Moving Out of Poverty









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"There is no peace with hunger. Only promises and promises and no fulfillment. If there is no job, there is no peace. If there is nothing to cook in the pot,
there is no peace."
- Oscar, a 57-year-old man, El Gorrión, Colombia
"They want to construct their houses near the road, and they cannot do that if they do not have peace with their enemies. So peace and the road have developed
a symbiotic relation. One cannot live without the other. . . ."
- A community leader from a conflict-affected community on the island of Mindanao, Philippines
Most conflict studies focus on the national level, but this volume focuses on the community level. It explores how communities experience and recover from violent conflict, and the surprising opportunities that can emerge for poor people to move out of poverty in these harsh contexts. 'Rising from the Ashes of Conflict' reveals how poor people's mobility is shaped by local democracy, people's associations, aid strategies, and the local economic environment in over 100 communities in seven conflict-affected countries, including Afghanistan. The findings suggest the need to rethink postconflict development assistance.
This is the fourth volume in a series derived from the Moving Out of Poverty study, which explores mobility from the perspectives of poor people in more than 500 communities across 15 countries.
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09 décembre 2009

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Deepa Narayan and Patti Petesch, editors
Rising from
the Ashes of
Rising from the Ashes
of ConflictAbout the Series
The Moving Out of Poverty series presents the results of new comparative
research across more than 500 communities in 15 countries on how and
why poor people move out of poverty. The findings lay the foundations for
new policies that will promote inclusive growth and just societies, and move
millions out of poverty.
The series was launched in 2007 under the editorial direction of Deepa
Narayan, former senior adviser in the World Bank. She earlier directed the
pathbreaking Voices of the Poor project.
Titles in the Moving Out of Poverty series:
Volume 1 Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Mobility
Volume 2 Success from the Bottom Up
Volume 3 The Promise of Empowerment and Democracy in India
Volume 4 Rising from the Ashes of ConflictMoving
Out of
Rising from the Ashes
of Conflict
Deepa Narayan and Patti Petesch, editors
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ISBN: 978-0-8213-7631-7 (softcover) eISBN: 978-0-8213-8112-013-7839-7 (hardcover) DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-7631-7
ISSN: None
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.
Cover design: Drew Fasick
Cover photograph: Adrian Brooks/Imagewise
Printed in the United StatesDedication
To the thousands of women, men, and youth who took the time
to share with us their experiences, their hopes, and their dreams
To Amartya Sen for inspiring the Moving Out of Poverty
research project and generations of scholars and
practitioners to value poor peoples’ aspirations for
freedom and dignityContents
Foreword xv
Study Team and Acknowledgments xvii
Contributors xxi
Abbreviations xxv
Part 1: Building States from the Bottom Up in
Conflict-Affected Countries 1
Deepa Narayan, Denis Nikitin, and Patti Petesch
1 Moving Out of Poverty in Conflict Communities 2
2 First Steps: Security, Law and Order, and Legitimacy 26
3 Democracy: Big “D” and Little “d” 52
4 Nation Building from Below: Identity, Unity,
and Civic Engagement 96
5 The Economic Environment 128
6 Aid Strategies: Can Chickens and Miserly Handouts
Reduce Poverty? 160
7 Concluding Reflections 182
Part 2: Country Case Studies 191
8 Violence, Forced Displacement, and Chronic Poverty
in Colombia 192
Patti Petesch and Vanessa Joan Gray
9 From Milkless Cows to Coconut Trees: Recovery
from All-Out War in Mindanao, Philippines 248
Katy Hull and Chona Echavez
10 Disturbing the Equilibrium: Movements Out of Poverty
in Conflict-Affected Areas of Indonesia 290
Patrick Barron, Sri Kusumastuti Rahayu, Sunita Varada,
and Vita Febriany
viiviii Contents
11 Community Well-Being and Household Mobility in
Postconflict Cambodia 338
Cambodia Development Resource Institute
12 Sri Lanka: Unequal Mobility in an Ethnic Civil War 376
Patti Petesch and Prashan Thalayasingam
13 Post-Taliban Recovery and the Promise of
Community-Driven Development in Afghanistan 418
Deepa Narayan, Emcet Tas, and Philibert de Mercey
Part 3: Technical Appendixes 473
A: R esearchers and Institutions Involved in
Conflict Country Studies 475
B: Overview of Study Methodology 479
C: Data Collection Methods 505
D: List of V ariables for Community Regressions 509
E: Weights for the PCA-Constructed Indexes 513
F: Additional Tables for Part 1 515
Index 533
3.1 Definitions of democracy in Afghanistan and Indonesia 57
5.1 Militarized dreams of young children in high-conflict
La Soledad, Colombia 140
8.1 Partial recovery in Villa Rosa: Alicia’s story 224
8.2 Violence against Co-Agro 234
11.1 Somrampi: The trap of poor governance and continued insecurity 366
13.1 Lack of economic catalysts and postwar collapse in urban Shazimir 440
13.2 Ramili Qali: Giving up poppy in exchange for aid 447
13.3 A gender revolution, yet to come 462
1.1 MOP by initial poverty level, conflict and nonconflict communities 21
2.1 Trust in local government among movers and chronic poor in
conflict and nonconflict communities, 1995 and 2005 33

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