Mindcore - What is Executive Coaching









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https://mindcore.cz/ - We will tackle your business challenges and I believe that to do this you must step back from the daily busyness of business, explore the undercurrents of your mind, explore what emerges, reflect and gain new insights. Then you can step back into the business with more clarity and fierce resolve to create change.
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10 décembre 2017



what it is, what it isn’t, why you need a coach, tips for hiring one, and how to measure the impact of coaching.
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
This article will help you understand:
What ît îs and what ît
îsn’t, the dîference
between coachîng and
mentorîng, an însîght
înto the weîrd and
wonderul world o
“înternet coaches”, and more.
I’ll explaîn the maîn
reasons executîves and
companîes hîre coaches,
and what the maîn
benefits are accordîng
to coachees.
It’s dîicult to put
a monetary value
on învestment în
coachîng. Thereore,
accordîng to surveys,
most companîes use qualîtatîve îndîcators to measure împact. Thîs sectîon wîll ask a ew crîtîcal questîons and
share the most common methods.
These days, everyone
seems to be callîng
themselves a coach,
makîng ît rather trîcky
to find a good one.
Thîs sectîon wîll walk
you through the key
selectîon crîterîa or
hîrîng a good coach.
I wanted to wrîte artîcle thîs to help clear up the conusîon around coachîng – because ît’s a jungle out there. Yet there are many great coaches that help you unleash your ull potentîal..
Fîrst, the word coach… What does ît say to you? I don’t really lîke the word “coach” because ît’s used în so
many contexts, and so many people are callîng themselves coaches, wîthout proper traînîng, experîence or an ethîcal oundatîon or theîr work. The word “coach” has become debased these days.
In thîs ar tîcle, I ocus on executîve coachîng but most o what I say applîes to lîe coachîng as well. I’ll use
the terms “coach” and “coachîng” or both executîve and lîe coachîng.
What is an executive coach?
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
A proFessional coach is a master oF the process oF cognitive selF-development, is Focused on the here and now, and is a catalyst For reflection and change.
A definîtîon rom the
Internatîonal Coach Federatîon:
“Coachîng îs par tnerîng wîth
clîents în a thought-provokîng
and creatîve process that
înspîres them to ma xîmîse
theîr personal and proessîonal potentîal.”
In hîs înspîrîng book “The War o
Art” Steven Pressfield wrîtes:
“Most o us have two lîves. The
lîe we lîve, and the unlîved lîe
wîthîn us. Between the two
stands Resîstance.”
A proessîonal coach wîll help
you explore and deal wîth the
Workîng wîth a proessîonal
coach you co-create a “sae
space” wîthîn whîch you can
explore your challenges, lîmîtîng
belîes, values, attîtudes,
assumptîons and aspîratîons, în
complete honesty and wîthout
ear o judgement.
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
space” wîthîn whîch you can
explore your challenges, lîmîtîng
belîes, values, attîtudes,
assumptîons and aspîratîons, în
complete honesty and wîthout
ear o judgement.
The proessîonal coach îs
traîned to support you on thîs
exploratory înner journey.
He/she wîll NOT provîde
answers or advîce but dîscern,
probe, and nudge you orward în
dîscoverîng your own answers and create clarîty. When you’ve reached a hîgher level o clarîty
the proessîonal coach wîll
challenge you to co-create a
plan to go rom însîght to actîon
and brîng about change.
Such approaches apply to all types o coachîng. Whether ît’s lîe coachîng, executîve
coachîng, relatîonshîp coachîng
or another orm, the coach’s role îs to ask the hard, întrînsîc questîons.
Thîs also means that all orms
o coachîng should take a
holîstîc vîew o the coachee’s lîe. You may hîre an executîve
coach to address proessîonal
challenges or a relatîonshîp
coach to address challenges în
the relatîonshîp, but both your
proessîonal role and your role
as partner stand on the same
deep oundatîon – whîch îs YOU.
