.Toxophilus1545EDITED BYEDWARD ARBERF.S A. ETC. LATE EXAMINER IN ENGLISHLANGUAGE AND LITERATURETO THE UNIVERSITY OFLONDONWESTMINSTERA. CONSTABLE AND CO.1895CJ>JSTTENT'fiCHRONICLE of the Life, Works, and Times of R. Aschatn 3INTRODUCTION, 7BIBLIOGRAPHY, 10TOXOPHILUS, . . . iiI. Complimentary verfes by Walter Haddon, B.A.of King's College, Cambridge, ... 122. Dedication to King Henry VIII 133. To all Gentlemen and Yomen of Englande, . 164. The Table of Contents, 225. THE FIRST BOKE OF THE SCHOLE OF SHOTJNG, 2$6. THE SECONDE BOOKE OF THE SCHOLE OFSHOTYNG, ....... 106NOTES, ,,....... 165CHRONICLEofforne of the principal events.in theLIFE, WORKS, an&WfMESofROGER ASCHAM,Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Author Tutor to Princess, after*wards Queen Elizabeth. Secretary of Embassy under Edward VI LatinSecretary to Queens Mary and Elizabeth Friend of Queen Elizabeth, £c.* Probable or approximate dates.THE chief contemporary authorities for the life of Ascham are his ownworks, particularly his Letters, and a Latin oration De vitQ, et 0&£tM Roger iAsc/tami, wntten by Rev. Dr. Edward Graunt or Grant, Headmaster ofWestminster School, and ' the most noted Latiniste and Grecian of his time.'This oration is affixed to the first collection of Ascham's Letters , the date ofGrant's dedication to which is 16 Feb. 1^76.The figures in brackets, as (40), in the present work, refer to Ascham'sletters ...