O&B L'agaptualité n°13 - June 2014









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June 2014 nº 13 In this issue: safety! Editorial Safety, a right, but also an obligation, for all By Nora, Quality Coordinator afety is a concept of utmost importance to us. It afects our health and our life. However, not everyone has the same Sapproach to safety. Some see it as a fundamental value, others as an objective and others may consider it to be a constraint. At agap2, we consider working in a safe environment to be a right, and complying with the safety regulations of the site on which we work to be an obligation. Safety is not merely to be taken into account for work on at-risk projects and is not limited to wearing a helmet on-site. Do you know the procedure to follow in the event of an evacuation of your building? Are you in the correct position at your workstation? Who are the trained frst-aid workers closest to you? All these questions arise in a daily work environment. At agap2, we are aware of safety and it is one or our priorities. For this reason, a large number of actions have been implemented to encourage and promote this approach: information, training, PPE provision, medical examinations, Prevention Plan preparation and distribution, work- place health and safety committee initiatives, MASE certifcation in some ofces, etc. A Health, Safety and Environment policy is displayed in all ofces, along with a road risk prevention charter. Safety at agap2 is not the role of only a few members of agap staf, it should be guaranteed by and for us all.
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25 juillet 2014

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In this issue: safety!
13 June 2014 nº
Editorial Safety, a right, but also an obligation, for all By Nora, Quality Coordinator afety is a concept of utmost importance to us. It affects our health and our life. However, not everyone has the same S approach to safety. Some see it as a fundamental value, others as an objective and others may consider it to be a constraint. Atagap2, we consider working in a safe environment to be a right, and complying with the safety regulations of the site on which we work to be an obligation. Safety is not merely to be taken into account for work on at-risk projects and is not limited to wearing a helmet on-site. Do you know the procedure to follow in the event of an evacuation of your building? Are you in the correct position at your workstation? Who are the trained first-aid workers closest to you? All these questions arise in a daily work environment. Atagap2, we are aware of safety and it is one or our priorities. For this reason, a large number of actions have been implemented to encourage and promote this approach: information, training, PPE provision, medical examinations, Prevention Plan preparation and distribution, work-place health and safety committee initiatives, MASE certification in some offices, etc. A Health, Safety and Environment policy is displayed in all offices, along with a road risk prevention charter. Safety atagap2is not the role of only a few members of agap staff, it should be guaranteed by and for us all. In this way, agap staff should not hesitate to forward their observations if they notice any shortcomings or failures in respect of safety, either in our offices or at our industrial partners, to protect themselves, but also to protect others! It is up to us to remain on our guard and all work together to maintain our safety. Albert Einstein said «Concern for man himself and his safety must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavours» – let us consider people and safety to be the core aspect of our activities.
Overview The importance of prevention plans (PP) By Nicolas Cherif, agap2 Innovation Project Manager hen working on a new client site, agap staff find themselves in an unknown environment where multiple activities are liable to interfere W (agap2, client and any subcontractors/service providers of the client). For this reason, it is important, from the start of the project, to identify and analyse the risks to which each member of agap staff could be exposed in this new work environment. For this, the client (user company) should organise a joint inspection of the workplace withagap2(also referred to as the contractor) to iden-tify risks and implement prevention measures. The prevention plan is the document resulting from this inspection. It describes the risks and defines the prevention and protection measures to be taken by each company. It is also used to specify the nature of the project, the list ofagap2staff, the safety contacts at both companies, the procedures in place in the user company and the instructions to follow in the event of an emergency. All agap staff concerned by the project should be made aware of the prevention plan. They are thus informed of the risks and are required to comply with the measures defined in this document.
A word from the CEO Playing an active role in risk control By Patrice Giudicelli, CEO n our sectors of activity, we are increasingly faced with global, environmental and indus-I trial risks. It is our obligation to account for all these risks in the sectors of our work: nu-clear (radioprotection, safety, etc.), railways (dependability, etc.), infrastructures, etc. Safety is based both on ongoing vigilance by all and on the organisation of our compa-nies. We are obliged to protect the environment, people, the industrial tool (machine tools, warehouses, etc.). Indeed, industrial safety and accounting for risks have become strategic aspects of our industrial and innovation policies. We should also not forget risks associated with information systems. Companies are increasingly dependent on the IT tool and are faced with external threats. France, with ANSSI (French National Information System Secu-rity Agency), along with most industrialised countries are stakeholders in this new issue and are seeking to ensure and increase the cyber security of our vital infrastructures and governments. Due to its size, reputation and cross-functional expertise,agap2is a major player in this field. We work on the entire chain associated with risks: validation tests, safe design, global safety, without omitting IT security risks which are handled by one of our subsidiaries, specialised in information systems. We are aware that the zero-risk scenario does not exist. Therefore, we must constantly innovate and strive for excellence and account for human errors which are the cause of many incidents and accidents. It is thus important to anticipate, detect, alert, act, increase our indus-trial and human scientific and technical capabilities, adapt and improve on an ongoing basis. In our projects, we do not relegate risk to the background: risk management is an integral part of our day-to-day activity. For this reason, agap2particularly invests on behalf of its teams through training. It is our obligation to have an ongoing active role in risk control, now and in the future. I know that a large number of consultants are involved in this sector, they make a significant contribution to our company’s reputation and expertise, and I would like to express my thanks.
