A tutorial introduction to Seesim 5• typing mistakes are rarely critical with Seesim Seesim version 55; and • Seesim 5 detects most other errors What is Seesim 5 all about?immediately, rather than at run-time.Seesim 5, of course, upgrades Version 4.Version 4 has been used widely for teaching How complete is this version?simulation for about 15 years. Although it has Almost every Version 4 feature can be specied no peers in some respects, it is a DOS program in Seesim 5. The known exceptions are indirect whose user-interface is now very old fashioned.addressing of attributes and some rarely used The author has had in mind a revolutionary initial state condition specications.set of enhancements which, for various reasons, Despite all that, there are a number of there has not been time to implement. bells, ropes and whistles which have not yet been Furthermore, users of Seesim have requested implemented. When they are, they will make enhancements. All this has meant that change was some things better than they currently are.inevitable. Seesim 5 is the rst step in that change.In particular, printing is currently primitive. The change will be made in two distinct There is no page setup, and pagination has phases. Seesim 5:not been implemented. Furthermore, there is no • implements a Windows user-interface for Help. Most importantly, graphical specication specication of the model and performing of the activity cycle diagram (which will ...