Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 127/Monday, July 6, 2009/Notices 31977 and scientific communities; and all ADDRESSES: Send comments to U.S. use of appropriate automated, other stakeholders and interested Department of Labor, Mine Safety and electronic, mechanical, or other parties. We are especially requesting Health Administration, John Rowlett, technological collection techniques or input related to environmental Director, Management Services other forms of information technology, requirements of importance to end Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room e.g., permitting electronic submissions users. 2134, Arlington, VA 22209–3939. of responses. Those individuals wishing to view or Commenters are encouraged to send A copy of the proposed information provide comments on the draft their comments on a computer disk, or collection request can be obtained by document are directed to the following via Internet E-mail to contacting the employee listed in the Web site: http://www.justnet.org. These Rowlett.John@dol.gov, along with an FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT comments will be considered as the original printed copy. Mr. Rowlett can section of this notice, or viewed on the standard is further developed. be reached at (202) 693–9827 (voice), or Internet by accessing the MSHA home (202) 693–9801 (facsimile). page (http://www.msha.gov/) and DATES: The comment period will be selecting ‘‘Rules & Regs’’, and then open for 30 days beginning on July 6, FOR FURTHER ...