MSHA - FedReg E9-15792 - Proposed Information Collection Request Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations;








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Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 127/Monday, July 6, 2009/Notices 31977 and scientific communities; and all ADDRESSES: Send comments to U.S. use of appropriate automated, other stakeholders and interested Department of Labor, Mine Safety and electronic, mechanical, or other parties. We are especially requesting Health Administration, John Rowlett, technological collection techniques or input related to environmental Director, Management Services other forms of information technology, requirements of importance to end Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room e.g., permitting electronic submissions users. 2134, Arlington, VA 22209–3939. of responses. Those individuals wishing to view or Commenters are encouraged to send A copy of the proposed information provide comments on the draft their comments on a computer disk, or collection request can be obtained by document are directed to the following via Internet E-mail to contacting the employee listed in the Web site: These, along with an FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT comments will be considered as the original printed copy. Mr. Rowlett can section of this notice, or viewed on the standard is further developed. be reached at (202) 693–9827 (voice), or Internet by accessing the MSHA home (202) 693–9801 (facsimile). page ( and DATES: The comment period will be selecting ‘‘Rules & Regs’’, and then open for 30 days beginning on July 6, FOR FURTHER ...
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Federal Register / Notices July 6, 2009 / Monday, 74, No. 127/ Vol.31977 and scientific communities; and allADDRESSES:Send comments to U.S. use of appropriate automated, other stakeholders and interested Department of Labor, Mine Safety and electronic, mechanical, or other parties. We are especially requesting Health Administration, John Rowlett, technological collection techniques or input related to environmental Director, Management Services other forms of information technology, requirements of importance to end Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Roome.g.,permitting electronic submissions users. 2134, Arlington, VA 22209–3939. of responses. Those individuals wishing to view or Commenters are encouraged to send A copy of the proposed information provide comments on the draft their comments on a computer disk, or collection request can be obtained by document are directed to the following via Internet E-mail to contacting the employee listed in the Web site:w/wwpt/:nttej.sugroh.t .These ,vod@nog.lRwoJ.hoelttalong with anFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT comments will be considered as the original printed copy. Mr. Rowlett can section of this notice, or viewed on the standard is further developed. be reached at (202) 693–9827 (voice), or Internet by accessing the MSHA home DATES:( apeg itcellee)s.ntmeom cheT)26 (02bs i miei(wflalco8i0 1d p9 3re9httgp:/R/uwlewsw .&mRsehgas.’’g,oavn/htne  dna ) d open for 30 days beginning on July 6,FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:stxleeedFg.Retiec ngtn nOn ehscoD .2009 and concluding on August 4, 2009. Contact the employee listed in the screen, select ‘‘P erwork Reduction FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:ADDRESSES apsection of this notice. Casandra Robinson, by telephone atSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:ing portemenStatS puAtcntmesus orppngti tucodt eh Fteodveireawl 202–305–2596 [Note: this is not a toll-I. Background RegisterNotice. free telephone number], or by e-mail at Under 30 CFR 75.1100–3, chemicalIII. Current Actions Dated: June 30, 2009.heisguinxt erefitof hed eh etaa sht dny 6 montned everebe aximsrm su t011.57 RFC 038, 1103 75.03, Kristina Rose, Acting Director, National Institute of Justice.mixatina see dvere ye aximen; requir6 monthshed ttache eto tugsitxniU dneh.r5o7r1e.c1 1r o,n 0a1on3d5 7d1e.enamrep a gat tnriuqc 2an) 75d 1(50(3a)s rte r oebniugsiehfire exthemical [FR Doc. E9–15858 Filed 7–2–09; 8:45 am]§ 75.1103–8, a qualified person must BILLING CODE 4410–18–P examine the automatic fire sensor and ionpsetrrautcotriso nt oo ef satlal blmiisnh ear sp irno gtrham forp terh e warning device systems on a weekly e pro basis, and must conduct a functional fire fighting and evacuation procedures DEPARTMENT OF LABOR eystsmec molptet once a at leasoft he testeq rs;lls reuiperaes o to torscu tocdnd irifer  ,eaheenhtcfve f1 . 