SALT-WATER BALLADSSALT-WATERBALLADSBYJOHN MASEFIELDLONDONELKIN MATHEWS, CORK STREETMCMXIHSome of this book was written in my boyhood,all of it in my youth ; It is now re-issued, muchas it was when first published nearly elevenyears ag*o. J, M.qth June 1913CONTENTSPAUKA CONSECRATIONNot of the princes and prelates mithp&riwiggedcharioteers ...... iTHE YARN OF THE ( LOCH ACHRAY1The ' Loch Achray' was a clipper tall . . 3SING A SONG O1 SHIPWRECKHe lolled on a bollard, a sun-burned son ofthe sea ....... 7BURIAL PARTY* He 's deader 'n nails/ the fo'c's'le said, * 'n1gone to his long sleep' . « . uBILLHe lay dead on the cluttered deck and staredat the cold skies . . . . 14FEVER SHIPThere '11 be no weepm* gells ashore when ourship sails . . . . . . . 15viii SALT-WATER BALLADSPAGEFEVER-CHILLSHe tottered out of the alleyway with cheeksthe colour of paste . . . . . 17ONE OF THE BO'SUN'S YARNSLoafin'around in Sailor Town, a-bhiin' o' myadvance ....... 19HELL'S PAVEMENT* When I'm discharged in Liverpool 'n' drawsmy bit o' pay'....,. 25SEA-CHANGE* Goneys an' gullies an' all o' the birds o' thesea' ........ 27HARBOUR-BARAll in the feathered palm-tree tops the brightgreen parrots screech 29THE TURN OF THE TIDEAn' Bill can have my sea-boots, Nigger Jimcan have my knife 31ONE OF WALLY'S YARNSThe watch was up on the topsail-yard a-making fast the sail . 33CONTENTS ixA ...