From the ARAnet On Line Libraryof Public Radio ResearchThe Media Audit:A Smart Sell for Developersby David Giovannoni(4 pages)Originally published as:Giovannoni, David. “Radio Intelligence: The Media Audit — A Smart Sell for Developers.”Current, Vol. 10, No. 22, December 2, 1991.aranet.comCopyright © 1991Corporation for Public BroadcastingCopyright © 1999David Giovannoni, Audience Research AnalysisAll rights reservediiTHE MEDIA AUDITA SMART SELL FOR DEVELOPERSby David GiovannoniThere is no such thing as “soft sell” and “hard sell.”There is only “smart sell” and “stupid sell.” — Charles Brower, BBDO PresidentYour station’s audience may not be the larg- at a relatively fine (quarter-hour) level ofest in town, but it’s surely the most efficient precision, Arbitron is where you go to findat reaching certain types of listeners. Un- how (and how many) people are using yourderwriters appreciate efficiency, particularly station, other stations, and radio in lean economic times like today’s. Anytool that demonstrates your station to be the Who are these people? Unfortunately formost efficient way to reach an audience will, developers, Arbitron keeps response ratesin the hands of a smart developer, pay for high by ascertaining only the age, gender,itself many times over. and (in certain markets) ethnicity of its re-spondents. We were once able to recontactFor many stations, The Media Audit from Arbitron's diary keepers and ask ...