0o1 e3a1n1gnrdeemry c§n7e5e ry e;arri.u qUe irnit Mine Safety and Health Administrationcheat hat seriuqer dna ; systemsg device dawnrnineos rnafic  sretoautima eni eht ot maxedht ,naeay ra e ae iofncielaasutqnaots rletpe dd  esho tofs rdcoree eb tset esohsum t and andrhy  Proposed Information Collectiontests shall be kept in an appropriate Request Submitted for Publiclocation. Under § 75.1501(a)(3), the fire hydrant and hose be tested; requires Comment and Recommendations; Firemine operator to train all minersoperator must certify that each the Protection (Underground Coal Mines)resinra tis tnd aedelbisnop nosrep lb ethe  of onsiresp eht dnaytitnedis hi tofn ioctseehr qeiufetr ehmaten  tshiam iatnoiatbaosuit  nthe ned at t certi ic ACTION: ice.sNotht eb  ytadeisng the foratoroperehT .tfihs-krow  isoalr torape oepsrernd  U)re.denao sy(mine aetso enof rtal  75 SUMMARY:det  oni eruqriianpetrrs  eoefDstrhuTct m ar,boLayfn a  ontm e ssnoi ot sixegnitir f e-§rgorp eht ,2051.ctiostruf inam ovesiser uqri ner part of its continuing effort to reduce fi ht paperwork and respondent burden ginegn acnd evacuation plans to address change in the identity of the responsible conducts a pre-clearance consultation emmineregrs reigeasr,d ainngd  trheeq umiriense  teramienrigneg nocfy  spheirfsto ann bde afonrye  cthhae nsgtea rdt uorfi tnhge tirh ew sohrikf-t ; program to provide the general public lan for all and Federal agencies with an evacuation fire-fighting p includes all mine emergencies created opportunity to comment on proposed aenm eerxgpelnosciioesn ,c roer aat egda sa so ra  wreastuelrt of a fire, oagfsa  sia n orsret rswuuaclttt ieoorf n ia.n  fuTirnheid,s a tasineo cnet ixiopnnl t orhseieq opunri,r oeogrdr  aa m  and/or continuing collections of inundation. information in accordance with the revisions to existing fire-fighting and Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995II. Desired Focus of Commentsevacuation plans to address these (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This MSHA is particularly interested in eremgearrgdeinncg itehs,e  rmeqinuier eedm terragiennicnyg  of miners program helps to ensure that requested comments that: data can be provided in the desired se format, reporting burden (time and colpod eclontiehw rehteht orp Evaluatereuiths  mate inp gn,naldna qer tion fire-fightivecaauteafn lar  snoisivp eht otnr si oiamtirnmeyf orienfn   anotaro pyorraesisae cne ns rsti financial resources) is minimized, for the proper performance of the collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of collection fwuhnectthioern st hoef  itnhfeo argmeanticoy,n  inwcilllu hdianvge  its ATsyuepbne mcoiyfs:sRiMeoivninetoe wS: .netxnoisEorav.l  lfa hrtoa  dpepHy anaMSfHetA requirements on respondents can be practical utility; Admginistration. properly assessed. the acc Currently, the Mine Safety and Health aamito etht fub eenrdf  oe thyforuca  th eteuaalEv Administration (MSHA) is soliciting prgoepncosyesd  ecsollection of information, CoTOailt lMM:eBi  nFNeius)ermP.  breor:t  noitc2e191050.4 dnU(rgrednuo comments concerning the extension of including the validity of theFrequency:On Occasion. the information collection related to the thod 30 CFR Sections 75.1100–3, 75.1103–8, megolona ysa dmpsuontiuss ; eddnnaecEhnq aut eh, utlityy, ailitAffift.ected Public:Business or other for- 75.1103–11, 75.1501(a)(3), 75.1502; Fire clari of th Protection (Underground Coal Mines) etcytede information to be pro ents:622. and Mine Emergency Evacuation. col tof heur bn de; alimezt ehdn iMindeotal BurpondResRpoesTsesn :3n3H9,o7u6r8s.:  75,729 hours. DATES: collectionSubmit comments on or before of information on those whoTotal Burden Cost (operating/ September 4, 2009. are to respond, including through themaintaining):$1,344.
