Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - FedReg E7-12671 - Proposed Information Collection Request








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Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 126/Monday, July 2, 2007/Notices 36063 Signed at Washington, DC, this 26th of resumes. Mine operators needing people viewed on the internet by accessing the June, 2007. with specific certifications, MSHA home page (http:// Gay M. Gilbert, qualifications and approvals hire and www.msha.gov./) and selecting ‘‘Rules Administrator, Office of Workforce assign work relying on the information and Regs’’, then selecting ‘‘Fed Reg Investment, Employment and Training provided on the cards. Docs.’’ Administration. The information is also used to III. Current Actions [FR Doc. E7–12739 Filed 6–29–07; 8:45 am] determine mine operators’ compliance with approved training plans and to BILLING CODE 4510–FN–P The Mine Safety and Health monitor safety-training programs and Administration (MSHA) issues during investigations including accident certifications, qualifications and DEPARTMENT OF LABOR and legal proceedings to revoke the approvals (licenses) to the nation’s qualifications/certifications and miners to conduct specific work within Mine Safety and Health Administration approvals of individuals based on a the mines. Currently, Social Security fraudulent reporting of training or Numbers (SSNs) are utilized for tracking Proposed Information Collection performance. Upon request, MSHA purposes within MSHA’s data Request; Submitted for Public furnishes information on specific processing systems, in the absence of Comment and Recommendations; ...
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Federal Register/ NoticesJuly 2, 2007/ Monday,72, No. 126/ Vol.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 26th of resumes. Mine operators needing peopleviewed on the internet by accessing the June, 2007. with specific certifications,MSHA home page(http:// Gay M. Gilbert, qualifications and approvals hire andwww.msha.gov./)and selecting‘‘Rules Administrator, Office of Workforceand Regsassign work relying on the information’’, then selecting‘‘Fed Reg Investment, Employment and Trainingprovided on the cards.Docs.’’The information is also used to Administration. III. Current Actions [FR Doc. E712739 Filed 62907; 8:45 am]determine mine operatorscompliance BILLING CODE 4510FNPwith approved training plans and to The Mine Safety and Health monitor safetytraining programs and Administration (MSHA) issues during investigations including accident certifications, qualifications and DEPARTMENT OF LABORand legal proceedings to revoke the approvals (licenses) to the nations qualifications/certifications and miners to conduct specific work within Mine Safety and Health Administration approvals of individuals based on a the mines. Currently, Social Security fraudulent reporting of training or Numbers (SSNs) are utilized for tracking Proposed Information Collection performance. Upon request, MSHA purposes within MSHAs data Request; Submitted for Public furnishes information on specific processing systems, in the absence of Comment and Recommendations; miners to mine operators and other reliable identification systems. In Qualification/Certification Program representatives of miners. an effort to reduce use of SSNs both by Request for MSHA; Individual The information also is used to verify MSHA and third parties, MSHA is Identification Number (MIIN) whether individuals who complete and changing the process to one in which sign dust data cards that accompany ACTION:Notice. minersrequiring a license or benefit dust samples collected fulfill the from MSHA will register for an‘‘MSHA SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, assampling requirements of 30 CFR part Individual Identification Number’’part of its continuing effort to reduce70, 71 or 90. It also enables the Agency (MIIN). This unique number will be paperwork and respondent burdento track underground miners who show used in place of individual SSNs for all conducts a preclearance consultationearly evidence of the development of licensing requirements within MSHA. program to provide the general publicpneumoconiosis and have exercised This new process will allow MSHA to and Federal agencies with antheir option to work in a low dust discontinue the past practice of opportunity to comment on proposedenvironment under 30 CFR part 90 to individuals supplying their personally and/or containing collections ofdetermine if they have been adequately identifiable information to instructors, information in accordance with thesampled by mine operators and are in states or other entities, which in turn Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995compliance with federal dust standards. supply that information to MSHA. (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This II. Desired Focus of CommentsMiners needing a license or benefit from program helps to ensure that requested MSHA will need to register only one Currently, the Mine Safety and Health