LEASE AUDIT SERVICESMINIMIZING REAL Furthermore, it is notESTATE RENT CHARGES uncommon to find dif-ferent exclusions orAN INTRODUCTION TO limitations on certainLEASE AUDIT operating costs in leas-Paul Neal Rent charges remain one of the es negotiated by vari-Vice-Presidentlargest operating expenses for ous tenants within theLease Audit Servicesmost companies occupying leased same building.premises. Understanding the truenature of the underlying rent components, and taking the Discrepancies can ariseinitiative to audit these annual charges, can result in signifi- between the tenant’scant bottom line savings over the lease term, especially for annual rent chargesorganizations with multiple leased locations. and its contractuallease obligations. AIn Canada, a typical net lease consists of Minimum Rent (or lease audit can poten-Basic Rent) and Additional Rent. The latter represents a tially reduce the his-tenant’s proportionate share of the property taxes and costs toric and future occu-to operate, maintain, repair and manage the property plus pancy costs for an organization by ensuring that all rentalutilities consumed within the leased premises and any charges are in strict compliance with the lease. For organi-additional services provided upon request such as after- zations lacking the in-house real estate expertise orhours lighting, heating and air-conditioning. resources to identify and deal with such issues on a timelybasis, J.J. Barnicke ...