0708 CE Audit Prog Final Rev Jan08








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2007/08 Continuing Education (CE) Audit Program July 1, 2006 to June 1, 2007 Date of Visit: ____________________________ Facility Visited: ___________________________School District: ______________________ Lead Auditor: ____________________________ Audit Team Members: _________________________________________________________ Auditors’ Criteria We are looking What the analysis Audit Program Initials for: will allow us to say: Students reported for funding by the Evidence that students Whether the districts CE centre are: and courses reported are accurately for funding meet all the reporting students • Students born between July 1, 1987 requirements specified and courses in and June 30, 1990 (ref: K-12 in Form 1701 accordance with Funding-General and Form 1701 Full Year Continuing Education Completion Instructions Ministry of Education and the Ministry of (MEd) requirements Instructions). Education (MEd) K-12 for CE funding. • Students born prior to July 1, 1987 Funding-Adults and K-are considered to be adult students 12 Funding-General and should be reported only if they policies to qualify for are enrolled in a course(s) which is CE funding. part of a planned program of studies leading to a B.C. Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood) or a B.C. Adult Graduation Diploma (Adult Dogwood). (ref: K-12 Funding-Adults and Form 1701 CE Instructions). Planning and general understanding An understanding of How the District CE Note: The ...
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2007/08 Continuing Education (CE) Audit Program July 1, 2006 to June 1, 2007  ____________________________ ty ___________________________School District: ______________________  Date of Visit: Facili Visited:  ____________________________ _________________________________________________________ Lead Auditor: Audit Team Members:  Criteria We are lookin What the anal sis Audit Program Auditors for: will allow us to say: Initials Students reported for funding by the Evidence that students Whether the districts CE centre are: and courses reported are accurately  Students born between July 1, 1987 for funding meet all the reporting students and June 30, 1990 (ref: K-12 requirements specified and courses in Funding-General and Form 1701 in Form 1701 accordance with Full Year Continuing Education Completion Instructions Ministry of Education Instructions). and the Ministry of (MEd) requirements  Students born prior to July 1, 1987 Education (MEd) K-12 for CE funding. are considered to be adult students Funding-Adults and K-and should be reported only if they 12 Funding-General are enrolled in a course(s) which is policies to qualify for part of a planned program of studies CE funding. leading to a B.C. Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood) or a B.C. Adult Graduation Diploma (Adult Dogwood). (ref: K-12 Funding-Adults and Form 1701 CE Instructions). Planning and general understanding An understanding of How the District CE Note : The organization of District CE  of the Program the organization, centre operates and centres and programs vary. The Form 1701  location of centres whether it operates in lists all students for the district, whereas the Note: This  step is essential, as it will (including incarceration accordance with MEd students may be attending one or more enable an efficient and effective use centres), location of requirements. centres or schools resulting in their records of time and audit personnel. files, key personnel being distributed.  and how the C  E Note to Lead Auditors:  a site visit programs are Audit Steps: to undertake this portion of the audit delivered. 1. Interview appropriate staff and review program may not be necessary as relevant documentation to determine the this information could be acquired district policies and procedures including (prior to the audit visit) by telephone, recruitment, enrolment, program email, or through exploration of the registration, preparation completion and district’s website. implementation of a planned program of studies, course registration, maintenance  Revised January 2008
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We are looking for:
Students 16 to 18 and adult students Verification that should be reported by the CE centre in students reported on which they are enrolled and in Form 1701 were attendance between July 1, 2006 and enrolled and in June 1, 2007. (ref: Form 1701 June attendance between Full Year Continuing Education Data, July 1, 2006 and June dated January 25, 2007, P.1) 1, 2007 and meet all  the Ministry of Attendance Definition:  Education As CE centres “are usually adult requirements. education programs with students aged 16 and older as of July 1, 2006 eligible for enrolment” (ref: Form 1601 Completion Instructions) and funded by course (funded exception being elementary ungraded) – the definition of attendance is in accordance with K-12 Funding-Adults policy: “For funding purposes, attendance is defined to be over the period of a school year AND either a minimum of 10 hours direct classroom instruction for each course  OR a demonstrated completion of 10% of the course requirements” (known as the 10/10 rule).  Note: For students in Corrections Centres attendance requirement has been interpreted to be: five hours of direct instruction per course or 5% of the course. In Remand Centres attendance requirement has been interpreted to be: three hours of direct instruction per course or 3% of the course.  
