Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - FedReg E8-25980 - Proposed Information Collection Request








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64986 Federal Register/Vol. 73, No. 212/Friday, October 31, 2008/Notices Title 30 CFR 75.373 and 75.1721 III. Current Actions reopening of inactive or abandoned mines. require that after a mine is abandoned Mine operators are required to Type of Review: Extension. or declared inactive and before it is conduct surveying such that mine maps Agency: Mine Safety and Health reopened, mine operations shall not are maintained accurate and up-to-date, Administration. begin until MSHA has been notified and the maps must be revised every 6 Title: Requirements for the has completed an inspection. Standard months and certified accurate by a Preparation and Maintenance of 75.1721 specifies that the notification be registered engineer or surveyor and to Accurate and Up-to-Date Mine Maps in writing and lists specific information, submit copies of the certified (pertains to underground and surface preliminary arrangements and mine underground maps to MSHA annually coal mines). plans which must be submitted to the and an up-to-date and revised mine OMB Number: 1219–0073. MSHA District Manager. closure map whenever an operator Recordkeeping: Annual or on permanently closes or abandons a coal II. Desired Focus of Comments occasion. mine, or temporarily closes a coal mine Affected Public: Business or other for- Currently, the Mine Safety and Health for a period of more than 90 days, he or profit. she shall promptly notify the Secretary Administration (MSHA) is soliciting ...
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Federal Register / Notices 73, No. 212/ Vol. October 31, 2008 / Friday,
Title 30 CFR 75.373 and 75.1721III. Current Actionsreopening of inactive or abandoned require that after a mine is abandoned ra or declared inactive and before it is conMdinuec t ospuervetyoirsn ga rseu rcehq tuhiarte dm tion e maps miTnyesp.e of Review:Extension. reopened, mine operations shall not are maintained accurate and u -to-dat begin until MSHA has been notified and the maps must be revised everyp 6e, AdTAmgitielnn:eicRsyt:er th Healand ety .n taoienemirqu eht rof stneMiaf S  has completed an inspection. Standard months and certified accurate by a Preparation and Maintenance of 75.1721 specifies that the notification be in writing and lists specific information, rseugbismtietr ecdo peinegsi onfe tehr eo rc esrutrifvieeydo r and to (Apcecrtuariantse  taon ud nUdpe-rtgor-oDuantde  aMnidn es uMrfaapcse  preliminary arrangements and mine und ma s to plans which must be submitted to the and earng ruopu-ntod-datep and  rMeSviHseAd  anmninueally coaOlMmBi nNeus)m.ber:.370 19012  MSHA District Manager. closure map whenever an operatorRecordkeeping:Annual or on II. Desired Focus of Commentsl  a coses ylcralipmro ret a slaocnim o ,eseloors ba aonndpreamentnylc occAafsfieoctne.d Public:Business or other for-oa mine Currently, the Mine Safety and Health for a period of more than 90 days, he or Administration (MSHA) is soliciting she shall promptly notify the Secretary proNfuit.m ber of Responses:737. comments concerning the proposed of such closure. extension of the information collection In addition, mine operators mustruB  nedTlatopoesenndfoR eb rNmuHours: 1t4s,:57425. 1, .3 related to the Record of Mine Closure notify MSHA so that an inspection can addressed in 30 CFR 75.1204 and be conducted whenever a new mine isedmiatolaB ru): Tntaining$n1C8o,2st2(1o,2p5e7r.a ting/ 75.1204–1; the inclusion of standards opened or a previously abandoned or requiring MSHA notification and iinnfaocrtimvaet imoinne is urieroepd etno ebde.  gTahteh ered and itnhicCsl oundmoetmidc eienn t wst ihlselu  bbreem qsiututeemsdt m fioanrr  irzeOesffdpi ocaenn sodef/  toor  inspection prior to mining when req opening a new mine or reopening an recorded on mine maps is essential to inactive or abandoned mine addressed the safe operation of the mine and iMnfaonramgaetmioenn tc aolnlde cBtiuodng reet qaupepsrt;o tvhale yo f wtihlle  in 30 CFR 75.373 and 75.1721; and the essential to the effectiveness of inclusion of standards requiring mmianned aptloarny  aipnsprpoevctailo bnys  aMnSd HmAa nSduacthe d oafl sODoca ttboee dbcaeo rt m02Arel0 ian8 gmtoant,t eVri rogfi npiua,btlhiics  r2e8ctohrdda.y underground and surface mine . operators to prepare and maintain iontfhoerr msaotuirocne  caanndn oatn ybteh riepg llaecses dt hbay any David L. Meyer,.  accurate and up-to-date mine maps n n addressed in 30 CFR 75.1200, 75.1200 icnofnotrinmuaotiuosnl yw uopudladt eplda acne dm aicnceursra tsea fety [DFirRe cDtoocr.oEf8Ad25m9in8i1s tFrialteido n1 0an3d0M–0a8n;a8g:e4m5eanmt.]  