense since all chemical reactions go faster as the temperature increases. On the other hand, the observed rate at 2.9 AU seems too small. Did the comet simply start running out of HCN? How likely is it that the rate at 3.1 AU was really bigger than the rate at 2.9 AU? Are these values correct? Are the uncertainties correct? If the uncertainties are correct, what does this say about the validity of the hypothesis? All of these are legitimate questions.
                                                2see fileExamples:Hale Bopp.CN.in _ 3In spite of its name, this bar does not indicate erro r. If it did, the error could be readily removed.
0 2
4 5 DistanceHAUL
Figure 2. Hale-Bopp CN Data
Finally, consider the very “unscientific” data shown in Figure 3. This figure is a plot of the highest major-league baseball batting averages in the United States, for the years 1901-1997, as a function of time.4
A player’s batting average is the fraction of his “official at-bats” in which he hit safely. Thus, it varies continuously from zero to one. It is fairly clear that there is a large difference between these data and those shown in Figure 1. The latter look like something from a math textbook. One gets the feeling that a daytime value could be predicted rather well from the values of its two nearest neighbors. There is no such feeling regarding the data in Figure 3. At best, it might be said that batting champions did better before World War II than afterwards. However, this is not an impressive conclusion given nearly a hundred data points.
Considering the data in Figure 3, there can be little doubt that maximum batting average is not really a function of time. Indeed, it is not a function of anything. It is arandom variable and its values are calledrandom variates, a term signifying no pretense whatever that any of these values areindividually predictable.5 variables, discussing random (stochastic) When the terms “independent” and “dependent” have no relevance and are not used, nor are scatter plots such as Figure 3 ever drawn except to illustrate that they are almost meaningless.
                                                4see filesgEAvngtiat:BesplmaxE.qniand.ingAvgttins:BapmelEax [FAM98] 5The qualification is crucial; it makes random data comprehensible.
0.30 0
40 60 Year-1900
Figure 3. Annual Best Baseball Batting Average
Variables appear random for one of two reasons. Either they are inherently unpredictable, in principle, or they simply appear so to an observer who happens to be missing some vital information that would render themdeterministic Although deterministic (non-random). processes are understandably of primary interest, random variables are actually the more common simply because that is the nature of the Universe. In fact, as the next section will describe in detail, understanding random variables is an essential prerequisite for understanding any real dataset.
Making sense of randomness is not the paradox it seems. Some of the metrics that apply to deterministic variables apply equally well to random variables. For instance, the mean and variance (or standard deviation) of these batting averages could be computed just as easily as with the daytime values in Example 1. A computer would not care where the numbers came from. No surprise then that statistical methodology may be profitably applied in both cases. Even random data have a story to tell.
Which brings us back to the point of this discussion. We have data; we seek insight and understanding. How do we go from one to the other? What’s the connection?
The answer to this question was Kepler’s most important discovery. Data are connected to understanding by amodel a mathematical model,the data are quantitative, the model is . When in which case, not only does the form of the model lead directly to understanding but one may query the model to gain further information and insight.
But, first, one must have a model.
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