data can be provided in the desired time to obtain their MIINs from MSHA. Administration (MSHA) is soliciting format, reporting burden (time and comments concerning the proposedType of Review:New Collection. financial resources) is minimized, extension of the information collection collection instruments are clearlyAgency:Mine Safety and Health requirement related to conversion of understood, and the impact of collectionAdministration. Social Security Numbers to MSHA requirements on respondents can be Title:Qualification/Certification Individual Identification Numbers. properly assessed. Program Request for MSHA Individual MSHA is particularly interested in DATES:Submit comments on or before Identification Number (MIIN). comments that: August 31, 2007. * Evaluatewhether the proposedOMB Number:12190NEW. ADDRESSES:Send comments to, Debbie collection of information is necessary Recordkeeping:3 years. Ferraro, Management Services Division, for the proper performance of MSHAs 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2171,Frequency:On Occasion. functions, including whether the Arlington, VA 222093939. Commenters Affected Public:Business or other for information has practical utility; are encouraged to send their comments * Evaluatethe accuracy of MSHAs profit. on computer disk, or via email to estimate of the burden of the proposed Total Respondents:40,000 first year; Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV.Ms. Ferraro collection of information, including the 10,000 thereafter. can be reached at (202) 6939821 validity of the methodology and (voice), or (202) 6939801 (facsimile).Total Responses:40,000 first year; assumptions used; 10,000 thereafter. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: * Suggestmethods to enhance the Contact the employee listed in theEstimated Total Burden Hours:3,332 quality, utility, and clarity of the ADDRESSESfirst year; 2,083 second year; 833section of this notice. information to be collected; and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:* Addressthe use of appropriatethereafter. automated, electronic, mechanical, or Total Burden Cost (capital/startup): I. Background other technological collection $10,881 first year. MSHA currently uses qualificationtechniques or other forms of information Total Burden Cost (operating/ and certification information on minerstechnology, (e.g., permitting electronic maintaining):$7,293 second year; who have satisfactorily completedsubmissions of responses)to minimize $2,900 thereafter. required training and examinations tothe burden of the collection of issue cards indicating the licensure ofinformation on those who are toComments submitted in response to that miner. MSHA inspectors, duringrespond. thisnotice will be summarized and/or inspections, review these cards toA copy of the proposed informationincluded in the request for Office of determine compliance with regulations.collection request can be obtained byManagement and Budget approval of the In addition, miners, when applying forcontacting the employee listed in theinformation collection request; they will a job, use these cards as a part of theirADDRESSESsection of this notice oralso become a matter of public record.
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Federal Register/ Monday,July 2, 2007/ Vol.72, No. 126/ Notices
Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 26th day mail), or 2026939441 (Telefax), orDocket Number:M2007028C. of June, 2007. contact Barbara Barron at 2026939447Petitioner:Chestnut Coal Company, David L. Meyer,(Voice),barron.barbara@dol.gov3, Box 142B, Sunbury, Pennsylvania(E RD Director, Office of Administration andmail), or 20269317801.9441 (Telefax). Mine:No. 12 Slope Mine, (MSHA I.D. Management.[These are not tollfree numbers]. No. 3609493), located in [FR Doc. E712671 Filed 62907; 8:45 am]SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. BILLING CODE 451043P I. Background Regulation Affected:30 CFR 49.6(a)(1) & (5) (Equipment and maintenance Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine requirements). DEPARTMENT OF LABORSafety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Modification Request:The petitioner Act) allows the mine operator or requests a modification of the existing Mine Safety and Health Administration representative of miners to file a standard to permit the use of eight self petition to modify the application of any Petitions for Modificationcontained breathing apparatus and eight mandatory safety standard to a coal or permissible cap lamps and charging other mine if the Secretary determines AGENCY:Mine Safety and Health rack instead of using twelve self that: (1) An alternative method of Administration, Labor. contained oxygen breathing apparatus achieving the result of such standard ACTION:Notice of petitions for and twelve permissible cap lamps and exists which will at all times guarantee modification of existing mandatory charging rack at each mine rescue no less than the same measure of safety standards. station for its seven member rescue protection afforded the