ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONThe AUDIT Alcohol ConsumptionQuestions (AUDIT-C)An Effective Brief Screening Test for Problem DrinkingKristen Bush, MPH; Daniel R. Kivlahan, PhD; Mary B. McDonell, MS; Stephan D. Fihn, MD, MPH;Katharine A. Bradley, MD, MPH; for the Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project (ACQUIP)Objective: To evaluate the 3 alcohol consumption ques- cording to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men-tions from the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test tal Disorders, Revised Third Edition, criteria; and (3) either.(AUDIT-C) as a brief screening test for heavy drinkingand/or active alcohol abuse or dependence. Results: Of 393 eligible patients, 243 (62%) completedAUDIT-C and interviews. For detecting heavy drinking,Methods: Patients from 3 Veterans Affairs general medi- had a higher AUROC than the full AUDITcal clinics were mailed questionnaires. A random, (0.891 vs 0.881; P = .03). Although the full AUDIT per-weighted sample of Health History Questionnaire re- formed better than AUDIT-C for detecting active alco-spondents, who had 5 or more drinks over the past year, hol abuse or dependence (0.811 vs 0.786; P<.001), thewere eligible for telephone interviews (N = 447). Heavy 2 questionnaires performed similarly for detecting heavydrinkers were oversampled 2:1. Patients were excluded drinking and/or active abuse or dependence (0.880 vsif they could not be contacted by telephone, were too ill 0.881).for interviews, or were female (n = 54). ...