Focus The importance of safety By Borys, Project Manager and Hélène, Marketing Manager (Lyon)
rising with reference to A banks, food, information systems, roads, social security and many other sectors, whe-ther we are aware or it or not, and whether we like it or not, the term safety is part of our day-to-day lives. Safety implies regulations to be followed and standards that we all must adhere to. As such, can it be described as a constraint or a necessity? Is it optional, man-datory, can we do without it? Safety also helps us live as a community; more or less res-trictive rules are in place to help people live together. Safety is thus a vital aspect of our day-to-day lives. In terms of the individual, even though we are born with the survival instinct, it may prove to be difficult to express this implicit behaviour in an environment which is new to us or out of our control. For this reason, we are of the convic-tion that safety is relevant for one and all, because no price can be put on life. «I take care of myself and those around me and it’s not that difficult.» Finally, it may not be by chance that «safety» resonates with «necessity», «responsibility», «security» and «serenity»!
Our projects Fire safety integrated in each stage of an electrical installation upgrading project By Jean-Christophe, Engineering Consultant (Strasbourg) n behalf of a leading industrial group on the alumi-O nium production market, I am responsible for impro-ving the safety of installations for the purpose of material and personal protection. I offer my safety expertise for various aspects of the site’s requirements (lightning and fire), and I am also involved in a refurbishment project on the electrical installations of a continuous-flow shear apparatus. The scope of my role is clear and ambitious: provide a fire safety solution adapted to each stage of the project, intermediate and final. The project is scheduled over 10 months. In the long term, this will involve the delivery of an ins-tallation equipped with a complete early detection and automatic extinguishing system based on inert gas. This system is associated with gradual machine servo-control and safety mode management: system shutdown control, emergency stop, valve closure on ventilation duct, etc. The risks associated with the operation of the installa-tion and their criticality are analysed at each stage of the project: design of new premises, temporary electri-cal cabinet installation, moving installations, etc. The responses are defined after consulting a multidiscipli-nary working group (automation, maintenance, civil engineering, etc.). Finally, conformity is recorded by the insurance company.
Welcome to agap2 By Clément, Design Engineering Consultant
ight months working at agap2 and already 2 interesting E projects, offering a wealth of experience. First project at TECHNORD, an electrical engineering turn-key operator with a staff of 350. The end customer was a search engine firm with a global reputation. For this project, the aim was to follow up the design and progress on-site to set up an electrical redundancy solution for the server power supply. The next project was at VER-DON, a piping specialist with a staff of 250, again for the same end customer but on the construction site of a new data centre of some considerable size: 1000 people are on this site every day! In this project, I got the chance to discover a new field: HVAC and fuel, supervising the installation of the electrical parts of the air conditioning and fuel management system supplying major backup generators. In only 8 months, I have experienced 2 major projects full of new discoveries! The most outstanding aspect of each project for me was the availability of the managers, present from start to fi-nish! They are always attentive, which is very reassuring, as you know that you can focus fully on the projects. In addi-tion, even before a project has come to an end, the managers are already on track for the future. Finally, in 8 months at agap2, I have been amazed at how in volved everyone is, from the outset. I know that the work conducted in complete confidence!
Emmanuel – on the Saipem FDS vessel off the coast of Brazil.
Our initiatives The road risk charter By Thibault, Lawyer ithin the scope of the MASE certification procedure for W our Lyon office, we conducted an audit on road risks in the company. Our consultants and managers are required to use a vehicle on a regular, and in some cases daily, basis. The conditions of vehicle use and the behaviour of all can – and must - improve! For this reason, we have decided to draft a road risk charter. The objective: reduce the risk of accidents within the company and improve the quality of life of all employees. Through this charter, each individual will be able to review the best practices to be used, the joint undertakings made by the management ofagap2and also the undertakings made by employees. This charter, validated by staff representation bodies, parti-cularly the workplace health and safety committee, will be accessible to everyone. It will be sent by mail and on display on our premises.
Did you know?
