Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - FedReg E8-8541 - Proposed Information Collection Request








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Federal Register/Vol. 73, No. 77/Monday, April 21, 2008/Notices 21377 between detection of a vulnerability and not a toll-free number)/e-mail: bring about a safe workplace and assure implementation of a safeguard to king.darrin@dol.gov. the safety of divers. For additional overcome or correct the vulnerability Interested parties are encouraged to information, see related notice puts the system at risk. The availability send comments to the Office of published at 73 FR 6744 on February 5, of data to evaluate the effectiveness of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 2008. the safeguard can help shorten an Attn: OMB Desk Officer for the Darrin A. King, agency’s response in safeguarding Occupational Safety and Health Acting Departmental Clearance Officer. automated areas of operation. For Administration (OSHA), Office of [FR Doc. E8–8540 Filed 4–18–08; 8:45 am] additional information, see related Management and Budget, Room 10235, BILLING CODE 4510–26–P notice published at 73 FR 2940 on Washington, DC 20503, Telephone: January 16, 2008. 202–395–7316/Fax: 202–395–6974 (these are not a toll-free numbers), E- Agency: Employment and Training DEPARTMENT OF LABOR mail: OIRA_submission@omb.eop.gov Administration. within 30 days from the date of this Type of Review: Revision of a Mine Safety and Health Administration publication in the Federal Register. In currently approved collection. order to ensure the appropriate Title of the Collection: National Proposed ...
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Federal Register/ Notices/ Vol.73, No. 77/ Monday,April 21, 2008
between detection of a vulnerability andnot a tollfree number)/email:bring about a safe workplace and assure implementation of a safeguard toking.darrin@dol.gov.the safety of divers. For additional overcome or correct the vulnerabilityInterested parties are encouraged toinformation, see related notice puts the system at risk. The availabilitysend comments to the Office ofpublished at 73 FR 6744 on February 5, of data to evaluate the effectiveness ofInformation and Regulatory Affairs,2008. the safeguard can help shorten anAttn: OMB Desk Officer for the Darrin A. King, agencyOccupational Safety and Healths response in safeguarding Acting Departmental Clearance Officer. automated areas of operation. ForAdministration (OSHA), Office of [FR Doc. E88540 Filed 41808; 8:45 am] additional information, see relatedManagement and Budget, Room 10235, BILLING CODE 451026P notice published at 73 FR 2940 onWashington, DC 20503, Telephone: January 16, 2008.2023957316/Fax: 2023956974 Agency:Employment and Training(these are not a tollfree numbers), E DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Administration. mail:OIRA_submission@omb.eop.gov Type of Review:within 30 days from the date of thisRevision of a Mine Safety and Health Administration currently approved collection.publication in theFederal Register. In order to ensure the appropriate Title of the Collection:National Proposed Information Collection consideration, comments should Agriculture Workers Survey (NAWS). Request Submitted for Public reference the OMB Control Number (see OMB Control Number:12050453. Comment and Recommendations; below). Form Number:None.Testing, Evaluation and Approval of The OMB is particularly interested in Affected Public:Individuals orMining Products comments which: households. Evaluate whether the proposedACTION:Notice. Estimated Number of Respondents: collection of information is necessary 4,008. SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as for the proper performance of the Estimated Total Annual Burden part of its continuing effort to reduce functions of the agency, including Hours:3,411. paperwork and respondent burden, whether the information will have Estimated Total Annual Costs Burden: conducts a preclearance consultation practical utility; $0. program to provide the general public Evaluate the accuracy of the Description:NAWS provides an and Federal agencies with an agencys estimate of the burden of the understanding of the manpower opportunity to comment on proposed proposed collection of information, resources available to U.S. agriculture. It and/or continuing collections of including the validity of the is the national source of information on information in accordance with the methodology and assumptions used; the demographic, occupational health Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995Enhance the quality, utility, and and employment characteristics of hired clarity of the information to be(PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This crop workers. collected; andprogram helps to ensure that requested For additional information, see