Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Federal Register Document E7-603 - Proposed Information








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12200 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 50/Thursday, March 15, 2007/Notices notifications disclosing all changes in Information’’ and ‘‘Federal Register Arlington, VA 22209–3939. Commenters membership. are encouraged to send their comments Documents.’’ On May 27, 2003, Semiconductor Test on computer disk, or via Internet E-mail III. Current Actions Consortium, Inc. filed its original to Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV. Ms. This request for collection of notification pursuant to Section 6(a) of Ferraro can be reached at (202) 693– information from mine operators that the Act. The Department of Justice 9821 (voice), or (202) 693–9801 elect to use belt air to ventilate working published a notice in the Federal (facsimile). sections and areas where mechanized Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The equipment is being installed or removed Act on June 17, 2003 (68 FR 35913). employee listed in the ADDRESSES will be used by coal mine supervisors The last notification was filed with section of this notice. and employees, State mine inspectors, the Department on October 25, 2006. A SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: and Federal mine inspectors. The notice was published in the Federal information will provide insight into the Register I. Background hazardous conditions that have been Act on November 22, 2006 (71 FR The Safety Standards for encountered and those that may be 67643). Underground Coal Mine Ventilation— encountered. The records of ...
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12200 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 50/Thursday, March 15, 2007/Notices
notifications disclosing all changes in Information’’ and ‘‘Federal Register Arlington, VA 22209–3939. Commenters
membership. are encouraged to send their comments Documents.’’
On May 27, 2003, Semiconductor Test on computer disk, or via Internet E-mail
III. Current Actions
Consortium, Inc. filed its original to Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV. Ms.
This request for collection of notification pursuant to Section 6(a) of Ferraro can be reached at (202) 693–
information from mine operators that the Act. The Department of Justice 9821 (voice), or (202) 693–9801
elect to use belt air to ventilate working published a notice in the Federal (facsimile).
sections and areas where mechanized Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the
equipment is being installed or removed Act on June 17, 2003 (68 FR 35913). employee listed in the ADDRESSES
will be used by coal mine supervisors The last notification was filed with section of this notice.
and employees, State mine inspectors, the Department on October 25, 2006. A
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: and Federal mine inspectors. The notice was published in the Federal
information will provide insight into the Register I. Background
hazardous conditions that have been Act on November 22, 2006 (71 FR
The Safety Standards for encountered and those that may be 67643).
Underground Coal Mine Ventilation— encountered. The records of inspections
Patricia A. Brink, Belt Entry rule provides safety greatly assist those who use them in
requirements for the use of the conveyor Deputy Director of Operations, Antitrust making decisions that will ultimately
Division. belt entry as a ventilation intake to affect the safety and health of miners
course fresh air to working sections and [FR Doc. 07–1200 Filed 3–14–07; 8:45 am] working in belt air mines.
areas where mechanized mining BILLING CODE 4410–11–M Type of Review: Extension.
equipment is being installed or removed Agency: Mine Safety and Health
in mines with three or more entries. Administration.
This rule is a voluntary standard. If the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Title: Safety Standards for
mine operators choose to use belt air to Underground Coal Mine Ventilation—
ventilate working places, the provisions Mine Safety and Health Administration Belt Entry Used as an Intake Air Course
will maintain the level of safety in to Ventilate Working Sections and Areas
Proposed Information Collection underground mines while allowing Where Mechanized Mining Equipment
Request Submitted for Public them to implement advances in mining Is Being Installed or Removed.
Comment and Recommendations; atmospheric monitoring technology. OMB Number: 1219–0138.
Safety Standards for Underground This rule offers alternate provisions that Frequency: On Occasion.
Coal Mine Ventilation—Belt Entry Used mine operators need to follow if they Affected Public: Business or other for-
as an Intake Air Course To Ventilate want to use belt air to ventilate working profit.
Working Sections and Areas Where sections. Respondents: 45.
Mechanized Mining Equipment Is Total Burden Hours: 9758. II. Desired Focus of Comments Being Installed or Removed Total Burden Cost (operating/
MSHA is particularly interested in maintaining): $87,137.
ACTION: Notice. comments that: Comments submitted in response to
• Evaluate whether the proposed this notice will be summarized and/or SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as collection of information is necessary included in the request for Office of part of its continuing effort to reduce for the proper performance of the Management and Budget approval of the paperwork and respondent burden functions of the agency, including information collection request; they will conducts a pre-clearance consultation whether the information will have also become a matter of public record. program to provide the general public practical utility;
and Federal agencies with an Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 9th day
• Evaluate the accuracy of the
of March, 2007. opportunity to comment on proposed agency’s estimate of the burden of the
and/or continuing collections of David L. Meyer, proposed collection of information,
information in accordance with the Director, Office of Administration and including the validity of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Management. methodology and assumptions used
(PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506 (c)(2)(A)]. This [FR Doc. E7–4723 Filed 3–14–07; 8:45 am]
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
program helps to ensure that requested BILLING CODE 4510–43–P clarity of the information to be
data can be provided in the desired collected; and
format, reporting burden (time and
• Minimize the burden of the
financial resources) is minimized, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR collection of information on those who
collection instruments are clearly are to respond, including through the Occupational Safety and Health understood, and the impact of collection use of appropriate automated, Administration requirements on respondents can be electronic, mechanical, or other
properly assessed. [Docket No. OSHA–2007–0014] technological collection techniques or
Currently, the Mine Safety and Health other forms of information technology,
Administration (MSHA) is soliciting Standard on Additional Requirements e.g., permitting electronic submissions
comments concerning the extension of for Special Dipping and Coating of responses.
the information collection related to 30 Operations (Dip Tanks); Extension of A copy of the proposed information
CFR Sections 75.350, 75.351, 75.352 and the Office of Management and collection request can be obtained by
75.371. Budget’s Approval of Information contacting the employee listed in the
Collection (Paperwork) Requirement DATES: Submit comments on or before FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT
May 14, 2007. section of this notice, or viewed on the AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health
ADDRESSES: Send comments to, Debbie Internet by accessing the MSHA home Administration (OSHA), Labor.
Ferraro, Management Services Division, page (http://www.msha.gov) and then
ACTION: Request for public comment.
1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2171, choosing ‘‘Statutory and Regulatory
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