Wh aaltl tohwe  uasn taoly ssiasy : Audit Program AIuidtiitaolrss  will n of attendance, and the tracking and reporting of progress. 2. Document notes from the interview(s) on an Observation Sheet and attach supporting documentation. That the district has Key Documents: reported for funding  Form 1701 ECHO Report 9100. only:  Form 1701 June Full Year Continuing a) students who were Education Data, dated January 25, 2007 enrolled and in  K-12 Funding-General policy  attenddaannce in ith the  K-12 Funding-Adults policy accor ce w  aCttEe dnedfainnictieo nd uorfi ng the Audit Steps: ified time period, Review by sampling Form 1701 data: spedc1. Select a sample of CE students totalling an 25% of the students listed on Form 1701 b) rsotluldde nits who ar(es ) 2. FCoEr  eenarcohl msteundt ernetp ionr tt h(eE CsaHmOp l9e1, 0e0x).a  mine en e n course that meet the MEd areas according to the procedures in the requirements. audit program. 3. If there is a CE program in a Corrections or Remand Centre request a list of the students in the program(s) so they can be identified when considering the attendance requirement.  Note:  CE students who are held in a Corrections or Remand Centre will be included on the Form1701.
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Revised January 2008
kioo fng aWe lreetir airCro : audanoitera qer  lesdiea tnggro ett ehF lu-liTemuired to calculaeb rn muuosrfoc Theion of tinistratneegp orehc ahllveeiun ftoe ec reht mda gnidrof f. P (Restemn sy eaH fht76o ga eRA The tia vssceoitcelloc atad Xn toe iliglb eofr course fundingdeteaiv c a llahgeenro psscere acSoh:e  sirtlod  areictsgibl eli02 rof( cs 70/60ea yolhoot N. r)da rstlueriuof dsoaleq rontis  i orgdaauaeidgnt ourses lber of clpmoc sesruoC  .ontiuaadgro  tngaeidsel uosryrc entaeleming  takolhoge-aand add  yradutsstnecs ,) for all secondE uqvilane tF(ET. edadgrum nhe ToceS dnanU yradndes  Gra 12 8 toe rnlu,t dniloelrehe[wD  LorA BAuoc ]elbacilppa rse  cou). Arsesetylixampporsia  irslen 20 1ou hM .fM dEhtgner(  Course anual ofoi nof rnIofmrtaug margohT  .ediirquree  ftsenemehc rot  eumuosre dest bd anfineoc desruum sb tsape ovpr (edeythm su tebr cegoinsed provincial, gna rain felteo ed saniz orge antaht aera tcejbu s ains ieitivctem ses tgno tuoce learni meet thanoirp lde etaculippblca tin ahe forures Gra thekoo dnobcode frPrsou C. nifiDee  noitaud)margorPs as defined by itno : Aocruesi edCrtiens al bto461M 69/dutS tne tn seremqeiu:sR Cod seurhoutzeriirohA ytdraotuA/nd MEd Brogram aauitnoP ht erGda
What the analysis Audit Program AIunditiitaolrss  will allow us to say:  Key Documents:  As above; and  Ministerial Order (MO)164/96 Student Credentials  MO295/95 Required Areas of Study in an Educational Program  MO205/95 Graduation Requirements for students in Grades 11-12 (1995 program)  MO302/04 Graduation Program Order for students in Grades 10-12 (2004 program)  MO320/04 Adult Graduation Requirements Order  MEd Manual of Course Information for the Graduation Program  MEd Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program  June 2007 Full Year Continuing Education Data Form 1701 Instructions  Recognition of Post-Secondary Transition Programs for Funding Purposes policy  Adult Graduation Program policy.  School Act Section 82  
Revised January 2008
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Criteria and Procedures) and additionally defined as “80-120 hours” in the Form 1701 Instructions, P.5 and per the definition of “eligible courses” in K-12 Funding-Adults policy .   ‘ ’ Partial Course Eligibility – in accordance with the K-12 Funding – Adults policy…”Calculated on 8 courses being one full-time FTE. Each full course (four credits) is funded as 0.125 of an FTE, up to 8 courses. Partial or shorter courses (ie. 2 credit courses) are prorated…” The intent being that MEd funds  courses . These partial courses must meet the requirements of the course definition including evidence of a course outline, course has been formally approved, etc. In accordance with the attendance criteria or the ‘10/10 rule’; the policy does not reference the 10 hours being prorated, therefore districts would  have to demonstrate thatthe student meets the 10/10 rule .  Note: Activities such as prior learning assessment credit granting, challenged courses, tutorial time, and teacher consultation time are not fundable.  Post-Secondary courses, to be eligible for funding, must be part of the student’s planned program of studies leading to graduation and meet the requirements in Recognition of Post-Secondary Transition Programs for Funding Purposes policy.  