VerDate Nov<24>2008 17:06 Jul 02, 2009 Jkt 217001 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\06JYN1.SGM 06JYN1
Federal Register / Notices July 6, 2009 / Monday, 74, No. 127/ Vol.
Comments submitted in response to Security Administration, U.S. Department has combined the this notice will be summarized and/or Department of Labor, 200 Constitution information collection provisions of the included in the request for Office of Avenue, NW., Room N–5718, three PTEs into one information Management and Budget approval of the Washington, DC 20210, (210) 693–8410, collection request (ICR) because it information collection request; they will FAX (202) 219–4745 (the foregoing are believes that the public benefits from also become a matter of public record. not toll-free numbers). Comments may having the opportunity to collectively Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 29th dayalso be submitted electronically to the these closely related exemptions review of June 2009.following Internet e-mail address: their similar information and John Rowlett,. ovbeo.asd@rpg.lofe tho f  ocefi dettimbt RCI narevint py suouslhT esn .tremeDapcleolioct Director, Management Services Division.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:BOM )of rdue BILLING CODE 4510–43–P undI. kgons ecti noillocofnitamrf  oe thprapalovg tO(nt and BManageme [FR Doc. E9–15792 Filed 7–2–09; 8:45 am]Bac ro This ICR covers information in PTEs 76–1, 77–10, and 78–6 and collections contained in three related received OMB approval under the OMB DEPARTMENT OF LABOR No. 1210–0058. The current Controlprohibited transaction class exemptions: PTE 76–1, PTE 77–10, and PTE 78–6. approval is scheduled to expire on Employee Benefits Security All three of these exemptions cover October 31, 2009. Administration transactions that were recognized by theII. Desired Focus of Comments Proposed Extension of InformationrtmeDepaons mnetr tasp abDeeien gT hwellrea-ltuscbiatirlahps dsei  ,tenrodn aisnleesatbenndt earluys  citaam o:t ts hytresmntanrci tmcoa Collection; Comment Request;in which collectively bargainedEvaluate whether the proposed Prohibited Transaction Class imultiple employer plans (pri ally Exemptions for Multiple Employer ,nc p Plans and Multiple Employerdem agnib raevyli cnulidgpnle  ulti peurmotpleerianceform pylaonfsss,r ab mperlpoy errh thlec ntionfisd uya, ntcug eo sal lelhcto tfioe cnootgi trc nhuefcn of infollectioi  senecroamitno Apprenticeship Plans, PTE 76–1, PTE 77–10, PTE 78–6er the informatioyeremplwehhttincecutq eurafll i)stni;a ltpy wr dn oo ilnlei eavganhg aerlp yup rieht .sesoprcao  tert ouy rr ACTION: 76–1 provides relief, underNotice. PTE specified conditions, for three types of agthe  e fhtyco ucare ace thluatEvafo nedrub eht foe atimst escyen SUMMARY: (1) Part A of PTE 76–1The Department of Labor, as transactions: part of its continuing effort to reduce permits collectively bargained multiple ipnrcolpuodsiendg  ctohlel evcatliiodni toyf  oifn tfhoer mation, paperwork and respondent burden, employer plans to take several types of methodology and assumptions used; conducts a preclearance consultation actions regarding delinquent orEnhance the quality, utility, and program to provide the general public uncollecti em ns; and Federal agencies with an (2) Part B obfl eP TE p7l6oyer ceronmtirtisb utio opportunity to comment on proposed collectivel –1 p le clarity of the information to be and continuing collections of employer pyl abnasr,g