featureMind Advice on designing lease audits that harness lost revenue and promotepositive tenant relationsby Pamela V. Rothenberg and Lisa J. RuddyOften the first thought that comes to mind when a landlord or property managerhears the words “lease audit” is a tenant-initiated, contentious and protracted leasereview process that raises blood pressure and heart rates. While lease audits canbe extremely costly and jeopardize an otherwise good landlord-tenant relation-ship, landlords and managers should consider taking another look at the practice,which cannot only generate meaningful revenue and significant cost recoveries,but also provide a proactive tool to avoid potential conflicts with tenants.maximize the revenue stream from rental assets byWhat Does a Lease not only ensuring all rent payment clauses areAudit Identify?being adhered to, but also by confirming all Stated simply, a landlord lease audit is a compre-eligible expenses are passed through to tenants. hensive and detailed review of the leases used inTo the extent they reveal billing mistakes, connection with the commercial office, retail orparticularly tenant overcharges, lease audits canindustrial properties in a portfolio. Lease audits arealso enable landlords to correct existing errors intypically performed on the landlord’s behalf by anadvance of any claims by tenants. This approachoutside auditor to ensure all revenue-generatingallows landlords to avoid potentially costly and cost ...