data can be provided in the desiredMinimize the burden of the related notice published at 72 FR 50983 collection of information on those whoformat, reporting burden (time and on September 5, 2007. are to respond, including through thefinancial resources) is minimized, Darrin A. King,use of appropriate automated,collection instruments are clearly electronic, mechanical, or otherunderstood, and the impact of collection Acting Departmental Clearance Officer. technological collection techniques orrequirements on respondents can be [FR Doc. E88539 Filed 41808; 8:45 am] other forms of information technology,properly assessed. BILLING CODE 4510FMP e.g., permitting electronic submission of DATES:Submit comments on or before responses. June 20, 2008. Agency:Occupational Safety and DEPARTMENT OF LABORADDRESSESSend :comments to Debbie Health Administration. Ferraro, Management Services Division, Office of the SecretaryType of Review:Extension without 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2141, change of a previously approved Arlington, VA 222093939. Commenters Submission for OMB Review: collection. are encouraged to send their comments Comment RequestTitle of Collection:Commercial Diving on computer disk, or via Email to Operations (29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart April 15, 2008.Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV. Ms. Ferraro T). can be reached at (202) 6939821 The Department of Labor (DOL) OMB Control Number:12180069. (voice), or (202) 6939801 (facsimile). hereby announces the submission of the Agency Form Number:None. following public information collectionFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Affected Public:Private sectorrequest (ICR) to the Office ofContact the employee listed in the business or other forprofit. Management and Budget (OMB) forADDRESSESsection of this notice. Estimated Number of Respondents: review and approval in accordance with 3,000.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995Estimated Total Annual Burden I. Background (Pub. L. 10413, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35).Hours:205,397. A copy of this ICR, with applicableEstimated Total Annual Costs Burden:The Mine Safety and Health supporting documentation; including$2,765. Administration(MSHA) is responsible among other things a description of theDescription:for the inspection, testing, approval andThe information likely respondents, proposed frequencycollection requirements of 29 CFR Partcertification, and quality control of of response, and estimated total burden1910, Subpart T are directed towardmining equipment and components, may be obtained from theRegInfo.govassuring the safety and health of diversmaterials, instruments, and explosives Web site athttp://www.reginfo.gov/exposed to hyperbaric conditions duringused in both underground and surface public/do/PRAMaincoal, metal, and nonmetal mines. Titleand after undersea activities. Also, theor by contacting Darrin King on 2026934129 (this is30 CFR, parts 6 through 36 containrequired recordkeeping is intended to
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Federal Register/ Monday,73, No. 77/ Vol./ NoticesApril 21, 2008
procedures by which manufacturersTotal Burden Cost (capital/startup):to the OSHA Docket Office, Docket No. may apply for and have equipment$0. OSHA20070053, U.S. Department of approved as‘‘permissible’’for use inTotal Burden Cost (operating/Labor, Room N2625, 200 Constitution mines.maintaining):NW., Washington, DC 20210.$1,671,381. Avenue, Comments submitted in response toDeliveries (hand, express mail, II. Desired Focus of Comments this notice will be summarized and/ormessenger and courier service) are Currently, the Mine Safety and Health included in the request for Office ofaccepted during the Department of Administration (MSHA) is soliciting Management and Budget approval of theLabors and Docket Offices normal comments concerning the proposed information collection request; they willbusiness hours, 8:15 a.m.4:45 p.m.,e.t. extension of the information collection also become a matter of public record.Instructions:All submissions must requirement related to testing, include the Agency name and the OSHA Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 16th day evaluation, and approval of Mining docket number (OSHA Docket No. of April, 2008. Products. MSHA is particularly OSHA20070053). Submissions, David L. Meyer, interested in comments that: including any personal information you Director, Office of Administration and Evaluate whether the proposed provide, are placed in the public docket Management. collection of information is necessary without change and may be made [FR Doc. E88541 Filed 41808; 8:45 am] for the proper performance of MSHAs available online athttp:// BILLING CODE 451043P functions, including whether the www.regulations.gov. information has