1, 75.1201, 75.1202, 75.1202–1, 75.1203, t risk.BILLING CODE 4510–43–P 75.372, 77.1200, 77.1201 and 77.1202. a The information collected through th MSHA is particularly interested in e comments that: sbuy bompietrtaalt oorfs  mofi ande jcalcoesnutr ce omala pmsi nise su sed DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Evaluate whether the proposed approaching abandoned whenMine Safety and Health Administration collection of information is necessary underground mines. The abandoned for the proper performance of the mine could be flooded with water or functions of the agency, including con ex whether the information will have tain plosive amounts of methaneProposed Information Collection or harmful gases. If the operator were todeRocmmmmne tnas; endationttimbuS tseuqeRCoc liub Por fed practical utility; mine into such an area, unaware of theSafety Requirements for the Use of   hazards, miners could be killed orEvaluate the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the seriously injured. In addition, it is in theDi-Powesel Equeredtni piemedgr nnUCod unroesin Mal proposed collection of information, public interest to maintain permanent including the validity of the records of the locations, extent of ACTION:Notice. methodology and assumptions used; workings and potential hazards ality, ue the quna ditilyt ,cnahnEaffectedversely  ub pc lis.nehe Tb nada eefasc yted wciatasso dimodenbanati hSpUarMtMoAfRitYs:  The Deaptremtno  faLob ar,s ocnitngniuffe  ecuder ot tro clarity of the information to be collected; and by future land usage where such paperwork and respondent burden hazards are not known or inaccurately conducts a pre-clearance consultation Minimize the burden of the H collection of information on those who amsaspess saend.d  MprSoviAd ecso ltlheocstse  tdhoec culmoseunrtes  to parnodg rFaemd etroa lp argoevindciee tsh ew igtehn aenr al public are to respond, including through the h use of appropriate automated, tReec lOafmfiactei oonf  S& uErfnafcoer cMeimneinntg ,f or oapnpd/oortr ucnointtyi ntou icnog mcomlelenct toion nps roofp osed electronic, mechanical, or other inclusion in a repository of abandoned information in accordance with the technological collection techniques or mine maps. Therefore, MSHA is Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submissions continuiing the certification and (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506 (c)(c)(A)]. This of responses. applicat on of 30 CFR 75.1204 to assure program helps to ensure that requested the required information remains data can be provided in the desired A copy of the proposed information available for the protection of miners’ format, reporting burden (time and collection request can be obtained by and public safety. In addition, MSHA financial resources) is minimized, contacting the employee listed in the has added the burden hours and cost collection instruments are clearly ADDRESSES for standards which address estimatessection of this notice, or and the impact of collection understood, viewed on the Internet by accessing the the preparation and maintenance of requirements on respondents can be MSHA home page (http:// properly assessed.certified mine maps for surface and www.msha.gov/ underground coal mines and the) and selecting ‘‘Rules the Mine Safety and Health Currently, and Regs , and then selecting ‘‘Fed Reg notification of MSHA prior to the Administration (MSHA) is soliciting ’’ Docs.’’ opening on new coal mines or the comments concerning the extension of
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Federal Register October 31, 2008 / Friday, / Notices 73, No. 212/ Vol.
the information collection related to the requirements for the use of diesel-Total Responses:180,252. 30 CFR Sections: powered equipment in undergroundTotal Burden Hours:42,826. 75.1901(a)—Diesel Fuel Requirements; coal mines. MSHA is particularlyTotal Burden Cost (operating/ 75.1904(b)(4)(i)—Underground Diesel interested in comments that:maintaining):$428,272. Fuel Tanks and Safety Cans; colthe her o sreod/pdrnoapd lztecri maufmo is obie ln twi mlaioirtnefcn esso n t ioinhe  ytroapsosnesc resd inmbusettiemmo stnCEulav etatehw 75.1906(d)Transport of diesel fuel; for tehe proper pfrmance of the included in the request for Office of 75.1911(i) and (j)—Fire Suppression er o Systems for Diesel-Powered Equipment functions of the agency, including Management and Budget approval of the and Fuel Transportation Units; wrhacettihcearl  tuhtei linf;o rmation will have ianlfsoor bmeactoiomne  cao lmleactttieor no fr epquubelsitc;  rtehceoyr dw. ill 75.1912(h) and (i)—Fire Suppression pytie the atluvhaf E oDated at Arlington, Virginia, this 28th day Systems for Permanent Underground accuracy t e Diesel Fuel Storage Facilities; pargoepncosyesd  ecsotillmeacttie oonf  tofh ei nbfurdeant ioofn t, he oDfaOvicdt oLb.e rM2e0y0e8r,.  