Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - FedReg E8-24038 - Proposed Information Collection Request








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Federal Register/Vol. 73, No. 198/Friday, October 10, 2008/Notices 60357 opportunity to comment on proposed the contractor. Independent contractors Affected Public: Business or other for- and/or continuing collections of performing services or construction at profit. information in accordance with the mines are subject to the Federal Mine Cite/Reference/Form/etc: 30 CFR Part Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine 45. Total Respondents: 14,357. (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This Act) and are responsible for violations Frequency: On occasion. program helps to ensure that requested of the Mine Act committed by them or Total Responses: 93,320. data can be provided in the desired their employees. Estimated Total Burden Hours: 7,153 format, reporting burden (time and Although Independent Contractors are hours. financial resources) is minimized, not required to apply for the Estimated Total Burden Cost: $520. collection instruments are clearly identification number, they will be Comments submitted in response to understood, and the impact of collection assigned one by MSHA the first time this notice will be summarized and/or requirements on respondents can be they are cited for a violation of the Mine included in the request for Office of properly assessed. Currently, the Mine Act. MSHA uses the information to Management and Budget approval of the Safety and Health Administration issue a permanent MSHA identification information ...
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Federal Register/ NoticesOctober 10, 2008/ Friday,73, No. 198/ Vol.
opportunity to comment on proposedthe contractor. Independent contractorsAffected Public:Business or other for and/or continuing collections ofperforming services or construction atprofit. information in accordance with themines are subject to the Federal MineCite/Reference/Form/etc:30 CFR Part Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine45. Total Respondents:14,357. (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. ThisAct) and are responsible for violations Frequency:On occasion. program helps to ensure that requestedof the Mine Act committed by them or Total Responses:93,320. data can be provided in the desiredtheir employees. Estimated Total Burden Hours:7,153 format, reporting burden (time andAlthough Independent Contractors are hours. financial resources) is minimized,not required to apply for the Estimated Total Burden Cost:$520. collection instruments are clearlyidentification number, they will be Comments submitted in response to understood, and the impact of collectionassigned one by MSHA the first time this notice will be summarized and/or requirements on respondents can bethey are cited for a violation of the Mine included in the request for Office of properly assessed. Currently, the MineAct. MSHA uses the information to Management and Budget approval of the Safety and Health Administrationissue a permanent MSHA identification information collection request; they will (MSHA) is soliciting commentsnumber to the independent contractor. also become a matter of public record. concerning the proposed extension of II. Desired Focus of Comments Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 2nd day the information collection related to the Currently, the Mine Safety and Healthof October 2008. Independent Contractor Registration Administration (MSHA) is solicitingDavid L. Meyer, and Identification. comments concerning the proposed Director, Office of Administration and DATES:Submit comments on or before extension of the information collectionManagement. December 9, 2008. requirement related to Independent [FR Doc. E8–24037 Filed 10–9–08; 8:45 am] ADDRESSES:Send comments to U.S. Contractor Registration and BILLING CODE 4510–43–P Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Identification. MSHA is particularly Health Administration, Debbie Ferraro, interested in comments that: Management Services Division, 1100 Evaluate whether the proposed DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Wilson Boulevard, Room 2141, collection of information is necessary Arlington, VA 22209–3939. Commenters for the proper performance of MSHA’sMine Safety and Health Administration are encouraged to send their comments functions, including whether the on a computer disk, or via email to Proposed Information Collection information has practical utility; Ferraro.Debbie@dol.gov, along with an RequestSubmitted for Public Comment Evaluate the accuracy of MSHA’s original printed copy. Ms. Ferraro can and Recommendations; Noise estimate of the burden of the proposed be reached at (202) 693–9821 (voice), or Exposure Assessment; Audiometric collection of information, including the (202) 693–9801 (facsimile). Testing, Evaluation, and Records and validity of the methodology and FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Training