A system architecture centred on knowledge management processes ; Sistemos architektūra, grindžiama žinių valdymo procesais









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VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Inga BELEVIČIŪTĖ A SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE CENTRED ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PROCESSES Doctoral Dissertation Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering – 07T Vilnius 2008 Doctoral dissertation was prepared at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in 2003–2008. Scientific Consultant: Assoc Prof Dr Regina Kulvietienė (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering – 07T). http://leidykla.vgtu.lt VGTU leidyklos TECHNIKA 1532-M mokslo literatūros knyga ISBN 978-9955-28-342-3 © Inga Belevičiūtė, 2008 © VGTU leidykla TECHNIKA, 2008 Abstract The thesis ―A system architecture centred on knowledge management processes‖ consists of these chapters: 1. Introduction. 2. Knowledge management and knowledge management tools. 3. Analysis of knowledge management systems, their architectures and solutions. 4. A system architecture centred on knowledge management processes. 5. Knowledge management implementations in organizations. 6. General conclusions. The introduction chapter covers relevance, tasks, object, scientific novelty and practical value of the research, and work approbation in international conferences. The first chapter presents knowledge management definitions discussed by many authors in academia and industry.
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Publié le

01 janvier 2008

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Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo




Doctoral Dissertation
Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering – 07T

Vilnius 2008

Doctoral dissertation was prepared at Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University in 2003–2008.

Scientific Consultant:
Assoc Prof Dr Regina Kulvietienė (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering – 07T).

VGTU leidyklos TECHNIKA 1532-M mokslo literatūros knyga

ISBN 978-9955-28-342-3

© Inga Belevičiūtė, 2008
© VGTU leidykla TECHNIKA, 2008

The thesis ―A system architecture centred on knowledge management
processes‖ consists of these chapters:
1. Introduction.
2. Knowledge management and knowledge management tools.
3. Analysis of knowledge management systems, their architectures and
4. A system architecture centred on knowledge management processes.
5. Knowledge management implementations in organizations.
6. General conclusions.
The introduction chapter covers relevance, tasks, object, scientific
novelty and practical value of the research, and work approbation in
international conferences.
The first chapter presents knowledge management definitions discussed
by many authors in academia and industry. To enter into this subject,
knowledge determinations and interpretations widely discussed in literature
are analysed. Later, tasks which knowledge management solves in
organizations and tools which help to put it into practice are discussed.
In the second chapter architectures of knowledge management systems
suggested by other researchers in literature are investigated. Thereafter, a
classification of them and an investigation of examples of such systems or
solutions are made.
After the analysis of knowledge management discipline and existing
knowledge management system architectures, an architecture for knowledge
management systems which is knowledge management processes centred is
suggested in the third chapter. Then, specifications of information and
communication technologies which could be used for each knowledge
management process are made using unified modelling language (UML)
In the fourth chapter the suggested architecture of knowledge
management systems and modelled processes in UML diagrams are tested in
three different environments: technology enhanced learning, public sector
and project management area.
The thesis comes to an end with general conclusions about
accomplished research and reached goals

R e z i u m ė

Disertaciją Sistemos architektūra, grindţiamos ţinių valdymo procesais
sudaro šie skyriai:
1. Įvadas.
2. Ţinių valdymas bei ţinių valdymo technologijos.
3. Ţinių valdymo sistemų ir jų architektūrų analizė.
4. Sistemos architektūra, grindţiamos ţinių valdymo procesais.
5. Ţinių valdymo sistemos taikymas organizacijose.
6. Bendrosios išvados.
Įvadas apima tyrimo aktualumą, mokslinį naujumą, darbo tikslus ir
uţdavinius, praktinę tyrimo vertę bei aprobavimą tarptautinėse
konferencijose ir seminaruose.
Pirmame skyriuje „Ţinių valdymas ir ţinių valdymo technologijos―
pateikiamas ţinių valdymo sąvokos apibrėţimas, apie kurį diskutuoja
daugelis autorių, dirbančių mokslo ir pramonės srityse. Ţinių valdymas
pradedamas nagrinėti nuo ţinių apibrėţimo ir jo interpretavimo, plačiai
aptariamo literatūroje. Tuomet pereinama prie priemonių, padedančių įdiegti
ţinių valdymą praktikoje.
Antrame skyriuje „Ţinių valdymo sistemų ir jų architektūrų analizė―
analizuojamos kitų tyrėjų veikaluose siūlomos ţinių valdymo sistemų
architektūros. Klasifikuojami ir tiriami tokių sistemų arba sprendimų
pavyzdţiai, suskirstant juos į komercinius ir atvirojo kodo šaltinius.
Išanalizavus egzistuojančias ţinių valdymo sistemų architektūras,
trečiame skyriuje „Sistemos architektūra, grindţiamos ţinių valdymo
procesais― siūloma ţinių valdymo sistemos architektūra, sutelkta į ţinių
valdymo procesus. Tuomet apibūdinamos informacinės ir komunikacinės
technologijos, kurias galima taikyti kiekvienam ţinių valdymo procesui,
naudojant unifikuotos modeliavimo kalbos (UML) diagramas.
Ketvirtame skyriuje „Ţinių valdymo sistemos taikymas organizacijose―
siūloma ţinių valdymo sistemos architektūra ir UML diagramose
sumodeliuoti procesai išbandomi trijose skirtingose aplinkose: viešojo
sektoriaus, projektų valdymo srityje ir technologijomis grindţiamame
Darbas baigiamas bendromis išvadomis apie atliktą tyrimą ir pasiektus

