Nutmeg Securities, Ltd. EQUITY RESEARCH Nutmeg Securities, Ltd., 1960 Bronson Road, Bldg. 2, Fairfield CT 06824 (203) 255-3838 (800) 288-5513 Fax: (203) 255-3069 MONTHLY TECHNOLOGY COMMENT Vol. VI, Issue #8 August 1, 2006 Peter Labé, CFA REMAINING CAUTIOUSLY BULLISH In this issue: • The Disaster at Dell • Bombs going off at EMC • Hewlett to make large acquisition • nVidia looks cheap again • Unisys quarter horrendous VIEWS ON THE ECONOMY Conventional wisdom is that the economy is, in fact, decelerating. The discussion now is more apt to be around whether there is a soft landing or not. If we look at the tech companies in this context, we would say the deceleration has already started – in the second quarter. The large number of shortfalls and pre-announcements appear to be company-specific but we think there’s more to it than that. Using this as evidence there is a slowdown, it means we are entering a period in which we are “blind” – we don’t really know what these companies are earning. I think this showed up in the second quarter tech reports, but that’s now history. Looking ahead, the market appears convinced that we will have a “soft landing”, with just enough economic weakness to convince Mr. Bernanke to stop raising interest rates but strong Disclosure I, Peter Labé, certify that (1) the views expressed in this report reflect my personal views on all of the subject companies and securities, ...