We are looking for:
What the analysis will allow us to say:
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Audit Program
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Revised January 2008
Audit Program
Auditors Initials
Criteria We are looking What the analysis for: will allow us to say:  Only one General Education Development (GED) preparation course is fundable per lifetime. Students who are only registered to write the GED examinations are not fundable. Note:  To be eligible for GED the student MUST meet the following four requirements at the time of application: be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant,  be a British Columbia resident,  be at least 18 years of age on the date of the tests,  not have received a Grade 12 graduation certificate from any institution.  School-Age Students To obtain funding for school-age students, districts must meet the following criteria: The school district must report the Assurance of accuracy Whether the district is Key Documents: actual number of courses as defined and appropriateness of accurately reporting As above. above, leading to graduation, in the number of courses the number of which the student was enrolled and claimed for funding for courses and the FTE Audit Steps: in attendance between July 1, 2006 each student reported generated by those 1. Reconcile the number of courses recorded and June 1, 2007. Only students to the Ministry of courses in on the 1701 to the courses that the student born between July 1, 1987 and Education by school compliance with the is enrolled in. For each of the students in June 30, 1990 should be reported districts. Ministry’s school and the sample: for funding by the CE centre (Full student data  Determine the number of courses Year CE – Form 1701 Instructions, collection reported on the 1701 and compare to the P.1) instructions. courses in which the student was enrolled.  Calculate the FTE equivalency using the table provided below. 2. Complete an observation sheet detailing any discrepancies and attach supporting documentation. 3. Document any explanation provided by the staff for the FTE discrepancy and attach supporting documentation.  Revised January 2008
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Criteria The courses must lead to graduation.
We are looking for: Verification that courses reported for funding meet MEd graduation requirements.
is Program Auditors wiWllh aaltl othwe  uasn taoly ssay : Audit Initials Whether the district Key Documents:  has reported only  As above; and those courses which  MO285/04 Board Authorized Course Order lead to graduation in  Earning Credits Through Equivalency accordance with policy Ministry graduation  Graduation Requirements policy requirements.  Audit Steps: 1. Verify that the courses claimed are leading to the graduation of the student.  Reconcile the courses claimed with the Graduation Requirements to ensure courses are allowed.  Reference the graduation requirements set out in the Graduation Requirements policy: Section 1, 1995 Graduation Program and Section 2, 2004 Graduation Program.  For Board/Authority Authorized courses and Ministry courses reference the MEd Course Information for the Graduation Program Manual  www.bced.gov.bc.ca/graduation/courseinfo . Note : Locally Developed (LD) courses are not eligible for credit for students in the 2004 Graduation Program. Unless school districts have specifically indicated otherwise, all LD courses, except the non-credit LD courses are closed as of August 31, 2006. Boards/ Authorities should have converted LD courses that they will continue to offer to students for credit to Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) courses, which students in both the 1995 and 2004 Graduation Programs can take for credit.  2. Identify on Observation Sheets those students whose courses do not meet the criteria and attach supporting documentation. Revised January 2008
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We are looking for:
What the analysis Audit Program AIunidtiitaolrss  will allow us to say: Note: Some CE students require remedial or transition courses. For these courses to be funded they must be a course as defined by the Board Authorized Course Order M285/04 and the MEd Manual of Course Information for the Graduation Program. Note: External credentials in the 1995 Graduation Program may meet Foundation Studies or Selected Studies as specified. External credentials in the 2004 Graduation Program may meet Required Courses or Elective Requirements as specified. External credentials may also count toward credit for the Adult Graduation Diploma provided they are 4-credit courses. Definition: An external credential is one that has been developed outside the Ministry and is earned by students either: • outside the regular classroom setting (e.g., BC Conservatory of Music courses); or • in the regular classroom setting (i.e., International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement courses). Questions Concerning External Credentials See Manual of Course Information for the Graduation Program for actual courses and questions may be directed to: Achievement and Assessment Department (250) 356-9386. Note : Students registered to write only GED exams cannot be claimed for funding .  The students must be enrolled in and Verification that That the district’s Audit Steps:  attending the courses.  students reported on enrolment reporting is 1. Verify that the student is enrolled by Form 1701 are enrolled correct. reviewing student and school documents and attending these and interviewing staff. courses between July Evidence supporting enrolment includes: 1, 2006 and June 1,  Course and student time tables 2007.  System course registration reports  Attendance records  Program of studies Revised January 2008
