Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 49/Tuesday, March 14, 2006/Notices 13167 Street, SW., Suite 401, Washington, DC Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Sections 71.300 and 90.300 require a 20436, who shall be the Commission (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(c)(A)]. This coal mine operator to submit to MSHA investigative attorney, party to this program helps to ensure that requested for approval a written respirable dust investigation; and data can be provided in the desired control plan within 15 calendar days (3) For the investigation so instituted, format, reporting burden (time and after the termination date of a citation the Honorable Charles E. Bullock is financial resources) is minimized, for violation of the applicable dust designated as the presiding collection instruments are clearly standard. administrative law judge. understood, and the impact of collection Section 71.301(d) requires the Responses to the complaint and the requirements on respondents can be respirable dust control plan to be posted notice of investigation must be properly assessed. on the mine bulletin board however, submitted by the named respondent in 90.301(d) prohibits posting of the dust Currently, the Mine Safety and Health accordance with § 210.13 of the control plan for P–90 miners and, Administration (MSHA) is soliciting Commission’s Rules of Practice and instead, requires a copy be provided to comments concerning the extension of Procedure, 19 CFR 210.13. Pursuant to the affected P–90 ...