A dynamic approach to Germany's unemployment problem [Elektronische Ressource] / von Ronald Bachmann









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A Dynamic Approach to Germany’sUnemployment ProblemDISSERTATIONzur Erlangung des akademischen Gradesdoctor rerum politicarum(Dr. rer. pol.)im Fach Volkswirtschaftslehreeingereicht an derWirtschaftswissenschaftlichen FakultätHumboldt-Universität zu BerlinvonHerrn Ronald Bachmann, M.Sc. Econgeboren am 15.5.1975 in Esslingen am NeckarPräsident der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:Prof. Dr. Christoph MarkschiesDekan der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät:Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D.Gutachter:1. Prof. Michael C. Burda, Ph.D.2. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Spitz-Oenereingereicht am: 5. März 2007Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 13. Juli 2007AbstractThis dissertation consists of theoretical and empirical contributions to theliterature on search and matching, with a particular focus on the Germanlabour market. The first chapter provides an introduction to the search andmatching model of the labour market and its empirical counterpart, the flowapproach to labour market dynamics. The second chapter investigates theconsequences of endogenizing the job destruction decision in a model withskill mismatch. This leads to two key insights: on the one hand, raisingunemployment benefits in the model leads to a longer expected duration ofpost-unemployment job matches. On the other hand, an increase in skillmismatch in the aggregate production function lowers the level of unemploy-ment in an economy with high unemployment benefits.
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01 janvier 2007

