2010 Shape Modeling International Conference
A Benchmark for 3D Mesh Watermarking
1 1 2 1Kai WANG , Guillaume Lavoue´ , Florence Denis , Atilla Baskurt Xiyan He
Universite´ de Lyon, CNRS Institut Charles Delaunay (FRE 2848 CNRS)
1 2INSA-Lyon /site´ Lyon 1 , LIRIS, UMR5205 Universite´ de Technologie de Troyes
Villeurbanne, France Troyes, France
Email:fkwang, glavoue, fdenis, abaskurtg@liris.cnrs.fr Email: xiyan.he@utt.fr
measure the geometric distance between original and wa-Abstract—This paper presents a benchmarking system
for the evaluation of robust mesh watermarking methods. termarked models, and to conduct attacks on watermarked
The proposed benchmark has three different components: a meshes. The authors also propose to use a four-element
“standard” mesh model collection, a software tool and two
structure to report the overall performance of a robust
application-oriented evaluation protocols. The software tool
scheme. Compared to their proposal, our contributionsintegrates both geometric and perceptual measurements of
are threefold: 1) We provide a publicly available datathe distortion induced by watermark embedding, and also
the implementation of a variety of attacks on watermarked set of mesh models and an open-source software tool for
1meshes. The two evaluation protocols define the main steps the evaluation of robust mesh watermarks . The provided
to follow when conducting the evaluation experiments. The
software contains a number of typical attacks, a ...