practical utility; Docket:To read or download Evaluate the accuracy of MSHAs submissions or other material in the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR estimate of the burden of the proposed docket, go tohttp://www.regulations.gov collection of information, including the or the OSHA Docket Office at the Occupational Safety and Health validity of the methodology and address above. All documents in the Administration assumptions used; docket are listed in thehttp:// [Docket No. OSHA20070053] Suggest methods to enhance the www.regulations.govindex, however, quality, utility, and clarity of the some information (e.g., copyrighted Nationally Recognized Testing information to be collected; and material) is not publicly available to Laboratories; Proposed Satellite Address the use of appropriate read or download through the Web site. Notification and Acceptance Program automated, electronic, mechanical, or All submissions, including copyrighted other technological collection AGENCY:material, are available for inspectionOccupational Safety and Health techniques or other forms of information Administration (OSHA), Labor.and copying at the OSHA Docket Office. technology, (e.g., permitting electronic Extension of Comment Period:Submit ACTION:Notice. submissions of responses)to minimize requests for extensions concerning this the burden of the collection ofSUMMARY:The Occupationanotice to the Office of Technical l Safety and information on those who are to Health Administration (OSHA) requestsPrograms and Coordination Activities, respond. comment on a new segment beingNRTL Program, Occupational Safety and A copy of the proposed information proposed under its NationallyHealth Administration, U.S. Department collection request can be obtained by Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL)of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, contacting the employee listed in the Program. This segment is called theNW., Room N3655, Washington, DC ADDRESSESsection of this notice or Satellite Notification and Acceptance20210. Or, fax to (202) 6931644. viewed on the Internet by accessing the Program, and participation by NRTLs in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: MSHA home page (http:// the program is voluntary. The MaryAnn Garrahan, Director, Office of www.msha.gov/) and selecting‘‘Rules description for this program specifies Technical Programs and Coordination and Regs’’, and then selecting‘‘Fed Reg the criteria and conditions under which Activities, NRTL Program, Occupational Docs.’’any NRTL may control and audit certain Safety and Health Administration, U.S. facilities in order to perform particular III. Current ActionsDepartment of Labor, 200 Constitution functions at those facilities. Avenue, NW., Room N3655, Title 30 CFR parts 6 through 36 DATES:You must submit information orWashington, DC 20210, or phone (202) require that an investigation leading to comments by the following dates:6932110. Our Web page includes approval or certification will be Hard copy:postmarked or sent byinformation about the NRTL Program undertaken by the A&CC at the MSHA May 21, 2008.(seehttp://www.osha.govand select‘‘N’’only pursuant to a written application Electronic transmission orin the site index). accompanied by prescribed drawings facsimile:sent by May 21, 2008. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: and specifications identifying the piece ADDRESSES:You may submit comments of equipment. This information is used Introduction by any of the following methods: by engineers and scientists to evaluate Electronically:The Occupational Safety and HealthYou may submit the design in conjunction with tests to comments electronically athttp://Administration (OSHA) is proposing a assure conformance to standards prior www.regulations.govnew operational segment under its, which is the to approval for use in mines. Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow theNationally Recognized Testing Type of Review:Extension. instructions online for makingLaboratory (NRTL) Program; it will be Agency:Mine Safety and Health electronic submissions.called the Satellite Notification and Administration. Fax:If your submissions, includingAcceptance Program (SNAP). This new Title:Permissible Equipment Testing. attachments, are not longer than 10segment would allow NRTLs to use OMB Number:12190066. pages, you may fax them to the OSHAfacilities referred to as‘‘SNAP sites,’’Affected Public:Business or other for Docket Office at (202) 6931648. whichthey control and audit, in order profit. Respondents:262.Mail, hand delivery, express mail,to perform particular functions Responses:733.messenger or courier service:necessary in the NRTLYou musts testing and Total Burden Hours:certification operations. These functions4302. submitthree copies of your comments
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