LIFT for Dreamweaver An Accessibility Software Solution for Contemporary Web Design Mike Brahosky, Web Coordinator/Writer-Editor, Office of the Vice Provost for Educational Equity Permission to use and modify content, materials and resources provided by the Web 2003 Conference Tutorial: Accessibility Essentials for Contemporary Web Design, Copyright © 2003 Mike Brahosky, Linda Friend, Linda Klimczyk Last updated 6/30/03 Demonstration of LIFT LIFT is accessed from the top-level application menu system as an added extension within Dreamweaver. Fig. 1 Fig. 1 The Customized Guidelines panel is the beginning panel. This allows users to choose guidelines by which the other tools will evaluate the html files. A scroll down menu on the panel offers preset tests such as "section 508" and "W3C/WCAG." Users can also customize the tests to run, combining elements of the different test categories into a single function that will suit the needs of a given site development plan. Figure 2a illustrates this example by using customized guidelines titled “Ed Equity Guidelines”. Each test has a priority associated to it: Priority 1 = Very Important (represents major obstacle for some visitors of the web site) Priority 2 = Important (for some visitors it is an obstacle that can be overcome, but with difficulties) Priority 3 = Cosmetic Problem (by some visitors it can be noticed but ...