- All PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) and packaging materials must bear an indelible CE mark (European Com-munity conformity). - PPE has an expiry date: 3 to 5 years for helmets and 1 to 3 years for breathing apparatuses – please remember to check the dates. - PPE protecting against risks of falling is strictly personal and must be inspected by an approved body every year. In addi-tion, the use of this equipment is subject to accreditation from a specialised organisation. - In the event of a fall, the PPE involved in the incident (safety harness, hooks, ropes, etc.) must be disposed of without delay.
agap2 arrives in the Netherlands! By André Dias Lopes, Member of the Executive Committee
Workplace Health and Safety Committee report
The workplace health and safety committee (CHSCT) is a body representingagap2staff made up in part of elected employees. The role of the workplace health and safety committee is to help protect the health and safety of employees and improve wor-king conditions. The members of theagap2workplace health and safety com-mittee are ready to listen to you. Do not hesitate to contact them (anonymously if required) for any at-risk scenarios or for any sug-gestions:chsct.paris@agap2.frorchsct.lyon@agap2.fr.
ahe presence ofagap2in the Netherlands stems from the group’s determination T to achieve international growth. Our aim is to enhance the mobility of our teams and our experts in Europe by promoting the activities of our centres of excellence. This activity already includes some fifteen people (management, technical and HR teams) and will generate €1.5 M of turnover in 2014 with significant growth expected in the years to come. The Dutch market represents, in our view, strong potential for investment and to pave the way for further technological challenges in store for us.
The number 26 This is the number of consultants who, since 2008, are equipped with a dose meter* A dose meter is an instrument measuring the radioactive dose or dose equivalent received by a person exposed to ionising radiation
Event in … Lyon !
13 June 2014 nº
Hydro-power Workshop: what do you known about this energy ? By Hélène, Marketing Manager (Lyon) n Thursday 27 March of this year, the firstagap2Lyon workshop of the year took place. The theme? Hydro-power: the greatest source of O renewable energy in the world! What better place to hold this Hydro workshop than «La Pause du Jet d’eau» in Lyon’s 8th district! In a warm and friendly atmosphere, we were welcomed by Victoriane, the former Recruitment Manager in Lyon. Everything was in place to start the presentation. Franck, anagap2consultant at the EDF CIH (Hydro-Power Engineering Centre) taught us in very clear terms the opera-tion and importance of this energy. Do you know when the very first dam was built? The oldest known dam was built near Jawa in Jordan, towards the end of the 4th millennium B.C.! If like me, you are not well-versed in hydro-power, the workshop was a great opportunity to find out more, discover this sector or improve your knowledge. Without going into details and the very technical aspect, Franck held our attention while sharing his experience and his knowledge. Does the idea of 40 billion m3 as the storage capacity of the world’s largest dam not mean much to you? Then imagine the amount of water in 200 billion bathtubs! Everyone came out impressed by a fact, as testified by Alexis, Geotechnical Engineering consultant: «The fact that most impressed me was that a dam built in the first century is still in use today!» For Charlotte, Recruitment Manager, «I realised that renewable energy is not necessarily synonymous with sun (solar panels) and wind (wind turbines).» Thank you Franck for this very educational workshop!
Event in … Paris !
The crème de la crème in the Kremlin By Victor, Engineering Consultant (Paris) Russian theme, the colour red, vodka, and all sorts of unusual, A diverse and unknown beverages, but with a unifying effect. The cocktails were genius (for once the engineering involved was not chemical). Project Engineers, Consultants, old and new agap staff ... We were able to talk, relax outside of the workplace and take some time out. The aim of the Soviet theme was, over the course of one evening, to help us get to know each other. It’s nice to meet and share with work col-leagues away from the «job». An opportunity to meet, have a rewarding experience, discuss our diverse and varied projects. The atmosphere was warm and friendly. For the time of an eve-ning, we enjoyed each other’s company in another setting. Until next time !J
Na zdaróvye !
Event in … Basel !
agap2 Switzerland celebrates 5 years ! By Elise, Communication Manager and Assistant Administrative Manager (Basel)
e started with 2… now there are 90 of us! Of course, we say this W using the Swiss-French term «nonante»J! The 5-year history of growth at agap2 Switzerland! I still recall 1st April 2009 when I was working sitting on the floor, hanging onto the telephone to order the office furniture, solve the problems of the furniture stuck in customs and open an account on our recruitment site jobup.ch ! What great memories! 5 years have flown by, our team is growing every day with amazing projects in store!agap2Basel is above all close to its teams, friendly, multilingual, full of ambition and prospects for the future! With this at-mosphere in mind, over 50 members of agap staff met at our premises in the centre of Basel on 27 March of this year where a buffet was provided. For the occasion, the open-space was even decorated with balloons in the colours of agap2, enthusiastically blown up by Margaux, Zoé and Roger! We were spoilt with a beautiful birthday cake to cele-brate these 5 wonderful past years. A photo workshop also provided entertainment for the evening… a black background, costumes and a frame that we had created to make our photos fun and friendly. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took part who gave it their all! We are going to reuse these photos to decorate our premises modelled on this wonderful evening. Thank you all !
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