Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Federal Register Document E7-8432 - Proposed Information








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24616 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 85/Thursday, May 3, 2007/Notices whether the information will have DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DEPARTMENT OF LABOR practical utility; Mine Safety and Health Administration Employment and Training • Evaluate the accuracy of the Administration agency’s estimate of the burden of the Proposed Information Collection proposed collection of information, Request Submitted for Public [TA–W–61,188] including the validity of the Comment and Recommendations; methodology and assumptions used; Health Standards for Diesel Randstad, Working On-Site At Merrill • Enhance the quality, utility, and Particulates (Underground Coal) Lynch, Equity Research; New York, clarity of the information to be NY; Notice of Termination of ACTION: Notice. collected; and Investigation • Minimize the burden of the SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as collection of information on those who part of its continuing effort to reduce Pursuant to Section 221 of the Trade are to respond, including through the paperwork and respondent burden Act of 1974, as amended, an use of appropriate automated, conducts a pre-clearance consultation investigation was initiated on March 27, electronic, mechanical, or other program to provide the general public 2007 in response to a worker petition technological collection techniques or and Federal agencies with an filed by a state agency representative on other forms of information technology, opportunity to comment on proposed behalf of ...
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Federal RegisterMay 3, 2007/ Thursday,72, No. 85/ Vol./ Notices
DEPARTMENT OF LABORDEPARTMENT OF LABORwhether the information will have practical utility; Employment and TrainingMine Safety and Health Administration Evaluate the accuracy of the Administration agencys estimate of the burden of the Proposed Information Collection proposed collection of information, Request Submitted for Public [TAW61,188]including the validity of the Comment and Recommendations; methodology and assumptions used; Health Standards for Diesel Randstad, Working OnSite At Merrill Enhance the quality, utility, and Particulates (Underground Coal) Lynch, Equity Research; New York, clarity of the information to be NY; Notice of Termination of ACTION:andNotice. collected; Investigation Minimize the burden of the SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as collection of information on those who Pursuant to Section 221 of the Tradepart of its continuing effort to reduce are to respond, including through the paperwork and respondent burden Act of 1974, as amended, an use of appropriate automated, conducts a preclearance consultation investigation was initiated on March 27, electronic, mechanical, or other program to provide the general public 2007 in response to a worker petition technological collection techniques or and Federal agencies with an filed by a state agency representative on other forms of information technology, opportunity to comment on proposed behalf of workers of Randstad, working e.g., permitting electronic submissions and/or continuing collections of onsite at Merrill Lynch, Equity of responses. information in accordance with the Research, New York, New York. A copy of the proposed information Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 The petitioner has requested that thecollection request can be obtained by (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506 (c)(2)(A)]. This petition be withdrawn. Consequently,contacting the employee listed in the program helps to ensure that requested the investigation has been terminated.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACTdata can be provided in the desired section of this notice, or viewed on the format, reporting burden (time and Signed at Washington, DC, this 23rd day of Internet by accessing the MSHA home April 2007.financial resources) is minimized, page (http://www.msha.gov) and then collection instruments are clearly Linda G. Poole, choosing‘‘Rules and Regs’’and understood, and the impact of collection Certifying Officer, Division of Trade ‘‘Federal Register Documents.’’requirements on respondents can be Adjustment Assistance. properly assessed. III. Current Actions [FR Doc. E78463 Filed 5207; 8:45 am] DATES:Submit comments on or before Currently, the Mine Safety and Health BILLING CODE 4510FNP July 2, 2007. Administration is soliciting comments ADDRESSES:Send comments to, Debbie concerning the extension of the Ferraro, Management Services Division, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR information collection requirements 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2171, related to the 30 CFR 75.1915/72.503, Arlington, VA 222093939. Commenters Employment and Training §72.510,§72.520, and as a result of are encouraged to send their comments Administration §72.500, diesel manufacturers affected on computer disk, or via email to under Part 7 or Part 36. Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV.Ms. Ferraro [TAW61,176] Type of Review:Extension. can be reached at (202) 6939821 (voice), or (202) 6939801 (facsimile).Agency:Mine Safety and Health Schoeller Arca Systems; Detroit, MI; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:The Administration. Notice of Termination of Investigation employee listed in the‘‘ADDRESSES’’Title:Diesel Particulate Matter section of this notice.Exposure of Underground Coal Miners. Pursuant to Section 221 of the Trade SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Act of 1974, as amended, anOMB Number:12190124. investigation was initiated on March 26, I. BackgroundRecordkeeping:The information 2007 in response to a petition filed by gathered is required to be recorded, The Mine Safety and Health a company official on behalf of workers maintained for the period specified, and Administrations (MSHA) standards and Schoeller Arca Systems, Detroit,made accessible, upon request, to regulations for diesel particulate in Michigan. The workers at the subjectauthorized representatives of the underground coal mines serve to protect firm produce foldable containers.Secretary of Labor and minerscoal miners who work on and around representatives. This may be done in a The petitioner has requested that the dieselpowered equipment. The internal traditional manner by recording on petition be withdrawn. Consequently,combustion engines that power diesel paper, or electronically by computer. the investigation has been terminated.equipment expose miners to potential Frequency:On Occasion. health risks from exposure to diesel Signed in Washington, DC, this 23rd day exhaust emissions. These standards andAffected Public:Business or other for of April 2007 regulations contain informationprofit. Linda G. Poole, collection requirements for Respondents:165. Certifying Officer, Division of Trade underground coal mine operators. Total Burden Hours:623. Adjustment Assistance. II. Desired Focus of CommentsTotal Burden Cost:$6,409. [FR Doc. E78467 Filed 5207; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4510FNPComments submitted in response toMSHA is particularly interested in comments that:this notice will be summarized and/or Evaluate whether the proposedincluded in the request for Office of collection of information is necessaryManagement and Budget approval of the for the proper performance of theinformation collection request; they will functions of the agency, includingalso become a matter of public record.
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Federal Register/ NoticesMay 3, 2007/ Vol.72, No. 85/ Thursday,
Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 27th day change and may be made availablerelated to ETIs recognition that OSHA of April, 2007. online athttp://www.regulations.gov.published covered its recognition as an David L. Meyer, Docket:NRTL, which OSHA granted asTo read or download Director, Office of Administration andsubmissions or other material in thedescribed below. The current address of Management. docket, go tohttp://www.regulations.govthe only ETI site recognized by OSHA [FR Doc. E78432 Filed 5207; 8:45 am]or the OSHA Docket Office at theis: ElectroTest, Inc., 6900 Koll Center BILLING CODE 451043Paddress above. All documents in theParkway, Suite 416, Pleasanton, CA docket are listed in thehttp://94566. www.regulations.govindex, however, II. Background DEPARTMENT OF LABORsome information (e.g., copyrighted material) is not publicly available toa. The NRTL Program and Application Occupational Safety and Health read or download through the Website.Process Administration All submissions, including copyrighted Many of OSHAs safety standards material, are available for inspection [Docket No. OSHA20070038] require that equipment or products used and copying at the OSHA Docket Office. in places of employment covered by the Electrical Reliability Services, Inc.Extension of Comment Period:Submit Occupational Safety and Health Act of (ERS) (Formerly ElectroTest, Inc.);requests for extensions concerning this 1970 be tested and certified to help Application for Renewal of Recognitionnotice to the Office of Technical ensure they can be used safely (see, e.g., Programs and Coordination Activities, 29 CFR 1910, Subpart S). In general, this AGENCY:Occupational Safety and Health NRTL Program, Occupational Safety and testing and certification must be Administration (OSHA), Labor. Health Administration, U.S. Department