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W okin Audit Program Auditors e arfeo lro: g wWillh aaltl tohwe  uasn taol yssaisy : Initials  Information from interviews with teachers and other staff  Student work (modules, test, project work) The students must be  in attendance Evidence that sampled Whether the district is Audit Steps:  between July 1, 2006 and June 1, students are attending reporting for funding 1. Determine that each of the students in the 2007. each course claimed only those courses in sample attended each course claimed for  for funding in which the student has funding. (See Page 2 above, for definition of accordance with the met the attendance 2. Evidence to support the students’ attendance) definition of attendance requirements in attendance includes: as stated in K-12 accordance with the  Classroom teacher attendance sheets Funding-Adults policy definition found on  Computer bubble sheets and on Page 2 of this Page 2 and in  Electronic data (system logins/outs) audit criterion. accordance with  Information gathered through interviews related MEd Policy K- with teachers and other staff 12 Funding-Adults.  Record of work performed (progress) Adult Students To obtain funding for adult students, school districts must meet the following criteria: Have a planned program of studies A dated annual Whether the sampled Key Documents:  leading to graduation. planned program of adult students have a  As above (see P.2 to P.4)  studies leading to dated annual planned  Definition : A planned program of graduation for each program of studies Audit Steps: studies includes details such as the student. that meets the 1. Determine that there is a signed 2006/07 time frame for the completion of the requirements for planned program of studies that meets the planned studies, eligible courses The courses claimed graduation. stated definition, and leads to a BC needed to graduate, the time frame for for funding must be in Certificate of Graduation or an Adult start and completion of courses. The accordance with Graduation Diploma for each student. plan must be signed by the student graduation program 2. Verify that the courses claimed are leading and filed with the school. policy and legislation to graduation of the student. for adult learners.   Reconcile the courses claimed with the Note: The Ministry acknowledges that 2006/07 Manual of Course Information for some CE students may require a the Graduation Program  longer path to graduation. www.bced.gov.bc.ca/graduation/courseinf  o/cid.pdf to ensure courses are allowed. Note: An adult student may not earn Reference the graduation requirements graduation credit for Board Authorized set out in the 2006/07 Handbook of Courses toward the BC Adult Procedures for the Graduation Program Graduation Diploma.  Only 4 credit www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/handbook/ha ministry-authorized curriculum or ndbook_procedures.pdf external 4-credit courses are allowed.  Revised January 2008
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The planned program of studies leading to graduation must be signed by the student and filed with the school.  
We are looking for:
Verification that the adult students have signed their planned program of studies leading to graduation.
What the analysis Audit Program Auditors Initials will allow us to say: 3. Verify that the courses in the plan match the Graduation Requirements for adult learners. 4. Identify on observation sheets those students whose courses do not meet the criteria and attach supporting documentation.  Note: Some CE students require remedial or transition courses. For these courses to be funded they must be a course as defined by the Student Credential Order MO M164/96, Graduation Requirements Order MO205/95, and BC Adult Graduation Requirements Order MO 320/04.  Note: External credentials may also count toward credit for the Adult Graduation Diploma provided they are 4-credit courses. Definition: An external credential is one that has been developed outside the Ministry and is earned by students either: outside the regular classroom setting, or in the regular classroom setting (e.g., International Baccalaureate [IB] and Advanced Placement [AP] courses). Questions Concerning External Credentials See Manual of Course Information for the Graduation Program for actual courses and questions may be directed to: Achievement and Assessment Department (250) 356-9386 Note : Students only registered to write GED exams cannot be claimed for funding .  Whether the sampled Audit Steps:  adult students have 1. Verify that the student has signed the plan. chosen their funded  course selection. By Note: The plan must be signed by the signing the planned student; not signed by the teacher on the program of studies student’s behalf. Page 9 of 13 Revised January 2008
Report the actual number of courses leading to graduation in which the student was enrolled and in attendance between July 1, 2006 and June 1, 2007.  
