Sensor Mining at work: Principles and a WaterQuality Case-StudyChristos FaloutsosSchool of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon Universitychristos@cs.cmu.eduJeanne VanbriesenDepartment of Civil and Environmental EngineeringCarnegie Mellon Tutorial proposal)1 INTENDED DURATION3 hours2 MOTIVATION - BASIC INFORMATIONHow can we nd patterns in a collection of measurements, say, on water qualitysensors? Is the water safe to drink? Are we under biological attack? How manysensors do we need to place, and where?The instructors have been collaborating on exactly these problems for thepast 3 years. The tutorial will report our experiences. Speci cally, the tutorialsurveys the related areas and has two goals: (a) to review the main principlesand main data base tools for sensor data analysis (b) to showcase them on areal, important application, namely drinking water quality.The rst part will examine the state of the art in time series indexing andmining. We will cover feature extraction, powerful tools from signal processing(Fourier, Wavelets), and traditional methods for mining and forecasting: theBox-Jenkins (AutoRegressive) methodology. We will also cover powerful meth-ods for discovering correlations across co-evolving time sequences, like SingularValue Decomposition (SVD) and Blind Source Separation (BSS), also known asIndependent Component Analysis (ICA).The second part will review the state of the art of water sensors, ...