Marc G. Stanley ATP Director 301 975-2162 |
French-American Foundation and the National Academies PerspectivesontheU.S.InnovationSystem:ioutolEvsIt,n ChalenewaeldRoposdPr,nagnsee March 1, 2005, Paris, France National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce
Toccaereleatthe development ofevitaovnni technologiesfornolabrnatioadbenefitthroughrtparsnepshiwith the private sector.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce
National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce
benefit Industry leadership in planning and implementing projects Project selection based on technical and economic merit Demonstrated need for ATP funding Requirement that projects have well-defined goals/sunset provisions Project selection rigorously competitive, based on peer review Program evaluation from the outset
budget$858 million FY 2005 operating 3,000 employees 1,800 associates NIST laboratories: National measurement standards
Advanced Technology Program: $2,269 million co-funding with industry since 1990 Manufacturing Extension Partnership: 400 centers nationwide to help small manufacturers Baldrige National Quality Award
National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD
Strengthenthe U.S. economy
andverompithe quality of life
Boulder, CO
by working with industry to
develop and apply technology,
measurements, and standards.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce
National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce
requesting$14,708 Mfrom ATP 768 projects awardedwith1,511 participantsand an equal number of subcontractors 218 joint venturesand550 single companies $4,371 Mofhigh-risk researchfunded share=$2,269MPTA nIudtsyrsaherM201,2$=Small businesses are thriving %fo66dbyslejectproamslnisuessesbOver170universitiesparticipate Over30national laboratoriesparticipate Over1,171 patents
National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce
AddressingaNational ProblemorNeed
Evidence Federal funding plays a critical role in crossing theValley of Death ATP represents a more important element in bridging this gap than may have been appreciated VC, State Government and Universities only contribute between 8 and 16% toward early stage technology development ATP and SBIR account for between 21 and 25%
NoteThe proportional distribution across the main funding sources for early-stage: technology development is similar regardless of the use of restrictive or inclusive definitional criteria.
Technology AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce
Scientific and Technological Merit Technical innovation High technical risk with evidence of feasibility Detailed technical plan
Potential for Broad-Based EconomicBenefits National economic benefits Need for ATP funding Pathway to economic benefits
National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology AdministrationU.S. Department of Commerce