in All Mines assumptions used; Contact the employee listed in the Suggest methods to enhance the ADRESSESsection of this notice.:Notice. ACTION quality, utility, and clarity of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: information to be collected; and SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as Address the use of appropriate I. Backgroundpart of its continuing effort to reduce automated, electronic, mechanical, or paperwork and respondent burden Independent contractors performing other technological collection conducts a preclearance consultation services or construction at mines are techniques or other forms of information program to provide the general public subject to the Federal Mine Safety and technology, (e.g., permitting electronic and Federal agencies with an Health Act of 1977. Title 30 CFR 45.4(b) submissions of responses) to minimize opportunity to comment on the requires mine operators to maintain a the burden of the collection of continuing collection of information in written summary of information information on those who are to accordance with the Paperwork concerning each independent contractor respond. Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA95) [44 present on the mine site. The A copy of the proposed information U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This program information includes the trade name, collection request can be obtained by helps to ensure that requested data can business address, and telephone contacting the employee listed in the be provided in the desired format, number; a brief description and the ADDRESSESsection of this notice or reporting burden (time and financial location on the mine of the work to be viewed on the internet by accessing the resources) is minimized, collection performed; MSHA identification MSHA home page (http:// instruments are clearly understood, and number, if any; and the contractor’s www.msha.gov/) and selecting ‘‘Rules the impact of collection requirements on business address of record. This and Regs’’, and then selecting ‘‘Fed Reg respondents can be properly assessed. information is required to be provided Docs.’’ DATES:Submit comments on or before for inspection and enforcement III. Current ActionsDecember 9, 2008. purposes by the mine operator to any ADDRESSES MSHA inspector upon request.:Send comments to U.S. The information obtained from the Title 30 CFR 45.3 provides thatDepartment of Labor, Mine Safety and contractors is used by MSHA during independent contractors mayHealth Administration, Debbie Ferraro, inspections to determine proper voluntarily obtain a permanent MSHAManagement Services Division, 1100 responsibility for compliance with identification number by submitting toWilson Boulevard, Room 2141, safety and health standards. MSHA their trade name and businessArlington, VA 22209–3939. Commenters Type of Review:Extension. address, a telephone number, anAgency:Mine Safety and Healthare encouraged to send their comments estimate of the annual hours worked byAdministration. ona computer disk, or via Internet E the contractor on mine property for theTitle:Independent Contractormail toFerraro.Debbie@dol.gov, along previous calendar year, and the addressRegistration and Identification.with an original printed copy. Ms. of record for service of documents uponOMB Number:can be reached at (202) 693–1219–0040. Ferraro
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Federal RegisterOctober 10, 2008/ Notices/ Vol.73, No. 198/ Friday,
9821 (voice), or (202) 693–9801e.g., permitting electronic submissionsComments submitted in response to (facsimile). ofresponses. thisnotice will be summarized and/or A copy of the proposed informationincluded in the request for Office of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: collection request can be obtained byManagement and Budget approval of the Contact the employee listed in the contacting the employee listed in theinformation collection request; they will ADDRESSESsection of this notice. ADDRESSESalso become a matter of public record.section of this notice or SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: viewed on the internet by accessing the Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 2nd day I. BackgroundMSHA home page (http:// of October 2008. www.msha.gov/) and selecting ‘‘Rules David L. Meyer, Noise is one of the most pervasive and Regs’’, and then selecting ‘‘Fed Reg health hazards in mining. Exposure toDirector, Office of Administration and Docs.’’ Management. hazardous sound levels results in the [FR Doc. E8–24038 Filed 10–9–08; 8:45 am] development of occupational noiseIII. Current Actions induced hearing loss (NIHL), a seriousBILLING CODE 4510–43–P Records of miner exposures are physical, psychological, and social necessary so that mine operators and problem. NIHL can be distinguished MSHA can ensure that engineering from aging and medical factors,DEPARTMENT OF LABOR controls, administrative controls, and diagnosed, and prevented. NIHL is personal protective equipment are used Occupational Safety and Health among the ‘‘top ten’’ leading to protect miners from harmful levels of Administration occupational diseases and injuries. exposure. However, the Agency believes For many years, the risk of acquiring that extensive records for this purpose [Docket No. OSHA–2008–0002] an NIHL was accepted as an inevitable now maintained by the coal mining consequence associated with mining sector are not needed, Part 62 replacedNational Advisory Committee on occupations. Miners use mechanized these requirements with a performanceOccupational Safety and Health equipment and work under conditions oriented approach to monitoring. The(NACOSH), Charter Renewal that often expose them to hazardous final rule expanded notification of sound levels. But MSHA standards, AGENCY:Occupational Safety and Health exposure information to miners to assist OSHA standards, military standards, Administration (OSHA), Labor. them in becoming more active and others around the world have been ACTION:Notice of renewal of the participants in hearing conservation established in recognition of the efforts. NACOSHcharter. controllability of this risk. Records of Hearing tests of miners are offered miner exposures are necessary so that SUMMARY:The Secretary of Labor has and if a miner takes the test mine mine operators and MSHA can evaluate renewed the charter of the National operators are required to compile and the need for and effectiveness of Advisory Committee on Occupational maintain a record of each audiometric engineering controls, administrative Safety and Health (NACOSH) for two test. Detection of a hearing loss can controls, and personal protective years. trigger certain protective actions under equipment to protect miners from Part 62. The record will be used by mineFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Ms. harmful levels of exposure. operators and MSHA to verify that theDeborah Crawford, OSHA Directorate of II. Desired Focus of Commentstesting was done and the requiredEvaluation and Analysis, Room N–3641, actions implemented. Part 62 alsoU.S. Department of Labor, 200 Currently, the Mine Safety and Health requires the mine operator to provideConstitution Avenue, NW., Washington, Administration (MSHA) is soliciting training to overexposed miners aboutDC 20210; telephone (202) 693–1932. comments concerning the proposed the hazards of noise exposure, hearing extension of the information collectionNACOSH SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: protector selection and use, the hearing related to the Noise Exposurewas established by Section 7(a) of the test program, and the operator’s noise Assessment; Audiometric Testing,Occupational Safety and Health Act of controls. Records of training are needed Evaluation, and Records and Training in1970 (the Act) (29 U.S.C. 651, 656) to to confirm that miners receive the all Mines. MSHA is particularlyadvise, consult with, and make information they need to become active interested in comments that:recommendations to the Secretary of participants in hearing conservation Evaluate whether the collection ofLabor and the Secretary of Health and efforts. There is no existing requirement information is necessary for the properHuman Services on matters relating to for such records; however, training performance of the functions of thethe administration of the Act. Under the records required under other MSHA agency, including whether theAct, Congress intended NACOSH to be regulations are used for similar information will have practical utility;a continuing advisory committee of purposes. Evaluate the accuracy of theindefinite duration. Type of Review:Extension. agency’s estimate of the burden of theNACOSH operates in accordance with Agency:Mine Safety and Health collection of information, including thethe Federal Advisory Committee Act Administration. validity of the methodology and(FACA) (5 U.S.C. App. 2) and OSHA’s Title:Noise exposure assessment; assumptions used;regulations on advisory committees (29 audiometric testing, evaluation, and Enhance the quality, utility, andCFR parts 1912 and 1912a). Pursuant to records and training in all mines. clarity of the information to beFACA and its implementing regulations OMB Number:1219–0120. (41CFR 102–3), the NACOSH charter collected; and Minimize the burden of theAffected Public:Business or other formust be renewed every two years. The collection of information on those whoprofit institutions.current charter expires on January 29, are to respond, including through theRespondents:The Secretary has determined that14,726. 2009. use of appropriate automated,Responses:the NACOSH charter is764,753. renewing electronic, mechanical, or otherBurden Hours:84,146. necessaryand in the public interest. The technological collection techniques orTotal Burden Cost (operating/new Committee charter will expire two other forms of information technology,maintaining):from the date it is filed.$5,472,084. years
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