performed by an NRTL. In order to ACTION:Notice. of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, ensure that the testing and certification NW., Room N3655, Washington, DC SUMMARY:This notice announces theare done appropriately, OSHA 20210. Or, fax to (202) 6931644. application of Electrical Reliabilityimplemented the NRTL Program. The FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Services, Inc. (formerly ElectroTest,NRTL Program establishes the criteria MaryAnn Garrahan, Director, Office of Inc.) for renewal of its recognition, andthat an organization must meet in order Technical Programs and Coordination presents the Agencys preliminaryto be and remain recognized as an Activities, NRTL Program, Occupational finding to deny renewal of its request.NRTL. Safety and Health Administration, U.S. DATES:You must submit information orThe NRTL Program requirements are Department of Labor, 200 Constitution set forth at 29 CFR 1910.7,‘‘Definition comments, or any request for extension Avenue, NW., Room N3655, and requirements for a nationally of the time to comment, by the Washington, DC 20210, or phone (202) recognized testing laboratory.’’To be following dates: 6932110. Hard copy:Postmarked or sent byrecognized by OSHA, an organization July 2, 2007.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:must: (1) Have the appropriate Electronic transmission orcapability to test, evaluate, and approve I. Introduction facsimile:products to assure their safe use in theSent by July 2, 2007. The Occupational Safety and Healthworkplace; (2) be completely ADDRESSES:You may submit comments Administration (OSHA) is giving noticeindependent of the manufacturers, by any of the following methods: that Electrical Reliability Services, Inc.vendors, and major users of the Electronically:You may submit (formerly ElectroTest, Inc.) (ETI) hasproducts for which OSHA requires comments electronically athttp:// applied for renewal of its recognition ascertification; (3) have internal programs www.regulations.gov,which is the a Nationally Recognized Testingthat ensure proper control of the testing Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow the Laboratory (NRTL). (OSHA will refer toand certification process; and (4) have instructions online for making this NRTL by its former nameeffective reporting and complaint electronic submissions. Fax:throughout this notice.) OSHAIf your submissions, includinghandling procedures. OSHA recognitions current attachments, are not longer than 10scope of recognition for ETI may beof an NRTL signifies that the pages, you may fax them to the OSHAfound in the following Web page:organization has met the legal Docket Office at (202) 6931648.http://www.osha.gov/dts/otpca/nrtl/requirements in Section 1910.7. Mail, hand delivery, express mail,ers.html.OSHA has reviewed ETIs Recognitionis an acknowledgment that messenger or courier service:You mustrenewal application and hasthe organization can perform submit three copies of your commentspreliminarily determined that ETI is notindependent safety testing and to the OSHA Docket Office, Docket No.‘‘independent’’certification of the products covered(29 CFR 1910.7(b)(3)), a OSHA20070038 (formerly NRTL2to initial and continuedwithin its scope of recognition and is prerequisite 94), U.S. Department of Labor, Room Nnot a delegation or grant of governmentrecognition. For this reason, NRTL 2625, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW.,OSHA is proposing to deny ETIs authority. Washington, DC 20210. Deliveriesapplication. OSHArequires NRTLs to submit a (hand, express mail, messenger andOSHA requests comments on thisdetailed application when applying for courier service) are accepted during thepreliminary determination, inrecognition under the program. Once Department of Laborgranted, an NRTLaccordance with Appendix A to 29 CFRs and Dockets recognition is for a Office1910.7. Any comments must be receivedperiod of five years, near the conclusions normal business hours, 8:15 a.m.by July 2, 2007.4:45 p.m., e.t.of which the NRTL must apply for Instructions:The most recent applicationAll submissions mustrenewal of recognition. Appendix A to include the Agency name and the OSHAprocessed by OSHA specifically relatedSection 1910.7 establishes the renewal docket number (OSHA Docket No.to ETIs recognition granted anprocess. This process provides NRTLs OSHA20070038; formerly NRTL2with several opportunities to presentof recognition. The final expansion 94). Submissions, including anynotice for this expansion was publishedinformation to the Agency to justify personal information you provide, areon March 9, 1999 (64 FR 11500). Thetheir continued recognition under the placed in the public docket withoutonly otherFederal Registernotice program.
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