Auditors Initials
We are looking What the analysis Audit Program for: will allow us to say: students indicate they have been a full partner in the development of the program. Evidence that the adult Whether the sampled Audit Steps:  students were enrolled student FTEs 1. Reconcile the number of courses recorded and in attendance, in reported by the on the Form 1701 to the courses that the accordance with the district coincides with student is enrolled in. This reconciliation definition of the courses the can be done as follows: attendance, for the sampled adult  For each of the students in the sample, funded courses students were determine the number of courses claimed by the district. attending in reported on the Form 1701 and compare  accordance with the to the courses in which the student was Evidence that the FTE definition of enrolled. for the course has attendance.  Calculate the FTE equivalency using the been correctly table provided below. reported. Whether the FTE 2. Report any discrepancies in the FTEs on claimed for the an observation sheet and attach supporting sampled students is documentation. correctly calculated in 3. Document any explanation provided by the accordance with the staff for the FTE discrepancy and attach courses they are supporting documentation. attending and the Note:  Adults are not eligible for ESL or number of credits per Aboriginal Education funding (Ref. K-12 each course. Funding-Adults). The courses must lead to graduation. Verification that the Whether the sampled Audit Steps:   FTEs claimed for adult students’ 1. Verify that the courses claimed are leading Note : Schools are encouraged to use funding are for courses funded FTEs to graduation of the student. the Equivalency Policy to conduct that lead to graduation represent courses 2. Reconcile the courses claimed with the Prior Learning Assessments (PLA) for in accordance with K – leading to graduation. Graduation Credit Requirements to ensure adult students and to assign as many 12 or adult graduation courses are allowed. Refer to: credits through equivalencies as can requirements. www.bced.gov.bc.ca/policy/policies/gradua be warranted by documentation, tion_req.htm and professional judgment and sound www.bced.gov.bc.ca/policy/policies/adult_g education practice. For adult rad_prgm.htm for the Adult Graduation students participating in the BC Program Adult Graduation Diploma program 3. For eligible courses check the Manual of the Independent Directed Study Course Information for the Graduation programs cannot apply since they Program.  Revised January 2008
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What the analysis Audit Program Auditors will allow us to say: Initials 4. Identify on observation sheets those students whose courses do not meet the criteria and attach supporting documentation.  Note : Challenge courses are not fundable (for 2006/07 school year).  Note: Ministry Accepted Certificates for External Courses such as those offered by the Open Learning Agency or Royal Conservatory of Music are not fundable (not allowable in Adult Dogwood). These courses are not used in the funded FTE calculation.
Criteria We are looking for: usually result in courses with less than four credits, which cannot be used towards graduation on the Adult Program .  All four-credit grade 12 courses that are listed in Chapter 2 (Ministry-Authorized) and Chapter 3 (External Credentials) of Course Information for the Graduation Program Manual, plus Social Studies 11, can be used to meet the Adult Graduation Diploma requirements. Accounting 11 can be used as a Math foundation course on the Adult Graduation Program only.  A student with CAPP 11 and CAPP 12 credits can receive credit toward graduation in a combined, four-credit course CAPPA 12 that is available to Adult Program students only. CAPPA 12 will count as one of the required grade 12 courses on the Adult Graduation Program The students must be  in enrolled and Evidence that the adult Whether the adult Audit Steps:  in attendance between July 1, 2006 students are attending students sampled are 1. Determine that each of the students in the and June 1, 2007. each course, in in attendance, in sample attended each course claimed for  accordance with the funding. accordance with the Attendance: See definition on Page policy definition of definition of 2. Evidence to support the students’ 2 above and reference K-12 Funding- attendance, in which attendance, in each attendance includes: Adults Policy. they are enrolled and course they are  Classroom teacher attendance sheets   claimed for funding. enrolled in.  Computer bubble sheets Note : Attendance requirements for  Electronic data (system logins/outs) students in Corrections Centres: five Information gathered through intervie  ws hours of direct instruction per course with teachers and other staff or 5% of the course.  Record of work performed (progress) Attendance requirements in Remand Note: The definition of attendance in Centres: three hours of direct Correction and Remand Centres can also instruction per course or 3% of the include demonstrated completion of 5% course. [Correction Centres] or 3% [Remand  Revised January 2008
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