1 Accordîng to a survey by Harvard Busîness Revîew , 97% o executîve coaches arehired to support
professional development but 94% of them say that over time the conversations shift to the bigger
issueslîke lîe purpose, work-lîe balance, and how to lead rom wîthîn. See more on the benefits o workîng wîth an executîve coach below.
1 https://hbr.org/2009/01/what-can-coaches-do-or-you
What it isn’t
Coachîng îsn’t a pînk unîcorn that alîgns your
chakras. Nor wîll ît make the car o your
dreams magîcally appear on your drîveway î you call on the mythîcal creature daîly.
I we leave the woowoo aspect o coachîng
asîde, în my experîence, the most conusîon around the proessîonal coach’s role îs how much subject matter expertîse a proessîonal
coach should have în the clîent’s domaîn.
Here, people oten conuse proessîonal
coachîng wîth mentorîng.
There îs a dîstînct dîference between coachîng and mentorîng, and whîle your coach may move seamlessly between the two, ît’s împortant or the coach and coachee to be clear about the dîference, and when ît’s approprîate to lead
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
wîth coachîng versus leadîng wîth mentorîng.
A mentor îs a subject matter expert who
în the role o a trusted advîsor shares hîs/
her experîence wîth the clîent. A mentor has typîcally lîved through the mentee’s sîtuatîon and can share hîs/her wîsdom as a trusted
advîsor. The benefit o have a mentor îs that you may be able to take shortcuts by reflectîng on or adoptîng your mentor’s advîce, or both.
However, be careul to not avoîd the hard
questîons and answers that you should explore yoursel. As wîth many thîngs în lîe, ît can be temptîng to ocus on the easy answers and
move orward quîckly, înstead makîng the extra
efort to find your own answers.
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
Maybe you need a mentor instead oF an executive coach?
I your prîmary reason or hîrîng support îs enhancîng your skîlls în your proessîonal field, rather than cognîtîve exploratîon and development, a mentor can be very valuable to help you plan your route, guîde the way, help you avoîd the pîtalls, and cheer you on when the goîng gets tough.
Not ready to move Forward until you’ve sorted out issues From your past?
Another common mîsconceptîon îs that coachîng îs conused wîth counsellîng or therapy.
Lîke I saîd beore, coachîng îs ocused on the present and the path to the uture and wîll only address past îssues î ît’s relevant to helpîng you move orward în the here and now.I you need to untangle îssues on the path rom the past to the present, you’re better of
seeîng a therapîst rather than a coach.
Just want to get the job done? Hire a consultant.
The dîstînctîon between coachîng and consultîng îs generally well understood, but just to be clear: A consultant îs hîred to come wîth the rîght answers, a coach îs hîred to come wîth
rîght questîons.
The weird and wonderFul world oF “internet coaches”?
In the weîrd and wonderul world o înternet I see a lot o “coaches” makîng bold extrînsîc promîses lîke the busîness coach who wîll help you earn a sîx-figure încome în one month
as you work rom home (along wîth many other, occasîonally more realîstîc and credîble pîtches).
These people oten call themselves
busîness coach, perormance coach,
marketîng coach, etc., and whîle theîr
întentîons oten are honest, theîr
approach îs ar rom coachîng.
From what I’ve seen they typîcally don’t seek “partnerîng wîth clîents în a thought-provokîng and creatîve process
that înspîres them to maxîmîse theîr
personal and proessîonal potentîal.”
Rather, such coaches seek to provîde
answers based on a blueprînt model
wîth defined steps based on theîr own
experîence (and sometîmes success) în
theîr specîalîsatîon.
As you can see în the îllustratîon on the
rîght what they do really lîes somewhere
between mentorîng and consultîng, not coachîng.
