24616 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 85/Thursday, May 3, 2007/Notices whether the information will have DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DEPARTMENT OF LABOR practical utility; Mine Safety and Health Administration Employment and Training • Evaluate the accuracy of the Administration agency’s estimate of the burden of the Proposed Information Collection proposed collection of information, Request Submitted for Public [TA–W–61,188] including the validity of the Comment and Recommendations; methodology and assumptions used; Health Standards for Diesel Randstad, Working On-Site At Merrill • Enhance the quality, utility, and Particulates (Underground Coal) Lynch, Equity Research; New York, clarity of the information to be NY; Notice of Termination of ACTION: Notice. collected; and Investigation • Minimize the burden of the SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as collection of information on those who part of its continuing effort to reduce Pursuant to Section 221 of the Trade are to respond, including through the paperwork and respondent burden Act of 1974, as amended, an use of appropriate automated, conducts a pre-clearance consultation investigation was initiated on March 27, electronic, mechanical, or other program to provide the general public 2007 in response to a worker petition technological collection techniques or and Federal agencies with an filed by a state agency representative on other forms of information technology, opportunity to comment on proposed behalf of ...