ParaView Python InterfaceUsage on the Horus and Rigi clusters31-07-2009Dr. Jean M. FavreData Analysis and Visualization GroupParaView at CSCS paraview and pvbatch can run in a single or multi-cpusession The “standard” version called paraview, will run interactively, i.e. with a graphics OpenGL window. This is intended to do exploratory visualization, and to prepare a visualization script. ParaView should be run on horus. The “batch-oriented” tool called pvbatch, will run without user’s interaction. It can execute a hand-written python script, or reload a script generated with paraview, and save images to disk. pvbatch uses offscreen-rendering and the Mesa3D rendering library. Pvbatch should be run on rigi.Reloading a script paraview can reload a script with the command File->Load State pvbatch can reload the same script with the commandfrom paraview.simple import *servermanager.Connect()servermanager.LoadState('/users/jfavre/state.pvsm')N.B. if necessary, load your plugin before your stateState files should not be hand-edited.Reloading the coloredSphere example paraview (interactive) can reload the stateFile->Load State (select file)/apps-vis/ParaView3BatchExamples/coloredSphere.pvsmor pvbatch can execute the python script/apps-vis/ParaView3BatchExamples/ (which itself reloads the state and writes an image)All the above was tested in serial and parallel mode with ParaView version 3.6, on horus and rigiRunning ...