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
The bottom-line: it’s critical to understand what is ofered and clariFy expectations
Thîs may seem lîke a semantîc dîference, but each tîtle (coach, mentor, consultant, etc.) are assocîated wîth very dîferent expectatîons rom a reasonably înormed clîent. So, î the servîce provîder îs unclear
about the termînology, ît’s o crîtîcal împortance to do the due dîlîgence and clarîy expectatîons about the relatîonshîp. Is the servîce really coachîng? Or îs ît mentorîng, consultîng, traînîng, or a hybrîd? All o these can provîde tremendous value î you have the rîght expectatîons!
în theîr specîfic sport and one to help them wîth theîr mental game.
rom workîng wîth a coach.
Catchîng up on macro trends,
A lot o research has been done on why executîves
conversatîons you have. Hîgh qualîty conversatîons emerge rom a oundatîon o trust,
How an executive coach can benefit you
theîr înner compass. In executîve coachîng, we dîrect our attentîon to proessîonal perormance but very oten the root cause o the îssues we uncover are însecurîtîes about how to tackle lîe, însîde and outsîde the work envîronment.
Not workîng well în a team
landscape o possîbîlîtîes, but
create change.
o coachîng îs tîghtly lînked to
the clîent must take actîon to
hîghest level o satîsactîon
Leadîng busîness perormance
îs not as much about what you
know as about how you relate
the executîve’s abîlîty to handle hîs/her own emotîonal state and level o personal mastery.
the competîtîve landscape,
2 executîves aîl înclude :
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
perpetual state o catchîng up.
All o these dîrectly lînk back to
technologîcal advancement,
and wîth amîly and rîends.
At the same tîme, we are în a
aîl, and across the studîes the maîn reasons
be able to lead yoursel first.
notîons lîke sel-reflectîon tend
to be pushed down the prîorîty
The truth îs though that sel-
busîness perormance and
ater month.
Would Serena Wîllîams and Mîchael Phelps be world-class athletes wîthout coaches? No. They and most other world-class athletes have multîple coaches, at least two: one coach or developîng theîr technîque
authentîcîty and competence. Thereore, efectîve leadershîp îs personal and requîres you to
reflectîon holds the key to
The essence o coachîng îs to help the clîent manage hîmsel or hersel better, and to clarîy and update
Surveys show that the success
Poor înterpersonal relatîonshîps.
and doesn’t create change în îtsel. Coachîng can clear a mental og and open up the
2 http://www.exe-coach.com/the-busîness-case-or-coachîng.htm
lîst, week ater week, month
However, coachîng îsn’t enough
whîch îs the product o întent,
to others, and the relatîonshîp îs
I you want to perorm at your ull potentîal în lîe and busîness doesn’t ît make sense to have a sparrîng partner to help you master your mental game and navîgate the choîces you’re aced wîth?
organîsatîonal perormance
personal ulfilment.
determîned by the qualîty o the
Dîiculty handlîng change
curîosîty, a wîllîngness to learn, and take actîon în lîe în general are also those reportîng the
the attîtudes o the coachee.
Coachees who demonstrate
Thereore, seemîngly ancîul
Measuring the impact of coaching
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
Fîrst, the cost o coachîng as a percentage o the executîve’s total remuneratîon package îs very small, so wîth the total învestment în an executîve în mînd let’s turn the questîon around and ask: what îs the cost o not havîng a coach?
What îs the cost o executîve burn-out?
What îs the cost o a dysunctîonal
management team?
What îs the cost o lost opportunîtîes
because the executîve doesn’t take the tîme
to be challenged, to reflect and look towards the uture?
It’s hard to quantîy în financîal terms the încreased motîvatîon levels, greater creatîvîty and înnovatîon,
more efectîve teams, and the other “flufy” stuf that are key îngredîents o a successul and efectîve leader. Sure, you can measure încrease în revenue ater coachîng the sales leader. But îs the revenue încrease
because o the coachîng, or because o less sîck days în the team, or market orces, or somethîng else?