auinndeedr  smpueltciifpied colMinand ed; lectizimthe bue enrd fo  eht information in accordance with the conditions, to make construction loans acroell teoc trieosnp oofn idn, fionrcmluatdiionng  othnr tohuogshe  twheh o Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA to participating employers; and (3) Part use of appropriate automated 95) (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)). This C of PTE 761 permits collectively electronic, mechanical, or oth,er program helps to ensure that the r ai Department can properly assess the bsahagre onfefidc em supltaicpel ea nedm apldomyienr ipstlraantis vteo  toetchhenr ofloorgmics aol f cionlfloerctmioatni oten cthecnihq nuoelso goyr impact of its information collection services, and the costs associated withe.g.,mier pby, s buimssoi ntting electronic requirements on respondents and such office space and services, with of responses. minimize the reporting burden (time parties in interest. PTE 77–10 and financial resources) on the public complements Part C of PTE 76–1 byIII. Current Action and that the public can understand the providing relief from the prohibitions of This notic ts comments on the Department’s collection instruments subsect b and provide the requested data in the reion 406()(2) of ERISA with e rnesiqoune sofroval of desired format. Currently, the Employee msuplteicptl te oe cmolplleocytievr epllya bnas rsghaianriendg  office tpahrneod pI 7Co8sRe rd6e.  leaTxtthiene gD teop ParTtE mtsh e7en 6ta ips1 p, n7o7t 10, Benefits Security Administration is ce and a rvices with soliciting comments concerning the spaadministrative se information collections incorporated in parer timees ti. nP iTnEt e7r8est6 if spveicdifeic conditions tphreo peoxsiistnign go ri infmoprlmeamtieonnt icnogl lcehcatinogne s to three related prohibited transactions exemption to colle cptriovely bs aarng ained rseuqmuimrearmizeenst st hate  tIhCiRs  tainmde .t hTeh ce ufrorlelnotw ing class exemptions (PTEs) that apply to lans  certain transactions involving fmoru ltthiep lpe uercmhpalsoey eorr  laepapsrienngt iocf epsheirsp opnal burTdyepne  eosft iRmevaiteews::  Extension of a collectively bargained multiple lo employer plans. A copy of the (porro iptse rtwyh forlolym  oa wcnoendt rsibuubtsiindgi aerym) panyd efro ricnufrorrenmtaltyi oanp.p roved collection of  information collection request (ICR) may be obtained by contacting the office the leasing of reahli np rtohpe ecrotyn t(othera ttihoann  of fits Sec listed in theADDRESSES408is ceits fhtnoo plemiffos ececaptiw Agency:rtyee BeneEpmoltiru y  notice. sceocnttiroinbutin(gb e)(m2)p loof yEeRr I(SorA i)t fsr owmh oal ly EAxdTmeitimlneipsits:orihP drTibetLabo of r. oM rof snioctsaans asCln  ultiple EmployerpantmeontiDe, art DATES: and Multiple Employer Plans subsidiary) or an employee ownedWritten comments must be submitted to the office shown in the n o ose memb ADDRESSEStionsecb fe nrowoo b lec no snituoirtbieingns b e orywhf e8r. 6kt lussrerow  tn7CeErs1e0c7i PpTi,h n a7lCPEPa z,ist nEoCaT 16r7oTapPgp i,nA September 4, 2009. made to the plan.OMB Number:12100058. ADDRESSES:Direct all written comments Each of these PTEs requires, as part ofAffected Public:Business or other for-to G. Christopher Cosby, Office of Policy its conditions, either written profit; Not-for-profit institutions. and Research, Employee Benefits agreements, recordkeeping, or both. TheRespondents:4,565.
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