Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - FedReg Doc. E6-3580 - Proposed Information Collection








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Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 49/Tuesday, March 14, 2006/Notices 13167 Street, SW., Suite 401, Washington, DC Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Sections 71.300 and 90.300 require a 20436, who shall be the Commission (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(c)(A)]. This coal mine operator to submit to MSHA investigative attorney, party to this program helps to ensure that requested for approval a written respirable dust investigation; and data can be provided in the desired control plan within 15 calendar days (3) For the investigation so instituted, format, reporting burden (time and after the termination date of a citation the Honorable Charles E. Bullock is financial resources) is minimized, for violation of the applicable dust designated as the presiding collection instruments are clearly standard. administrative law judge. understood, and the impact of collection Section 71.301(d) requires the Responses to the complaint and the requirements on respondents can be respirable dust control plan to be posted notice of investigation must be properly assessed. on the mine bulletin board however, submitted by the named respondent in 90.301(d) prohibits posting of the dust Currently, the Mine Safety and Health accordance with § 210.13 of the control plan for P–90 miners and, Administration (MSHA) is soliciting Commission’s Rules of Practice and instead, requires a copy be provided to comments concerning the extension of Procedure, 19 CFR 210.13. Pursuant to the affected P–90 ...
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Federal Register / Notices March 14, 2006 / Tuesday, 71, No. 49/ Vol.
Street, SW., Suite 401, Washington, DC Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Sections 71.300 and 90.300 require a 20436, who shall be the Commission (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(c)(A)]. This coal mine operator to submit to MSHA investigative attorney, party to this program helps to ensure that requested for approval a written respirable dust investigation; and ovided in the (3) For the investigation so instituted, fdoartam cata, nr ebpe oprtring burden (timdees iarnedd  cafotnetrr tohl ep tlearn mwinitahtiion n1 5d actael eofn da acri tdataiyosn  the Honorable Charles E. Bullock is financial resources) is minimized, for violation of a designated as the presiding collection instruments are arl the pplicable dust administrative law judge.  theac tc loef cy standard. Responses to the complaint and the ruenqdueirrsetmooend,t sa onnd res piomnpdents caonl lbeec tion resSpeicrtaibolne  7d1u.s3t0 c1o(dn)t rroelq puliarens  ttoh be e posted notice of investigation must be submitted by the named respondent in properly assessed. on the mine bulletin board however, Currently, the Mine Safety and Health 9c0o.n3t0ro1l( dp)l pr ofhoir bPit0 miners9 sa dn , dhe tofg instpo tsu accordance with§ Administra olicitin210.13 of the Commissionsnetxe e fo noiceon ctsthgn a(MStionis sHA) and ice artcfoP el s suR Procedure, 19 CFR 210.13. Pursuant to tchoem imnfeonrmation cronlilnegc tion related to the itnhes taefafde,c treedq uPir r.nemi 09coa  bpys et de orp edivo 19 CFR 201.16(d) and 210.13(a), such responses will be considered by the 9300. 2C0F9R ; draC ataD tsuD rrato OpeMine a dn02,97 .1tceSsnoi.07 ,902II.MDSesHirAeids  Fpoacrutisc uofl aCrloyminmteernetssted in Commission if received not later than 20 70.201(c), 71.201(c), 90.201(c) ents that: days after the date of service by the Reporting Operator Sampling Dates;comm Commission of the complaint and the notice of investigation. Extensions of 7D0u.s2t0 S2(abm),p l7i1n.g2 0C2e(rbt)i,f iacnatdi o9n0;. 27002.(2b2)0( fo)r,coa  whether the provElaauet noitamrofni fo ontieclld sepoepfrep rp ort eh saryecesis n tof hemaore nc time for submitting responses to the complaint and the notice of S7t1a.t2u2s0 (Cah),a annged s;9 0a.n2d2 07(1a.)3r tfion g  ehttcnusnoif00 nrihwtl lehn i ogfhmwrttaeoeihincludinaavgee ncoyp,e R investigation will not be granted unless 71.301(d),90.300, and 90.30, 1(d) practical utility; good cause therefor is shown. Respirable Dust Control Plan.Evaluate urac of the Failure of a respondent to file a timely response to each allegation in theDMAaTyE S1:5 porposcnyaeg,2 00ofer 6. mbuSc ti oonber meoms nt eht fo nedrn ioctleol ced ssee buf thte otimay he tcc aof information, complaint and in this notice may be deemed to constitute a waiver of theADDRESSES:Send comments to U.S. including the validity of the right to appear and contest the Department of Labor, Mine Safety and methodology