75.1914(f)(1), (2), (g)(5), (h)(1), and (2) including the validitof thoer mDirector, Office of Administration and Maintenance of Diesel-Powered y Equipment; and methodology and assumptions used; 75.1915(a), (b)(5), (c)(1) and (2)—Enhance the quality, utility, andnt. egemaMan Training and Qualification of Persons ccloallrietcyt eodf the dinformation to be [BIFLRLI NDGo cC.OED8E42551098403 FPiled 10–30–08; 8:45 am] Working on Diesel-Powered Equipment.the burdinimize  ;na Mf then oe DATES:Submit comments on or before December 30, 2008. collection of information on those who ADDRESSES:oppratriaue maSteon, ddeotcmmn estt  oeD including throuhgt ehu eso  fpa ot era,dnopser eibbMILLENNIUMTIRA ONAHC NELLC EGOPRO Ferraro, Management Services Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2171, electronic, mechanical, or other[MCC FR 09–01] Arlington, VA 222093939. Commenters toetchhern foolrogmisc aolf  cionlfloercmtiaotni otne cthecnihqnuoelso goyr Notice of First Amendment to Compact are encouraged to send their comments e.g., permitting electronic submissions,  With the Government of Georgia on computer disk, or via E-mail to of responses Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV. Ms. Ferraro . can be reached at (202) 6939821 colAl eccotipoyn  orfe tqhuee sptr ocapno sbeed  oibntfaoirnmeadt iboyn  AACGCoETrIpONoNCrY:a:t inmuC ahiMllneitoN  ..necoienll ge (voice), or (202) 693–9801 (facsimile). contacting the employee listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:The employee listed in theADDRESSES FseOcRtiFoUnR TofHtEhRiIsNnFoOtRicMeA,TIoOrNviCeOwNeTdA CoTn 6 eht S0UMMARY:In accordance with Section section of this notice. nternet b acces SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:age pI(httpy://wwws.imngs htha.eg oMv(9)i2( Millenn) of the.L1 bu . dP(needisio Div19908 cA egmne ellahC muiams  a3,0 0A o2hoftH S) an dhtne I. Background,orporation is pulobhssioinhig nga s mucamdD )ann gtshR,e MRiue esn lllemdueiFn.agheC Ran ellC  denge d s. Docstju, ryioaticifht dna nsoporp e The regulation addresses three major areas: Diesel engine design and testingIII. Current Actionstext of the First Amendment to requirements; safety standards for the Pr  maintenance and use of this equipment; mandoavtiosiroy nssa fuentyd esrtapnadrta r7d5s  efsotra bdliiesshel- baMecittliwlneegne tnnhi rtuohmeu  gCUhh ntaihtlleee dn MSgitela lteCenosn moifup amActm erica, and exhaust gas sampling provisions to owe protect miners health. It first requires punderrerdo euqnudipment for use in  that diesel engines and their critical veng coal mines,  tmhienimum Challenge Corporation, and the  components meet design specifications incotrilpaotirantgi oainr  oqf utahnet iatiire sq,uantities into toGhf oetv heGer onUvmenrietnnetmd  oeSfn ttaG toeefo sr GgGeioao.rv geRireanpprmleaesnne tnt toaa ntidv es and tests to demonstrate that they are the mine ventilation plan, requirements explosion-proof and will not cause a fire n xic exhaust in a mine where methane may fgoars erso, uatinnde  tshae mupslei ogf  loof wto sulfur diesel exDeactuetde:tOhcitso bderra2ft8t,e2x0t0i8n.2008. accumulate. Second, the safety fuel. It also provides that dieselHenry C. Pitney, requirements for diesel equipment e include many of the proven features beyq uaidpemqeunatt elmya tirnatienneadn cpee rbseo pns.r fIonr med putyDeuoC lesnneG lareumniha CMi, enllrooparitllneegC on. required in existing standards for addition, the regulation includesSummary of First Amendment to electric-powered equipment, such as standards for storage, transportation andMillennium Challenge Compact With cabs or canopies, methane monitors, dispensing of diesel fuel, and thethe Government of Georgia brakes and lights. The regulation also installation and maintenance of fire he Board of Directors of the sets safety requirements for fuel suppression systems on diesel MiTllennium Challenge Corporation handling and storage and fire equipment and in permanent (‘‘MCC’’) h ved an amendment suppression. Third, sampling of diesel ound fuel st exhaust emissions is required to protect unTdergr orage facilities. as appro miners from overexposure to carbonype of RMeivnieewS:endmenAme th(aetfing ht exesit)t  oxEnsten.io monoxide and nitrogen dioxide AdAmgiennicstyr:C moneeg aptcenniMillhallum C .noitaroximateytaa pdnp Health  ye-r ean,ioiv f 3.5llimU yl92$S contained in diesel exhaust.Title: the United States of America, betweenApproval, Exhaust Gas  II. Desired Focus of CommentsMnoni,gtiro Saf andRequety  hCM,Ca dnt ehd G acting througaoirg frhhte(  tem iertsenseerioDvPe-nlnemeosfUt   efoo  G owere Currently, the Mine Safety and Health Coal Mines. Administration (MSHA) is soliciting EqOuiMpBm eNnutminb eUr:n 9. 1g1ro0rn91u 2d1edB‘Caockmgpraocutn’’d). comments concerning the proposedenc :On extension of the information collectionyrequFfeft ceduPlAbci :-r.n saoiOccnTess  Cohre potohmer fouBis act was signed September  requirement related to the approval, profit. 12, 2005 and entered into force on April exhaust gas monitoring and safetyTotal Respondents:213. 7, 2006. Compact projects focused on
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