Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 237/Tuesday, December 11, 2007/Notices 70349 Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 6th day along with data from MSHA Form whether the information will have of December, 2007. 7000–2, to compute incidence and practical utility; David L. Meyer, severity rates for various injury types. • Evaluate the accuracy of the These rates are used to analyze trends Director, Office of Administration and agency’s estimate of the burden of the Management. and to assess the degree of success of proposed collection of information, the health and safety efforts of MSHA [FR Doc. E7–23941 Filed 12–10–07; 8:45 am] including the validity of the and the mining industry. BILLING CODE 4510–43–P methodology and assumptions used; Accident, injury, and illness data • Enhance the quality, utility, and when correlated with employment and clarity of the information to be DEPARTMENT OF LABOR production data provide information collected; and that allows MSHA to improve its safety • Minimize the burden of the Mine Safety and Health Administration and health enforcement programs, focus collection of information on those who its education and training efforts, and are to respond, including through the Proposed Information Collection establish priorities for its technical use of appropriate automated, Request; Submitted for Public assistance activities in mine safety and electronic, mechanical, or other Comment and Recommendations; health. Maintaining a current ...