and assumptions used; allegations of the complaint and this Health Administration, John Rowlett,Enhance the quality, utility, and notice, and to authorize the Director, Management Services clarity of the information to be administrative law judge and the Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room collected; and Commission, without further notice to 2134, Arlington, VA 222093939.Minimize the burden of the the respondent, to find the facts to be as Commenters are encouraged to send collection of information on those who alleged in the complaint and this notice their comments on a computer disk, or are to respond, including through the and to enter a final determination via e-mail to.govJohn@dollwoR.tte, use of appropriate automated, containing such findings, and may along with an original printed copy. Mr. electronic, mechanical, or other result in the issuance of a limited Rowlett can be reached at (202) 693 technological collection techniques or exclusion order or cease and desist 9827 (voice), or (202) 693 forms of information technology,9801 other order or both directed against the (facsimile).e.g., permitting electronic submissions respondent.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:notceast.nsAoC o fe rephst the pro copy ofmrofoitaesopni dn  By order of the Commission.employee listed in theADDRESSES Issued: March 9, 2006. request can be obtained by collectionsection of this notice. Marilyn R. Abbott,SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:cFoORntFaUctRiTnHgEtRhIeNeFOmRpMloAyTIeOeNliCstOeNdT AinC Tt he Secretary to the Commission. dI. Backgrousceit oonthf  nisicoto ,eiv rdewe no MSe thg inssceac yb tenretnI ehtmo eAHH [FR Doc. E63614 Filed 31306; 8:45 am]n BILLING CODE 702002P page (30 CFR 70.201(c), 71.201(c), anda.go.msh/wwwtp:/thv) and then  90.201(c), authorizes the District choosing‘‘Statutory and Regulatory Manager to require the mine operator to Information’’and‘‘Fede ster DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Documents.submit the dates(s) when sampling will’’ ral Regi begin. Only a certified person is allowed Mine Safety and Health Administrationto conduct the respirable dust samplingIII. Current Actions s. Proposed Information Collectiont ybm eh enirepotima ponvirod deadn t,a  aadc d2r0t1 .abh) 2t(ator on the dustectiSpartese ,)7 20b(072.no sTfnroehi ht yb deriuqer Request Submitted for Publiche Comment and Recommendations;axe AHSMnoitanimn  opersos that tsa  esht e numts  dus9t0 sample, thqcearo ceprminua2e0i2 .s,a)ebh(c Mine Operator Dust Cardsribaerpsao lelc  dusminet. mpsaf  onglin hechsuam sesplertrop gniw pfoesbo ot  eht evro aled tMSHAlow  lebw lieltcc lo ACTION:effani(t,c)art sq e isuuetrrsa ptehoen toipse rgaet oori nt  nsoane ory2oh.pc0tn7raiat( g0n2o7   ,f)h2e2 1r.eap)o0r(na,n ,a n9d0 dt ec .oNitectiSg  caltuacioctleol .220 a SUMMARY: is vital to effectively statusThe Department of Labor, as sampling, changes to MSHA in writing part of its continuing effort to reduce within 3 working days after the status administer the operator sampling paperwork and respondent burden change has occurred. program. This allows MSHA to conducts a pre-clearance consultation Sections 70.209, 71.209, and 90.209, determine not only whether mine program to provide the general public requires persons who are certified by operators have complied with the and Federal agencies with an MSHA to take respirable dust samples sampling requirements stipulated in the opportunity to comment on proposed to complete the dust data card that regulations but also which operators and/or continuing collections of accompanies each sample being were in noncompliance with the information in accordance with the submitted for analysis. applicable dust standard. After
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Federal Register / Tuesday, March 14, 2006/ Vol. 71, No. 49 / Notices
Dated: March 8, 2006. Patricia L. Dunnington, Chief Information Officer. [FR Doc. E63593 Filed 31306; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 751013P
