Basic Yogic Breathing Techniques for Relaxing and Energizing the Body Definition of the yogic term for these breathing techniques 1. Prana - life force, the energy of the universe. 2. -yama - lengthening, restraining, controlling, mastering 3. Pranayama - The mastery of the energy of the universe through breathing techniques. from Wikipedia: Several researchers have reported that pranayama techniques are beneficial in treating a range of stress related disorders, improving autonomic functions, relieving symptoms of asthma, and reducing signs of oxidative stress. Practitioners report that the practice of pranayama develops a steady mind, strong will-power, and sound judgment, and also claim that sustained pranayama practice extends life and enhances perception. The Breaths 1. The Abdominal Breath, sometimes called Belly Breath or Diaphragmatic Breath a. Benefits: This is the most important breath of all. It should be your lifelong default breath. It is the most efficient breath to oxygenate the body, and it activates the relaxation response, which soothes the nervous system, reduces stress, and massages and tones the heart and the digestive system. It is efficient breathing, so the heart and lungs work less and rest more. The breath is felt down in the abdomen, the chest is relaxed. b. Practice: To feel the belly breath if you are not familiar with it, lie on the floor and relax, so that you are no longer ...