miners of such team. The petitioner asserts that the SUMMARY:mine by such standard; or (2) that theSection 101(c) of the Federal proposed alternative method would not Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 andapplication of such standard to such alter, change, or reduce the ability, 30 CFR Part 44 govern the application,mine will result in a diminution of effectiveness or safety of the processing, and disposition of petitionssafety to the miners in such mine. In underground mine personnel. for modification. This notice is aaddition, the regulations at 30 CFR Docket Number:M2007029C. summary of petitions for modification44.10 and 44.11 establish the Petitioner:Chestnut Coal Company, filed by the parties listed below torequirements and procedures for filing RD 3, Box 142B, Sunbury, Pennsylvania modify the application of existingpetitions for modifications. 17801. mandatory safety standards published II. Petitions for Modification Mine:No. 12 Slope Mine, (MSHA I.D. in Title 30 of the Code of Federal Docket Number:M200702736C. No.09493), located in Regulations. Petitioner:Chestnut Coal Company,Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. DATES:Comments on the petitions must Regulation Affected:30 CFR 75.335 RD 3, Box 142B, Sunbury, Pennsylvania be received by the Office of Standards, (Construction of seals). 17801. Regulations, and Variances on or beforeModification Request:The petitioner Mine:No. 12 Slope Mine, (MSHA I.D. August 1, 2007.requests a modification of the existing No. 3609493), located in standard to permit an alternative ADDRESSES:You may submit yourNorthumberland County, Pennsylvania. comments, identified by‘‘docketRegulation Affected:method of construction of seals. The30 CFR 49.2(b) number’’(Availability of mine rescue teams).on the subject line, by any ofpetitioner proposes to use wooden the following methods:Modification Request:The petitionermaterial of moderate size and weight 1.EMail: Standardsrequests a modification of the existingdue to the difficulty in accessing Petitions@dol.gov.previously driven headings and breastsstandard to permit the use of two mine 2.Telefax:1202693containing the inaccessible abandonedteams of three members with one9441. rescue 3.HandDelivery or Regular Mail: alternate for either team instead of twoworkings, through the use of homemade Submit comments to the Mine Safety teams of five members and one alternateladders. The petitioner states that to and Health Administration (MSHA), for each team. The petitioner states that:transport concrete blocks or equivalent Office of Standards, Regulations, and (1) The underground anthracite mine ismaterials manually on ladders on Variances, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, small and cannot accommodate morepitching veins will expose miners to Room 2349, Arlington, Virginia 22209,greater hazards of falling, being struck than three or four miners in the working Attention: Patricia W. Silvey, Director,by falling materials, or resulting in places; (2) to use five or more rescue Office of Standards, Regulations, andstrains or sprains because of the weight team members in the confined working Variances. ofthe materials. The petitioner cites places of the mine would result in a We will consider only commentslowlevel explosibility of anthracite coal diminution of safety to the miners and postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service ordust and minimal potential for either an the members of the mine rescue team; proof of delivery from another deliveryaccumulation of methane in previously (3) the risk of disaster is considerably service such as UPS or Federal Expressmined pitching veins or an ignition reduced because the electric power does on or before the deadline for comments.source in the gob area, as justification not reach beyond the bottom of the Individuals who submit comments byfor the proposed 10 psi design. The slope and coal is hauled by hand handdelivery are required to check inpetitioner states that the mine has not trammed cars or battery electric motor; at the receptionist desk on the 21stexperienced measurable liberations of (4) rescue and recovery operations at floor. methaneto date. The petitioner asserts other mines have utilized only one Individuals may inspect copies of thethat the proposed alternative method team; and (5) the Pennsylvania Deep petitions and comments during normalwould provide at least the same Mine Safety and other surrounding business hours at the address listedmeasure of protection as the existing mines will provide assistance in an above. standard. emergency. The petitioner asserts that FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:the proposed alternative method will inDocket Number:M2007030C. Edward Sexauer, Chief, Regulatoryno way provide less than the samePetitioner:Chestnut Coal Company, Development Division at 2026939444 measureof protection afforded theRD 3, Box 142B, Sunbury, Pennsylvania (Voice),sexauer.edward@dol.gov17801.under the existing standard.(E miners
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