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04 novembre 2010
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04 novembre 2010
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2nd Edition© 2011 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
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Washington DC 20433
Telephone: 202-473-1000
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This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and
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in this volume do not necessarily refl ect the views of the Executive Directors of The World
Bank or the governments they represent.
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ISBN: 978-0-8213-8218-9
eISBN: 978-0-8213-8511-1
DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-8218-9
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data has been applied for.
Cover and interior design by Auras Design.Contents
Foreword vii |
Highlights ix |
Acknowledgments xi |
Data Notes xiii |
Migration and Remittances: Top Countries | 1
South–South Migration versus South–North Migration | 12
Remittances Compared with Other Resource Flows 17 |
World | 18
Developing Countries 20 |
Regional Tables 22 |
East Asia and Pacifi c | 23
Europe and Central Asia 25 |
Latin America and the Caribbean | 27
Middle East and North Africa 29 |
South Asia | 31
Sub-Saharan Africa 33 |
Income-Group Tables 35 |
Low-Income Countries | 36
Middle-Income Countries 38 |
High-Income OECD Countries | 40
High-Income Non-OECD Countries 42 |
Other Country Group Tables | 44
Least Developed Countries 45 |
Fragile States | 47
Small States 49 |
vCountry Tables | 51
Afghanistan–Zimbabwe 53–262 |
Glossary 263 |
List of Figures
Top Immigration Countries (number of immigrants), 2010 | 1
Top Immigration Countries (percentage of population), 2010 2 |
Top Emigration Countries (number of emigrants), 2010 | 3
Top Emigration Countries (percentage of population), 2010 4 |
Top Migration Corridors (number of migrants), 2010 | 5
Tridors (excluding the Former Soviet Union) number of
migrants, 2010 | 6
Top Destination Countries for Refugees (number of migrants), 2010 7 |
Top Destination Countries for Refugees (percentage of migrants), 2010 | 8
Top Emigration Countries of Tertiary-Educated (number of migrants),
2000 | 9
Top Emigration Countries of Physicians (number of migrants), 2000 10 |
Tysicians (percentage of total physicians trained
in the country), 2000 11 |
Top Remittance-Receiving Countries (US$ billions), 2010e | 13
Top Remittance-Receiving Countries (percentage of GDP), 2009 14 |
Top Remittance-Sending Countries (US$ billions), 2009 | 15
Top Remittance-Sending Countries (percentage of GDP), 2009 16 |
Remittance Flows Are Large and Resilient | 17
vi ContentsForeword
There are more than 215 million international migrants in the world. Recorded
remittances received by developing countries, estimated to be US$325 billion
in 2010, far exceed the volume of offi cial aid fl ows and constitute more than
10 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in many developing countries.
Cross-country analysis and evidence from household surveys suggest that
migration and remittances reduce poverty in the origin communities. Remittances
lead to increased investments in health, education, and small businesses. At
the same time, the loss of skills associated with migration can hamper develop-
ment and delivery of basic services in sending countries. The diaspora of de-
velop ing countries can be a source of capital, trade, investment, knowledge,
and technology transfers.
Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011 provides a comprehensive picture
of emigration, skilled emigration, immigration, and remittance fl ows for 210
countries and 15 country groups, drawing on authoritative, publicly available
data. The current edition of the Factbook updates the information in the popular
2008 edition with additional data for 71 countries collected from various
sources, including national censuses, labor force surveys, population registers,
and other national sources. In addition, it provides selected socioeconomic
characteristics such as population, labor force, age dependency ratio, gross
national income (GNI) per capita, and poverty headcount for each country and
regional grouping.
More frequent and timely monitoring of migration and remittance trends can
provide policy makers, researchers, and the development community with the
tools to make informed decisions. The Factbook makes an important contribution
to this effort by providing the latest available data and facts on migration and
viiremittance trends worldwide in a comprehensive and readily accessible
The Factbook is part of a broader effort of the Development Prospects Group
of the World Bank to monitor and analyze migration and remittances from a
development perspective.
Hans Timmer
Director, Development Prospects Group
The World Bank
viii Foreword