processing, results are reported back to Officer, Office of the Chief Information mine operators for posting on the mine Officer, NASA Headquarters, 300 E bulletin board and viewing by miners. Street SW., Mail Suite JA000, MSHA also uses this information to Washington, DC 20546, 2023581350, plan enforcement activities and evaluateasg.@1anik-tet.rwal. ov programs.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Type of Review:Extension. Agency:Mine Safety and HealthI. Abstract Administration. ator Dust Cards. NASAs Destination Tomorrow is anNATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS TOitMleB:  NMuinmeb eOrp:912r1eS worr si yevinatDestTomoion orrgycp hT ema .il earetcs tcneiulad0011. N MDNIATAOISIRT Frequency: urOn Occasion. Affected Public:d reuieqton ctosenisuBrhto ro sor- er fimprove NASAiseD anitnoit d sunlaylm dofi ynavisoAdommiry Ccrihev sontr Ricorec Adseett no  ehtcelE profit. Respondents:950. TomorrowTMprogram. NASAsAGENCY:National Archives and Records Responses: Tomorrow41,000. DestinationTMprogram is an Burden Hours:32,875. educational resource for elementary Administration. Total Burden Cost:.srehca e.2c7a1b,d9e8e9F, t lehw li oomplt om ek frtorsducarcoue isthes rjda  tsuyfiddna $2ACTION:Notice of meeting. Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and/or to Tmheee it ntfhoer mneaetidosn  oifs  eudsuecda tboyr sN. ASA SFaUemMdeeMrnAedaRld YA:( 5U  .pAS.C.ix 2pendhe ), tCoy itmmdvoris sa  eet,tcAordance In acc iwhtt eh included in the request for Office of Management and Budget approval of the Center for Distance Learning to information collection request; they will effectively maintain and improve National Archives and Records also become a matter of public record. NASAs Destination TomorrowTM iteeo dmAnisirttaoi nN(RAA) announces a program. tmhe Elnegctrfo tnhice  RAedcvoirsdosr yA rCcohmivmesi ttee on Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 7th day. Me hod of Collection(ACERA). The committee serves as a of March, 2006.II t David L. Meyer, NASA collects this information by deliberative body to advise the Archivist Director, Office of Administration and means of a telephone survey that will be omf itshsie oUn,n iatnedd  sSetravtiecse,  iosns uteecs hrneliactael,d  to Management. taken of registered station managers that Electronic Records Archives (ERA). the [FR Doc. E63580 Filed 31306; 8:45 am]air the show. Completion of this survey BILLING CODE 451043P will be entirely voluntary. aTdhviiss iinncgl aundde s,m baukti nisg  nreoct olimmmiteend dtaot,i ons III. Datato the Archivist on issues related to the NATIONAL AERONAUTICS ANDTitle:NASA und aonthf  oselpmi ,tnitatnemedopmeevelowrr nitaeDtsoTomoi ns stem. e ERA sy SPACE ADMINISTRATIONSurvey.Date of Meeting:April 56, 2006. [Notice (06017)]OMB Number:2700. Type of Review:New Collection.teeM:gniemiT fo  ni:geMteo  falecP e.m. P009 a7mi.v a4y lnps.n Notice of Information Collection Affected Public:W ,.WN ,eunevA anotgnihsa02 CD ,n8 40bila rrT ol,caLo, tetaS AGENCY:sca dn renouaitointtsin iAtaultforpNi atifor-Not- or ent,0r0em0nGvo 1. Space Administration (NASA).Estimaotnesd.   ts:Number of RespondThis meeting will be open to the ACTION: 946.Notice of information collection.enpublic. However, due to space SUMMARY:The National Aeronautics andTotal Annual Responses: and access procedures, the300. limitations Space Administration, as part of itsd Time P continuing effort to reduce paperwork miEnsuttiems.a te er Response:dbet ub srtcecinoht olE e  Recordsphleted ane amnn i51 fo rebmun enoannis pldualdivim suetdn otagnt and respondent burden, invites theEstimated Total Annual Burdenmitte t general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity toHours: Program at75. Archives comment on proposed and/orEstimated Total Annual Cost:$0.SerUaP.PpLrEoMgrEaNTmA@RnYaIrNaF.gOoRvM.ATION: continuing information collections, asIV. Requests for Comments required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104 are invited on: (1) Whether13, 44 U.S.C. CommentsAgenda 3506(c)(2)(A)). the proposed collection of informationOpening Remarks. DATES:arssfoy s icenefo  ehtmrofecnaeroper pthr pre idgn ,Ai cnuls ofA lNlA Sfcuonmcmteintosn dluohs  ebf Minutes. CommpArpvolao ettipU eetad .s submitted within 30 calendar days from the date of this publication. whether the information ccoullreacte do has ADDRESSES:Allc ANAS eoushi cbldrmaecotms ntpst eatimofe he tyc fsb rued n eca )ht ;2(ilyt utial .mentournAdjts. tiActivi Resorep addressed to the Desk Officer for NASA, n Office of Information and Regulatory (incluosdeid gc hololuercst iaonn do fcost) of the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Affairs, Room 10236, New Executive prop information; (3) De rchivist/Chief Office Building, Washington, DC 20503. cwlaaryist yt oo fe nthhea nincfeo trhme aqtiuoanl ittoy , buet ility, and oLfe Swtiasf fB; e(l3l0a1r)d o8,3 710.60p uty A FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:collected; and (4) ways to minimize theMDateAd: MHaracdhy8k,a2,006. Requests for additional information or burden of the collection of informationary nn copies of the information collection on respondents, including automatedCommittee Management Officer. instrument(s) and instructions should collection techniques or the use of other[FR Doc. E63568 Filed 31306; 8:45 am] be directed to Mr. Walter Kit, Reports forms of information technology.BILLING CODE 751501P
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