Most companies use soFt indicators to measure the impact oF coaching
A common method or evaluatîng the efectîveness o coachîng îs to perorm a 360-evaluatîon or a sel-assessment, or both, at the begînnîng o the coachîng relatîonshîp and do the same a ew weeks în or at the end to get a qualîtatîve îndîcator o the return o învestment. 3 Accordîng to Sherpa Coachîng’s 11th Annual Executîve Coachîng Survey , the 3 most popular ways o measurîng the împact on coachîng are 360 eedback, well-beîng and engagement, and perormance revîews.
3 http://www.sherpacoachîng.com/annual-executîve-coachîng-survey/
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
Two tips for hiring an executive coach
To make ît easy and practîcal or you, there are two thîngs you need to consîder when hîrîng a coach: ex-perîence and personalîty, and în that order.
A successul coachîng relatîonshîp requîres personal chemîstry but can’t replace experîence so start evaluatîng that and or those that pass that needle’s eye ît’s about personal chemîstry.
How to evaluate a coach’s experience?
Evaluatîng experîence o an executîve coach means
lookîng at two thîngs: (a) coachîng experîence and
(b) relatable experîence. Coachîng experîence îs about repeatedly gettîng sustaînable results that în practîcal terms means
that the coachîng approach îs underpînned by a
clear methodology. A certîficatîon rom a reputable proessîonal coach assocîatîon wîll ensure the coach îs traîned on and
experîenced în coachîng methodology. However,
thîs doesn’t a guarantee that the coach îs good.
There are great coaches wîthout certîficatîons –
and there are certîfied coaches who are awul.
However, due to the plethora o coaches, many
companîes do requîre a coach certîficatîon rom a well-establîshed and reputable proessîonal coach assocîatîon.
The Internatîonal Coach Federatîon (ICF) îs the
largest proessîonal coach assocîatîon în the world and de acto sets the standard or coachîng ethîcs,
methodology and educatîon în coachîng.
By narrowîng your search to ICF-certîfied coaches
you’ll ensure that your shortlîsted candîdates
have a thorough understandîng and experîence o proessîonal coachîng because even the entry-level certîficate requîres sîgnîficant study and clîent coachîng experîence, îrrespectîve o senîorîty and other experîence.
Relatable experîence îs about enablîng rapport
and trust to create a “sae space” or efectîve
coachîng. Thîs doesn’t mean an executîve coach
should have done the executîve clîents job beore but should have worked în a sîmîlar settîng. Maybe dîferent îndustry, dîferent domaîn and dîferent
culture but can relate to the systemîc, cultural and
polîtîcal challenges the executîve aces.
Personal chemistry is critical For a rewarding coaching relationship
Thîs îs more împortant than
coachîng qualîficatîons but
make sure that your shortlîsted
candîdates understand and practîce
proessîonal coachîng.
The prevîously mentîoned survey by HBR also asked what they look or when hîrîng an executîve coach and the top two crîterîa (wîth a clear gap to the thîrd and the rest) în order o
împortance are:
Experîence o coachîng în a
sîmîlar settîng
Clear methodology
A coachîng relatîonshîp requîres a
“sae space”. A mental space that
allows or comortable sharîng o
what really goes on în the clîent’s
heart and mînd.
Sînce coachîng îs about findîng your
own answers, a clîent must explore
the undercurrents o hîs/her mînd,
and reflect, be encouraged and
challenged, to reach new însîghts.
Thîs can only happen în coachîng
relatîonshîp î there’s mutual
respect and both the coach and
clîent eel they can speak reely and be candîd. The best way to find out î there’s
personal chemîstry îs sîmply
to meet wîth a couple o the
shortlîsted coaches and see î you clîck. A good thought experîment îs to
thînk î you’d have enough to talk
about to be comortable spendîng a
ew hours alone în the car wîth the coach. I your answer îs Yes, you probably
have the oundatîon or buîldîng a
rewardîng coachîng relatîonshîp.
| A guîde to executîve coachîng
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