Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 87/Monday, May 7, 2007/Notices 25785 contaminants in the mine atmosphere, e.g., permitting electronic submissions Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and to dilute possible accumulation of of responses. (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506 (c)(2)(A)]. This explosive gases. Lack of adequate A copy of the proposed information program helps to ensure that requested ventilation in underground mines has collection request can be obtained by data can be provided in the desired resulted in fatalities from asphyxiation contacting the employee listed in the format, reporting burden (time and and explosions due to a buildup of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT financial resources) is minimized, explosive gases. section of this notice, or viewed on the collection instruments are clearly Internet by accessing the MSHA home understood, and the impact of collection DATES: Submit comments on or before page (http://www.msha.gov) and then requirements on respondents can be July 6, 2007. choosing ‘‘Rules and Regs’’ and properly assessed. ADDRESSES: Send comments to U.S. ‘‘Federal Register Documents.’’ DATES: Submit comments on or before Department of Labor, Mine Safety and July 6, 2007. III. Current Actions Health Administration, Debbie Ferraro, Management Services Division, 1100 ADDRESSES: Send comments to U.S. Currently, the Mine Safety and Health Wilson Boulevard, Room 2171, Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Administration (MSHA) is soliciting Arlington, VA ...