Term Definition
ADIPS Agent-based distributed information processing system
ADL Advanced distributed learning
AT Authoring tool
CMS Content management system
DB Data base
DM Data mining
DMS Document management system
EKP Enterprise knowledge pattern
ERP Enterprise resource planning
ICT Information and communication technologies
IS Information system
IT Information technologies
KB Knowledge base
KBS Knowledge base system
KE Knowledge engineering
KM Knowledge management
KMP Knowledge management processes
KMS Knowledge management system
KP Knowledge portal
LD Learning design
LDAP Lightweight directory access protocol
LDS Lotus Discovery system
LMS Learning management system
LO Learning object
OLAP Online analytical processing
PPS Project planning system
SCORM Sharable content object reference model
SECI Socialization, externalization, combination, internalization
SOA Service oriented architecture
TEL Technology enhanced learning
UDDI Universal description, discovery and integration
UML Unified modelling language
WfMS Workflow management system
XML Extensible markup language
Term Definition
Knowledge Experience, values, insights, and contextual
information [22].
Explicit knowledge Articulated and codified knowledge. Examples are
manuals, documents, instructions, video, audio, etc.
Implicit knowledge Knowledge which can be articulated but is not yet.
Tacit knowledge Knowledgh cannot be codified.
Knowledge Collection of processes that govern knowledge
management creation, transfer, applying storage/retrieval [3].
Knowledge Part of artificial intelligence discipline and focuses
engineering on the development of formalisms, inference
mechanisms and tools to operationalize knowledge-
based systems [45], [99].
Knowledge Information and communication technologies
management platform that combines and integrates functions for
system the contextualized handling of both, explicit and
implicit knowledge [56].
System architecture Integrated structural design of a system, it’s
elements and their relationships depending on given
system requirements [10].
Knowledge Explicit and implicit knowledge conversion [76].
Knowledge Distributing knowledge to locations where is
transferring needed and used [3].
Knowledge Ability of utilizing knowledge to confront the new
applying situations in organization [3].
Knowledge Retention/accessibility of knowledge assets in
storage/retrieval organization [3]. Index of figures
Figure 1. Knowledge management processes oriented architecture of
knowledge management systems .................................................................. 44
Figure 2. Knowledge creation with help of information and communication
technologies .................................. 45
Figure 3. Socialization using chat . 46
Figure 4. Socialization via web conference .................................................. 47
Figure 5. Externalization creating questions-answers base .......................... 47
Figure 6. Externalization in forum ................................................................ 48
Figure 7. Externalization in Web 2.0 ............................ 48
Figure 8. Combination of explicit knowledge .............................................. 49
Figure 9. Internalization via learning activities ............ 50
Figure 10. Knowledge application process ................... 50
Figure 11. Knowledge transferring process .................. 51
Figure 12. Knowledge creation and publishing in the Portal ........................ 55
Figure 13. Combination via taxonomies ....................................................... 56
Figure 14. Externalization via Web 2.0 technologies ................................... 57
Figure 15. Workflow for applying and qualification of knowledge ............. 58
Figure 16. Socialization via instant messaging and video calls .................... 60
Figure 17. Infrastructure scheme of technology enhanced learning [136] ... 62
Figure 18. Knowledge creation process in technology e

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