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A Dynamic Approach to Germany’s
Unemployment Problem
zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades
doctor rerum politicarum
(Dr. rer. pol.)
im Fach Volkswirtschaftslehre
eingereicht an der
Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Herrn Ronald Bachmann, M.Sc. Econ
geboren am 15.5.1975 in Esslingen am Neckar
Präsident der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Markschies
Dekan der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät:
Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D.
1. Prof. Michael C. Burda, Ph.D.
2. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Spitz-Oener
eingereicht am: 5. März 2007
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 13. Juli 2007Abstract
This dissertation consists of theoretical and empirical contributions to the
literature on search and matching, with a particular focus on the German
labour market. The first chapter provides an introduction to the search and
matching model of the labour market and its empirical counterpart, the flow
approach to labour market dynamics. The second chapter investigates the
consequences of endogenizing the job destruction decision in a model with
skill mismatch. This leads to two key insights: on the one hand, raising
unemployment benefits in the model leads to a longer expected duration of
post-unemployment job matches. On the other hand, an increase in skill
mismatch in the aggregate production function lowers the level of unemploy-
ment in an economy with high unemployment benefits. The third chapter
Research. After providing stylised facts on the cross-sectional and the time-
series features of gross worker flows, their cyclical properties are investigated.
Separations are found to be less volatile than hirings; however, the flatness
of separations is shown to hide important compositional changes over the
business cycle, i.e. the flows underlying separations are relatively volatile.
Furthermore, an econometric panel data analysis shows that a major reason
for workers becoming unemployed during a recession is a reduction in the
hiring activity of firms, which is witnessed by a reduction in direct job-to-job
transitions. The fourth chapter uses the same data set in order to examine
the interaction between structural change and labour market dynamics. An
important finding is that the pace of sectoral reallocation accelerated around
1990 in the West German economy, and did not recede to previous levels
afterwards. Sectors are shown to differ in employment growth rates because
of differences in inflow rates, rather than outflow rates. Growing sectors
recruit most of their workers from non-participation, while for shrinking sec-
tors, flows to and from unemployment also play an important role. Direct
job-to-job transitions, while being crucial for the cyclical dynamics of the
labour market, are negligible with respect to sectoral reallocation.
Unemployment, search and matching, mismatch, endogenous job
destruction, accessions, separations, worker flows, job-to-job, business cycle,
structural change, sectoral transformationZusammenfassung
Diese Arbeit besteht aus theoretischen und empirischen Beiträgen zur Such-
und Matchingliteratur, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem deutschen Arbeits-
markt liegt. Das erste Kapitel beschreibt das Such- und Matchingmodell
des Arbeitsmarktes sowie sein empirisches Gegenstück, den Flussansatz. Das
zweite Kapitel untersucht, welche Auswirkungen die Endogenisierung der
Jobzerstörung in einem Modell mit skill mismatch hat: Eine Anhebung der
Arbeitslosenunterstützung führt zu einer längeren erwarteten Dauer des der
Anstieg von skill mismatch in der aggregaten Produktionsfunktion die Ar-
beitslosenrate. Das dritte Kapitel liefert eine empirische Untersuchung der
Arbeiterflüsse in Westdeutschland auf Basis von Daten des Sozialversiche-
rungssystems, die vom Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB)
zur Verfügung gestellt werden, verwendet werden. Nach einer Darstellung der
Querschnitts- und Zeitreiheneigenschaften dieser Flüssewird deren Zyklizität
untersucht. Trennungen sind weniger volatil als die Bildung neuer Beschäfti-
gen starke Schwankungen ihrer Zusammensetzung. Eine ökonometrische Un-
tersuchung zeigt, dass ein wichtiger Grund für Arbeiterflüsse in die Arbeits-
losigkeit während einer Rezession der Rückgang der Einstellungsneigung von
Firmen ist, was auch aus dem Rückgang der direkten Job-zu-Job-Übergänge
ersichtlich ist. Das vierte Kapitel verwendet den gleichen Datensatz, um die
tersuchen. Ein wichtiger Befund ist, dass die Geschwindigkeit der sektoralen
Reallokation um das Jahr 1990 in Westdeutschland erheblich und dauerhaft
zunahm. Unterschiede im Beschäftigungswachstum zwischen Sektoren lassen
sich auf unterschiedliche Zugangsraten (nicht Austrittsraten) zurückführen.
Neue Beschäftigungsverhältnisse werden in wachsenden Sektoren vor allem
mit Hilfe von Arbeitern aus der Nichterfassung, in schrumpfenden Sekto-
ren auch mit Hilfe von Arbeitslosen, gebildet. Direkte Job-zu-Job-Übergänge
spielen bei der sektoralen Reallokation so gut wie keine Rolle, obwohl sie für
die zyklischen Eigenschaften des Arbeitsmarktes äußerst wichtig sind.
Arbeitslosigkeit, Suche und Matching, Mismatch, endogene Jobzerstörung,
Zugänge, Trennungen, Arbeiterflüsse, Job-zu-Job, Konjunkturzyklus,
struktureller Wandel, sektorale TransformationAcknowledgements
Writing a thesis is an exciting experience, but can also be daunting at times.
I am therefore happy to acknowledge support from a number of people who
have greatly helped me along the way.
I thank Michael C. Burda for supervision, and especially for co-authoring
the last chapter of this thesis. Above all, I would like to thank my former col-
leagues at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for their advice, encouragement,
and support. This applies in particular to Silke Anger, Dirk Bethmann, and
Michael Kvasnicka, to whom I am very grateful. Many a student research
assistant has had to put up with (among other things) my hunger for data
during my time at Humboldt. I therefore owe great thanks to Almut Balleer,
Burçu Erdogan, Katja Hanewald, Katrin Rusch, Sebastian Till Braun, Tom
Krueger, and especially Olya Andreeva. I would also like to thank Claudia
Keidel for secretarial help. They have all been extremely helpful, and I have
very much enjoyed working with them.
I am also grateful for financial support from the German Science Foun-
dation (DFG), the Collaborative Research Centres SFG 373 and SFG 649,
and the European Commission through its SER Programme entitled “A Dy-
namic Approach to Europe’s Unemployment Problem” (DAEUP). This has
also helped me to finance a research visit at the University of Bristol, and to
give presentations at the DAEUP-CEPR 2002 and 2004 meetings, the meet-
ing of the European Economic Assocation in 2004, the Xth Spring Meeting
of Young Economists (SMYE) 2005, the 2005 Collaborative Research Centre
649 meeting, the Econometric Society World Congress 2005, the meeting of
ences in 2005 and 2006, and the meetings of the Society of Labor Economists
and the European Association of Labour Economists in 2006. I thank partic-
ipants at these conferences, as well as participants at seminars of the Berlin
Network of Labour Market Researchers (BeNA), at Brown Bag seminars at
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and at a seminar at Bergische Universität
for useful comments. I have also received helpful comments and suggestions
from Simon Burgess, Bernd Fitzenberger, Francis Kramarz, Franck Malher-
ivbet, Ronald Schettkat, Hermann Scherl, Alexandra Spitz-Oener, Thorsten
Vogel, and Harald Uhlig.
The finishing touches were put on this thesis while I was working at
Bergische Universität Wuppertal. I thank Ronald Schettkat for providing
me with this opportunity. I am also very grateful to Silke Anger and Michael
Kvasnicka for proofreading large parts of this dissertation. Dirk Bethmann
provided valuable help with the typesetting of this thesis. All remaining
errors are of course mine.
My most special thanks go to my parents, for everything.
1 Introduction and Overview 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Analysing “European Unemployment”: A Bird’s Eye View . . 4
1.3 The Search and Matching Model and the Flow Approach to
the Labour Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 The Flow Approach to the Labour Market in Practice . . . . . 12
1.5 German Labour Market Dynamics: A Literature Overview . . 20
1.6 Outline of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2 Skill Mismatch in Equilibrium Unemployment 28
2.1 Empirical Perspectives on Mismatch . . .

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